As a few of you might know, I got Dream Drop Distance just a few days ago. I started naming Spirits after KHV members much like KS did, and I'd like you guys to pick out your own. Here is a list for you to choose from, the only ones unavailable are these, and they are taken by: Necho Cat - Trigger Komory Bat - Tequila/Dinny Kooma Panda - Nova (Hee, I name him Noba ♥) Meow Wow - Jube (idk y) Yoggy Ram - What? Keeba Tiger - ShadowJak Electricorn - Rainshine Cyber Yog - Saxima Aura Lion - Makaze Drill Sye - Krowley Lord Kyroo - Graxe Peepsta Roo - Heartless Tyranto Rex - Reptar Ducky Goose - Britishism Fin Fatal - KS Tama Sheep - Krown Tatsu Blaze - Fearless The rest of them are free game, so long as I don't have doubles. I guess I could have one pair, but I'd rather not. Meh. In any case, you can also choose what color you want your Spirit to be, and then I'll take photos of all of them when I have the time and post them somewhere. That'll more than likely be in the faaaar future, so . . . Anyway, here's a little template 4u so that I can be OCD organized. •u• HTML: Username: [B][/B] Spirit: [B][/B] Color: [B][/B]
Username: HeartlessOfLight (I doubt that'll fit, so put Heartless or Deadpool if you'd like) Spirit: Peepsta Hoo Color: Red
Username: Reptar Spirit: Tyranto Rex Color: Pink/Orange/Blue IDK?????? i just wanted to find a dinosaur
Username: Keyblade Spirit; Key Spirit if won't fit. Spirit: Fin Fatale Color: Green/Blue, maybe a little greyish? I'll upload a picture of my Wonder Nyan so you can see.
I was in a chat and I asked everyone what I should name it. I'm not sure if What? was putting your name forward as a suggestion or if he was just mentioning your name for a different reason, but that's what happened. c: Serve me well, Makaze!