phenomenon Kh

Discussion in 'Archives' started by rexmildd15, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    Hello.This story is based on phenomenon stuff like difficulties and fights plus, if you want you can be added
    in the story if you like.

    "Axel." "yes sir" "i have a request for you." Xemnas said. "What is it sir?" asked Axel,"execute Roxas".
    Axel had a shocked face all of the sudden.He didn't want to kill a friend."b-but sir!This is one unusual punishment!c-can't i just give him a warning o-or send him outside for a whole week like a rotten dog he is" Axel said. What on earth am I saying, rotten dog?! Axel said in his mind "Axel!my orders aren't unusual.You have to do whats given in order to be alive.His time awaits Axel." Xemnas said.

    " Hey Axel " Roxas said "shut-up" Axel said in anger "whats wrong?" Roxas asked "I SAID SHUT-UP YOU IDIOT!!!" Axel screamed in anger and attacked Roxas on the arm "Agh!A-Axel! What the hell is wrong with you!" "Sorry but this is for your own good!Now,SHUT-UP AND LET ME KILL YOU!!!" Axel angerly said."AH!" Roxas had his arms covering his face,but all of the sudden,time stopped."wh-. Whats happening?" Axel said.Bright light came infront of Axel.And suddenly,they went on earth."What the hell is this?" "WHATS GOING ON!!!" Axel screamed in anger,he couldn't take it any longer *ball hit's Axel* "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM KID!!!" axel screamed at the little girl,the little girl started to cry."i-i'm sorry m-mister,i-i d-didn't m-mean it!" the girl said to Axel."DARN RIGHT YA DIDN'T!ugh..can't believe i'm saying this but.kid,go home.Play with your dog and shut-up okay?" "but i don't have a dog." "well go get one" axel said.

    " said to get..umm,eggs,milk,flower,& bread" I said."Ya.but then we have 5 dollers left...hmm." my sister said "chocolete bars" I said "nah,2 choco.How about...hmm..okay chocolete bars" She said"Hey,hey you!kid in..uhh,whatever you are waring.Where the heck am I?" "uh...isn't it obveouse?were in Canada." I said.Axel got fustrated for no reason "look,dude.Were in Canada.So stop following us or we will call the police on you.For stocking us" My sister said.Time stopped again,No one couldn't move but Axel.Time went on again."Hey axel." Roxas said "why were you trying to attack me?" "n-no reason." Axel said."oh..ok.let's go and get a sea-salt-ice cream" Roxas said.After when time stopped.Half of the people in the town had some special features,Names,& equipments.Though,they didn't know.Until one day.

    Well...That is all i can think of...oh ya.if you want you can join the story^^.sorry if it's not good enough.But i tryed so that's all it takes.I take time on thinking of stuff so don't rush me.(pm me if ya want to join)
  2. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Nice page sister *wink* I like the beginning, though I got a few tips for you. (Don't feel offended) you might want to add some capitals to some:D But since it's your story it's all right. I already know it's your first time so, just keep it up:D
  3. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    So this is the famous reximildd... Cool ^^ I like the story, I see you and your sister are very alike.
  4. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007

    Haha:D Very alike. I love my sister*huggles* she rocks.
  5. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    hello,i am finally going to right chapter 2.^^ hope you like it.

    "No0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o!!"Roxas scream."is something wrong?" the random lady said.
    "Yes,there is something wrong...And i would LOVE to point it out to you.WHERE ON EARTH DID YOU!YES YOU!PUT THE SEA SALT ICE CREAM!" Roxas scream in anger.Axel started to snicker."Now now.There is no such thing as sea salt ice cream.Unless we make one.But it won't happen sir.Just calm dow-"The lady got paused by Roxas "Excuse me.Did you say..calm?" "why yes-" The lady got stopped agian."I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" roxas screamed at the lady."Roxas,let's just leave.Let's just get...The whole thing eh?"Axel said."ugh...fine.We'll do it the easy way." Roxas summoned his keyblade.He grabbed her arm tightly."Look lady,your going to hand over you small..uh..cramped it" Roxas said.The women randomly grabbed her purse and started to wack Roxas on the butt."NEVER.TOUCH.ME.EVER.AGAIN!"The women said while smacking Roxas.

    My sister and I came in the market."What.The heck." I said.We were staring right at the lady wacking poor Roxas.But i have to be honest,He did desurve it."Women.I think you will be losing your job.IF your smacking a costumer."My sister said."I apoligize."The women said."You are so going to die.The strangest thing Roxas was going to say,was really odd."Hey,thanks Mexony and Rexmildd." "*gasp*..." *silent moment*."W-what was that?" I asked."I said thanks Mexony and Rexmidd.shall I replay for you to understand #15 and #16?"Roxas responded."Well...That sounds very odd.But i like the names.very...well...just very."Mexony said."well...We got to go...Now don't we Roxas?" Axel said "Y-yah"Roxas responded.

