Please help. Please.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Cutsman, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    Ok this is sorta a long story REALLY long. so bear with me, and it takes a while to get it.

    About 5 years ago a girl moved into my neighborhood... I was 9 years old and she was 10. Since the moment i saw her i liked her more then any other girl. 5 years later I still think the same. ok heres the whole story.

    I'm now 14 and she's 15. We've always been pretty good friends, never "best" friends but we always laugh and talk. I'm not really sure that she knows i still like her, I know she doesn't like me that way...
    She's always been attracted to older guys, she's the type of girl that likes the really cool guys you would see at beaches and California... ---___---

    At the moment i've found out that she likes a guy who's 17. But I've talked to him about it and he doesn't really like her that way. But I don't know if that is true since i've only met him once...

    So recently i went to a semi-formal party where there was mostly just dancing... Unfortunatly there was about 17 slow dances... Constantly he was asking her to dance to the slow songs right before i was about to. And likewise she would answer "yes." I have a really good friend (she's a girl) and hangs out with her ALOT. Unfortunatly for me she's a two timing backstabber! She always says she's helping me but i recently found out that she's gettin her his number and really tryin to get them together... Ok back to the story... Finally i got up the guts to ask her to dance and she said yes surprising me that she wouldn't say no that she would want to dance with him... Well it turned out to be really nice. Ok so the next day i hung out with her again at a park because there was a large picnic goin around... So most of the time i was sittin on the swings tlakin with her and her friends. At the end of the nite she began to talk about him Alot. It really hurt to have to listen to her talk about him this much. Well i walked along with her best friend (not the two-timing backstabber lol) and she knew that i had liked her before this. So she asked me "you still like her dont you?" and i answered "Yeah 5 long years..." And so she proceeded to say "You do know that she's really tryin to go out with that guy right?"
    (condensed version) I solemnly said" Yes i know, but i dont really care i just want her to be happy" It almost hurt me to say that= I wanted her to be happy with me not him...

    3 months later i found out she doesn't like him!!! shes back on the market.

    Now about a few months later I went over to her house with all of my friends and we played this game that is called "Wearwolf." its like a backwards way of playing hide n seek. Well, while i was playing it was her turn to play. BTW her name is Rachel. Ok, anyways so while we were seeking for her i broke off with this other girl and guy. So as a way to lure her out I said just joking around- "I wonder were that ugly girl could be hiding!" and the girl i was seeking with said "Oh come on!! you know u have loved her for the past 5 years..." AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! she was hiding right in the shed behind us. I ran off worrying she was there because i didn't know she was there then. So, after someoen finally found her she said that she heard everything. But not in a good way, she didn't speak to me for the rest of the night. Didn't even say goodbye to me. I just sat back and listened to "Bullet for my Valentine" (band)

    about a month later i have to go up to new jersey to my aunts funeral. Im really bummed about the hole thing that went down there and im tryin REAL hard to get over her... So A grreat thing happened while i was up at new jersey... and then turns to CRAP. While im up there im staying with my 12 and 8 year old cousins. (both girls) So my 12 year olds cousin is this 13 year old girl that is SUPER HOT and i verbalized that i wanted to meet her. I got my cousin to email her and the girl kinda laughed and i finally emt her one night. It was just really at a glance. My brother was also with me (hes 17)
    So. the day after my cousin emailed her asking what she thought of me. and this is wat she said and i quote!

    Well ya know you can NEVER tell about someoen at just a glance.

    turns out shes a lieing erm well... you get it. ok so turns out she was in love wiht my brother. AND HE WONT LET ITN GO. to this day he rubs it in my freakin face...

    I came back and wanted to kill myself. How could life be so cruel. I have told No one about this but my best friend. My brother at one of my friends house just mentioned the girls name to all my friends so now they are bugging me to know the whole story but they dont. I can't seem to stay away from Rachel, she just seems to be always dragging me back in. I feel like she is the one to be, i have never felt this way to be. But she wont ever love me will she... life is always cruel...

  2. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Well, since she knows how you feel, I suggest you go to her and ask her how she feels. If she doesn't feel the same, then just forget about her. Nothing you do will get her to change her mind. However, if she does, then ask her out.
  3. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    Its just, I'm afraid to ask her cuz i really dont want to know what she thinks. its too much to be rejected after all this time
  4. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    Well there is no easy way to say this so i guess ill be as forward as possible.
    there is no way to help you here, its just an average love story, and im sorry to tell you this but it just may get worse from here on out kid.
    im not saying you should just kill yourself now and get it over with at all, but i am saying that right now your just letting all of this get to you much to much.
    instead of using all of these pent up emotions in a negative way, you just need a positive way to outlet.
    from what ive read about you, you seem to enjoy music so there is your first and most common outlet, listen to as music as possible, new and old, sad and happy, any kind.
    second i want you to try to write your own peices, song poems whatever, just let everything your feeling flow from you.
    i know how you feel
    it gets much worse before it gets better but it does get better ok.
    i want you to outlet like i said
    im going to be checking in on you every now and then
    just dont do anything you will regret ok.
    and one more thing smile, it may hurt now but someday that smile will be the only thing you have left and then that smile will gain you more and more until it is the only thing you want.
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Well,I sya just go up to her.Get a bit more friendly with her.Don't go too far now,or you'll draw her away from you.Just take it slow.And if you find out she likes you,or you see any signs.Ask her out,or maybe,she'll ask you out.
  6. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I agree with sonic, get more friendly with her, dont immediatly ask her out. Take things slower and you have a better chance with her.
  7. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    nice. you've got a hell of a mess.

