Graphic Shop ~*photograph nation,inc.*~

Discussion in 'Art Shop' started by kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. kingdomheartsbabe101 Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Just around the riverbend
    i have now,so i figured,hey,why not help the citizens of the kh-vids community get what they deserve???which is why i have opened photograph nation,inc.i can do.gif's,avvy's siggies,and userbars!

    rules: 1)NO SPAMMING!!i dont want this place closed from spamming,got me??
    2)i will only do one at a time.
    3)dont expect me to be on all the time.
    4)the userbar pictures have to be small.i absolutely tried to crop one,i am horrible at coordinate the size and picture size plz.

    heres the order:
    1)picture(s)[link plz]
    3)type of pic(userbar,avvy,siggy,.gif)
    3)any effects you'd like.(just not real confusing or professional,plz!)

    thats that,i will get busy as soon as the first order comes in!!!come on,plz help me practice!