It's a free verse memory poem. Tell me if it's good or not. Play Ball I pitch it as fast as I can which isn't very fast at all he hits it hard really slugs the thing it goes up and up and up out of sight I'm watching it's ascent it peaks starts to fall like a baseball shaped meteor Falling into the grass, grass green as leprechaun vomit I turn smile on my face ready to tell him it's his turn to get the ball back Then I notice the bat has left his hand and from the way it flew you'd swear it had wings Crash Course Destination Forehead He shouts “Fore†Four seconds too late I try to duck but my reflexes are terrible I'm only eight; what does he want from me I can only watch as my blue aluminum attacker comes closer closer closer Impact. I fall.
This is just part of a project. Title of the project is based on the poem, i'm calling it "Alzheimer's is for the eldery. You just have a concussion" Good or bad title?
Yeah, this was alright. Couldn't have done it any better. I'm sure your project will turn out just fine.