Plastic Surgery all That Bad?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Crumpet, Mar 8, 2009.

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  1. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I don't believe it is.. if it boosts your confidence in some way. Well it is only good if you have a good reason for doing it. My friend's friend recently had plastic surgery. She had breast reduction because she was g - cup, which is like the biggest size really. It gave her back problems. now she's recovering as a c - cup and happy.
  2. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i personally dont like it. you shouldnt make your self artificial.
  3. Dark Link Banned

    Dec 12, 2008
    In your dreams
    yes it is bad if you are trying to change your look, only when u need it
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    If you've had like... massive burns to most of your body, or *ahem*if your breasts are giving you back problems *ahem*, or similar, I can see you getting it, but for like facelifts/botox/etc to try to "turn back time" - very bad idea. It is still surgery, thngs can still go wrong, and it makes you look VERY shallow. If someone truly likes you (you in general, not specifically the OP), they don't need you to change yourself.
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Like most medically related things, such as Abortion, Artificial In-fwatch-i-fic-ation, and cutting implements, people tend to make the subject very dark by abusing it for selfish purposes. For instance, Abortion was intended and is right for a Mother who cannot give birth due to health issues, and come on, almost everyone now believes its a right, We all know of Nadyia Sulleman, and ask any Emo out there; cutting is awesome.

    Was or is your friend grossly overweight, or was it a mere "gifted curse" of genetics that gave her what caused her pain? I only ask, because if she was also overweight, it wouldn't be out of the question for Lipo as well. If so much fat were to accumulate as to make her chest that size, Liposuction would be used in the correct terms, which is for people who are morbidly obese, and need a little help to fitness.

    I know I'm going to be attacked for my Abortion views, maybe not my Nadyia Sulleman views, but how the use of advanced medical practices are being used, they were just not intended that way, and people need to stop before the world is completely a mess.
  6. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Nah, I kinda agree with you about abortion - like that 9 year old who was abused and then excommunicated when she got an abortion - she would not have survived the twins she was carrying. In most cases, rape victims should have the right to abort. I really can't see any other cases where it would be allowed - all other unwanted pregnancies are a result of stupid sex (unsafe sex) or malfunctioning equipment.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I don't really think it's right. UNLESS you need it. I mean, to fix something that gives you actual problems. Like, just to make yourself "prettier" I don't agree with that.
  8. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    i agree with you there. I'm not sure if it was a reliable source, but i read somewhere that the percentage of abortions had due to rape or incest was one percent.

    As for plastic surgery, i personally see nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it is incredibly risky.
  9. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    I don't think it's right if you want to look prettier or whatever I think that is wrong.
  10. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    I don't see anything wrong with plastic surgery. If it will make you feel more confident in yourself, and you're willing to take the risk of surgery, go for it. I feel it's no different than putting on make up, picking out clothes, or using gel on your hair. Don't skip out on plastic surgery cause the media made it not all that accepting in society.
    Some people wake up everyday saying to themselves that they're ugly, and that gotta do whatever they have to do to themselves in the bathroom to make themselves pretty. Don't tell me you don't care what you look like when you go outside.
  11. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town

    I agree with your points on the issues. I have several friends who have a weight problem, but they can't afford it. Some people just do things according to their peers to make themselves feel better. But the thing is are they even happy or do they start thinking they were better off the way they were. It is self image that many people believe they should have which is by choice. Often times surgery's don't even turn out right or you can even die from it. It is very risky and can include side effects.
  12. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I don't care what I look like when I go outside. Seriously. I could care less if my clothes match my other... stuff... whatever it is they're supposed to match. I wear whatever fits, and the only hygiene I do in the morning is brush my teeth (because my breath gets pretty foul) and sometimes clean my glasses (I shower at night). There is nothing in this world more pointless than fashion and coordination. If you look human, it shouldn't matter what the media says your outward, shallow beauty should be. If you have disfiguring burns, scars over a large portion of your body, or look so hideous you make yourself puke, THEN get reconstructive surgery. Other than that, plastic surgeons are leeches feeding off of the insecurity of the media-slaves.
  13. Crown Clown Banned

    Nov 13, 2008
    i dont really agree on plastic surgery. it canges who you are and everyone is unique in their own special way.
  14. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    You may not care what you look like, but others do. That's where it makes all the difference. Setting an image of yourself tells people who you are. Your face or body isn't something you choose, but plastic surgery makes it so that you can change it.
    If you are being interviewed for a job, you wear professional clothes that will make you stand out from the rest, it tells the interviewer you are prepared, bettering your chances of getting hired. If you are transgendered, meaning you feel that you were born as the wrong gender, you would want to change your face/body so that it better describes yourself. Changing your look does make a difference in the real world. You will be approached/treated differently. People will see who you are outside before inside.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    A area point out, if I may? Transgender surgery is probably the dumbest surgery you could undergo, not because of the whole "you were born like that, deal with it thing", but because of natural Human nature. For instance, some surgery procedures can be fixed if the patient decideds that's not what they wanted, but Transgender surgery is a one-way road.

    Also, I'd just like to make it clear to everyone, that caring about the way you look is important, but there's a balance. You don't have to get Lipo for that extra few pieces of flab on the stomach, and if your a blond chick, and already "impressive", Breast augmentation literally makes you a "dumb blond." It's all about taking care of yourself, but not looking like a double for the Hunchback of Notredam either, neccessarily.
  16. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    What your outward appearence is shouldn't make a difference in the world ANYWAYS! Who flucking CARES if this person has designer boots, or that person got lipo? It's all pointless! All that should matter in a job situation is your competance and your ability to do your work. All that should matter in a social situation is what you are actually like, not some outward shell that you put on to fool the world.

    And no, if you were born as a man, you ARE a man. If you were born a woman, you ARE a woman. Nature doesn't fuck up genetics. Transgenderism is a personal choice, no matter what anyone says.
  17. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    i think everyone should be happy with the way gaod made them and not want to surgically alter our bodies for our own desires... if its a medical procedure then sure; do it for that purpose. but if you want to change yourself i think itd be best to do it naturally by excerise or something like that... :D
  18. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  19. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Dear God! It's HIDEOUS!

    Definitely a bad thing. Definitely.
  20. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Go kill yourself.
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