So for my statistics class, my group is doing a study on how and if looking up information on games affects purchasing, and I made a little survey for it. It's only 10 questions, so can I please ask as many of you as possible to submit your responses? Edit: I realized I should have added another question in, so if you already took the survey, can you see if you can go in and edit your answers to answer the new question 8?
I definitely over thought question 8 (what information do you look for). Plot is what I look for more in games, but reviews generally don't tell you that much there. I kinda have this, "do people generally like the plot?" and "is the gameplay type one I can enjoy or at least tolerate for said plot?"
That's why in earlier questions I had things like "Gameplay/Walkthrough" as a choice, because some people might use those specifically for plot-related stuff. Also, I've already got 58 responses on the survey, thanks so much guys.