    well, all i can say is, walk up to Rachel, apologize to her for your stupid comment, then try and work things out. Eventually, with all friendships, it'll grow, and it might grow into your sunlight. (meaning for you)

    i unfortunatly have troubles with the cyber girls (working on real life but am satisfied with Godsgirl♥ ;D)

    hope we all help.
  8. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Trust me, I know how hard rejection can be. I've been rejected by every girl I liked, except for 3 of them all of which are online. Anyway, if it's too much, then just calm yourself and wait a bit. She may have just been shocked to hear that you loved her for so long. Eventually she may get over the shock and be her normal self around you.
  9. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    this did help. its just reality is too much. I'm not going to go doing somehting stupid. but, ive wated for too long. BTW pure sorrow i do write poetry. and that was good thanks. And thanks to everyone. Its just going to be soo hard. i mean we have so much in common, i guess i just have to be more confident
  10. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    dont limit yourself to just poetry
    and im sorry to say this, and i really hope im wrong in this case, but confidence isnt always going to win everything over. sometimes you just need to sit back and let life come to you.
  11. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    :( wow depressing. but i guess thats how life is now.
  12. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    it doesnt have to be depressing you know
    look at it this way,
    it may not work with this chick, but think of how youll feel when someone finds YOU and they decide to want YOU as badly as you want her.
    hell as far as know at the moment that may already be true
  13. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    you see i wish i could think like you did. I only feel how think. And once i think some way ill only feel the same way over and over again. ok well ima go to sleep.
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Most of the time that doesn't work. It's not like something you want is going to just fall right in your lap if you wait for it. Most of the time you need to work for the things you want. And, I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I've heard that girls like confident guys.
  15. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    then just think differently
    believe me, i used to be the same if not worse than you are now, ive even attempted to take my life on several occasions. but things change if you make them change.
    good marrow.

    well true it doesnt help in the least, but it gives your mind and heart time to heal and regroup. its not true, well not completly anyways, they like a confident guy sure but the line between confidence and ignorance is thin, so he needs to know how to keep it in balance
  16. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    Well, it seems you might not know her as well, so at least try to get to know her from friends or just hanging out with her more. Find the things she likes/dislikes and take in it consideration that you might get rejected. But that shouldent stop you from trying.
  17. O.13 Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 5, 2007
    Here is what I do it's a little drastic if you think about it but I've turned out alright. Just forget about her don't even think about it erase her out of your mind. I can't tell you how many times this worked. But if your shy and can't really talk to her just make it as though nothing happened the drastic part is that you'll never know whether or not she likes you or not. But when you do that she'll know that your not interested anymore. Sooooo.... Its worked for me for about 3 years or so, and i'm doing good haven't had a "Crush" break down in years. If you know what I mean?


    or just tell her how you feel. What do you have to lose?
  18. Tana_Panda Traverse Town Homebody

    Well if she likes the "Cool Guys" Then this is what you need to do. Start dressing like the guys that she likes, Start acting like the guys she likes, and most importantly DONT act like your interested in her. If you become the kind of guys she likes and stop being interested in her then she will become interested in you. you dont have to beleive that your one of the "Cool Guys" you just have to act it. trust me when i graduated high school i had never been with a girl and then i decided that i was done being socially ******ed with girls so i started acting cocky and all confident like i knew i was all that and a bag of chips... and guess what. i have made out with more girls than most guys will ever know in their lives. not that i do this anymore becasue i am with one girl in particular that i am quite ready to start my real life with. but its all in how you present yourself. i think that the key to your problem above all else is to pretend that your not interested in her. i mean still talk to her but dont go out of your way for her just keep it casual and talk to other girls more then her.. i bet you anything it drives her nuts.
  19. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    No. No, no, no, no, God, no! Do not change your entire lifestyle and become some vapid trent-slave just for one person! It's really not worth it! You will alienate more people than you impress! Be yourself, and eventually, someone will just click with you, and THAT is who you need, not some high-maintenence drama queen who ignores everyone who doesn't act a certain way. If a woman does not like who you ARE, don't become someone you're NOT for her. Stay who you are, and wait for someone who LIKES that.