So, a couple of weeks ago I decided to learn Japanese. Why? Well, I'd like to start translating some games (making English patches, of course) so people can stop asking for them. I have a Japanese friend who will help me translate some of the text. (He says I'm learning quickly though) So far I have one game planned, and I'll gladly do others. I have all summer, (Starting next week actually, I'm in the middle of moving, which is also why this post is so scatter-brained XD) So, if you want to, post a request, it might not be done for a while, but I WILL do it. I hate people who say they'll do things and then never touch the issue again.
oh cool, guess I'm not the only person who wants to learn japanese. Although, I want to learn it because I want to go to Japan some day. But I really can't get the initiative to start learning. When I have to do something myself, I can't really get into anything that teaches.
I also want to go to Japan, they have so many cool things. It's hard for me to start learning too, but since I already did (By memorizing translated lyrics of Japanese songs, This song is addicting, even though I'm a teenage boy) and once I start learning (something I'm into, of course) I don't stop.
no matter what, if it's learning, I just can't get myself to keep going, even if it's something I really really want to learn. But yeah, I love japanese songs as well, like Simple and Clean in japanese, and a few others like Chiisana Hoshi ga Oriru Toki and this, which I have no idea what the name is
I'm officially addicted to Japanese songs, this one is amazing. Also, the last two songs I've linked to are from the game I'm translating, Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka. (Well, I'm translating the PSP version first, because I'm too busy watching Youtube when I'm on the computer to play the PC version.) I liked the anime, but the manga had a better ending. (To me, at least)
You ever hear of DN Angel? That's got a great japanese intro song. You should give me private lessons when you learn all your japanese. Right now when I want to learn what a word is or something I look it up on Only problem is when you put in a english word, it might come out as a bunch of different stuff.
Listening to DN Angel's intro now, it's amazing :). I might be albe to teach you once I learn it all. (I can't see myself as a teacher XD) Though I'll have to put it on hold tomorrow since I'm moving. I'm actually halfway to my new house (driving across the country), just stopping at brother-in-law's house.
ah, don't you love moving across the country? I did that when I moved from Spark, Nevada to Senica, South Colorado. But you should listen to the full DN Angel theme. It's much better than listening to the minute intro.
Okay, gonna listen to the full theme. Then, if I can, I'll try to start translating some text,(Then putting it in a Notepad file, as I haven't been able to hack the text yet. But I will.) I've read some message boards, and fans of Akane-iro really want it translated. But, there's no market in the Western world.
I'm still only learning a bit of Katakana. I memorized most of it, but it's been a while, so I've forgotten most of it now.
Trust me, kana is the easy part. I've memorized all of them, and you definately need them. Unfortunately, they don't really prepare you for kanji. Example, I started learning kanji last month, and I still only know about twenty. I learned my kana last year, and I've been doing basic conversational for longer. It. Is. A. Pain. But I totally recommend getting the hell away from romaji as quick as humanly possible.