Only 2 replies?! :o This game deserves so much more~ I love Phoenix Wright, the dialogue in it is frickin' hilarious. =D I can't wait for the third one, the U.S version comes on the 23th of October. My favorite character is Edgey. <3 Yes, yes. You can call me a fangirl. <_< I also like the music in this game. My mp3 and laptop is full of PW music. Unfortunately, the GS4 doesn't seem as good as the others. How can they change Odoroki's name to Apollo Justice? :o Although, I'm quite excited to see HoboNick. xD
I'm currently in the middle of Phoenix Wright 1, I already have Phoenix wright 2 for when I finish the 1st, and I'm eagerly anticipating Phoenix Wright 3 when it comes out in a week xD I love the series, really great quirky games, though there's not really much replayability to the games unfortunately =\ I'd advise them more as rent-and-beat sort of titles
If you like visual novel-type adventure video games then buy it. :) The game has gotten some good reviews. Check out the wikipedia article.