Traditional Art Please CnC on these drawings.

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. xxxLatiasxxx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 12, 2008
    Just some more of my drawings I'd like to show please CnC on these because I still don't think I'm very good but I think I'm improving a little some are of my Lati character Spock so yeah please CnC thank you. :)







    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    well, i cannot really help you on the pokemon/digimon, but what i see is that you really draw them small on a big piece of paper, which really looks unbalanced.

    The coloring looks as if you forced the colored pencil don't really hard and scribbled, and the turnout is not that attractive, so hold your pencils lighter, going in the same direction.
    For the last 3 backgrounds, the flowers and hearts are a gigantic overkill and the picture could of lived without them.
  3. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Did you use a guide when drawing the pokemon/digimon? Some of them look pretty well done, whereas your attemps at backgrounds are the complete opposite and look like the mindless scribbles of a five-year old. (that might have been a bit too harsh...)

    The penultimate and final drawing would have been quite excellent had you not added backgrounds. The...clouds(?) are messy and don't resemble a real sky. The coloring needs to be done more lightly, as the Grinch said, and don't change the direction of your pencil! If anything, digital coloring of the backgrounds would have looked lovely.

    Crop the pictures so the images arent dominated by the vast backgrounds. Nice try.