Poem (School assignment, NEEDS CNC QUICK)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sexy Sheva, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    This Particular Poem has to be about
    someone we can describe.. I'm chosing
    a guy who is as close to my heart as any

    Jared <3

    When i see his Tall cool laid back self
    I smile at the thought of listening
    to his soft gently voice. I examine
    his soft curly brownish
    bronze hair, bouncing in
    wonderful damp curls.
    And his tempting smile
    making me weak
    at my knees
    his ethereal
    and divine deep
    laugh looses me in my
    heart. His dark brown eyes
    are a sea of dark pools, waiting
    to be explored. Sadness and worry change
    his eyes, and they become a lighter, more
    sad sense of despair. His crinkled
    nose makes me giggle and titter
    with a wave of felicity.
    His warm delicate
    fingers intertwined
    with mine
    my day
    end in a great
    smile. and I shall
    soon miss his light
    tame, breeze aroma
    filling in my lings as
    I breathe in his lovely
    scent as we embrace in a
    gentle hug, and I am lost in
    a faint sea of beautiful rapture
  2. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    I liked it a lot. I'm huge fan of these kind of poems that have a nice line pattern.

    Your adjectives are amazing and the description is really lovely.