    Roxas and Axel left the market.Though Roxas felt normal.But Axel didn't.Axel wondered who Rexmildd and Mexony were,Maybe since time stopped.The future and Past,came together.Or maybe.When time stopped.Roxas and the rest of the organization but Axel went ahead."Hey Roxas"Axel said "Yes..Axel" Roxas responded."How do you know them...those two girls?"Axel asked."Don't you remember.They,are our 2 new members of the organization.The organization can still go one,no matter what.hmm..i guess...that was..odd.Now wasn't it.Axel." Roxas said."hm?" "Have you...went through puberty?"Roxas asked. "N-no.Not at all.Why.Have you?" Axel asked."To be honest.I miss..Namine.."Roxas said dripping in tears."What does that have to do with puberty?" Axel asked.Roxas wiped away the tears."Hey.It's funny.Organization's don't have feelings.Kingdom Hearts is coming close.And no it has nothing to do with puberty.Well..I'm a bit talk-ative now.Does that count?"Roxas asked."Yah...It does.I guess..You know Roxas.I always wanted a little brother.And to be honest.Your perfect for the job.HEY!BUT DON"T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS CHAT WE HAD!"Axel said."I promise." Roxas said.Later on that day.Mexony and I went to the park.On the swings."Hey...Maybe,we should keep our names like that.Mexony and Rexmildd.Heck!It's perfect." Mexony said

    "Yeah,but.It's not going to stop us from our same life is it?" I asked."Rexmildd...It's NOT going to interfear in our regular life.Don't be downer."Mexony said."That counts for you Mexony,it's not just me!it's you also.You can't take it so damn hard with these idiotic names,and you shouldn't point things on me.Now should you?...ugh.What am I saying.I sound like a parent!sorry about that...fine..Mexony."I said. "No prob sis."Mexony said. "Hey look.It's the dude that called us the new names.Maybe.Just maybe.We should be his friend.I mean.It won't hurt.Will it?"I asked. We walked over to them."Hey." We both said"Hi." "Hi" Axel and Roxas said."ya know..I was thinking.Why did you call us the names..?" Mexony asked."Because..You are apart of the organization.The organizations always have x's in the names."Roxas responded."But..I don't get it?"

    And that's all i can type for now.Hope ya like it.oh!And because we are number's 15 & 16.Is because There is a new member in the organzation.For real.So...I don't really know who it is but we can't claim anyone to be number 14...Well...byez
  6. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    I laughed at the purse thingy:) Great job sister:) Remember if you need any help ask anyone:D *huggles*
  7. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    Well,I'm going to continue the story.(you still have chances of joining^^)

    "Well,It's obveous right?You!And Mexony.Are apart of the organization,Why doesn't ANY OF YOU REMEMBER!It's like i'm the one that's ahead of all of you!Mexony!" Roxas said "yes?"Mexony responded "You know your power right?" Roxas asked "umm..making people scared?i dunno."Mexony said
    "UGH!!!Your power is your fist.How to summon it is you just..well..where on earth is your stongly glove!"He said in fustration."Ummm,at home.Home made heh heh."She responded "NOO!'s in my pocket.I keep the stuff..Stupid Xemnas,He never understands that my pockets are full!Anyways,wear this.These are the fist gloves.Just put them on and you have a hand/arm of a..well.More stonger than a wrestler."Roxas said.

    "Cool!I..wait no,I never wanted that kinda stuff.Ah!No...Can't I just wear them now?"Mexony asked.
    "Ya sure." Roxas said.*Roxas hands over the gloves* "Heh heh heh heh.Thanks."Mexony said blushing.
    "ugh.Mexony,I'm right here.And recently you have always known that i don't like love.Ugh,I just don't like it.
    No offence..But.Sorry sis,Roxas.Can you just leave my sister alone.I just don't trust you that much..Sorry."I said."umm..sure, I guess."Roxas said.

    "Soo..What's my power?Roxas..?"I asked."Here.I Boot."Roxas said "A..Boot?"I said "Ya.This boot is special.Just stomp your foot as hard as you can then vines come out.Then that's where the green gloves come in.The green gloves control the vines.Sharp points are at the sides and tip of the vines."Roxas explained."Awsome.Can I wear them now?"I asked "Sure." *Roxas hands the boot's and gloves over* "Thanks"I said

    "Hello Axel..."*gasp* X-Xemnas."Axel said "Correct.I think you didn't here me clearly..execute ROXAS!!!" Xemnas attacked Roxas on the leg "AH!" Roxas screamed in pain.Again and agian,Xemnas was attacking Roxas. "sister..ya know what to do,now do you?"I said "yes.i do" Mexony said. "YOU *******!DON"T TOUCH A FRIEND OF MINES!!!!!AAHHH!!!!"I screamed in anger rushing to attack Xemnas."You little idiot.You think im a bit to dumb that your charging?!HA!"Xemnas said attacking me. "*gasp*!!!!!!!!MY FIRST FIGHT AND YOU GOT ME A MAD MOOD ALREADY!!!!!!!"Mexony screaming in anger rushing over to help. "Stop it NOW!!!!!!" Axel said,Using his chackrams. "*gasp*" Right at the middle of the fight.somebody automaticaly attacked Xemnas at the back..One piece at a time.Xemnas fated away."T-thanks" Axel said. "Don't mention it.It's all from the Key"

    Well that's all i'm going to write.Oh!So..if anyone want's.Only one person can be the guy or Gal to save the crew.If anyone wants to.Well.Byez

    Well,Now I am going to do chapter 4!^^hope ya like it.

    The person that has helped us just walked away after the first fight on earth!"Well,that was odd."Axel said. "Well that was odd?!DUDE,WE WERE ABOUT TO BE KILLED!!ROXAS AND REXMILDD ARE HURT!!!THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES YOU BIG RED HEAD!!!"Mexony screamed "woah woah WOAH.I'll just give them something to heal them"Axel said.Axel took out an HP potion."Here...Well..*giggle*.This is my first time doing this on another planet.Like..a REAL one.Umm..soo..favourite colour?"Axel asked "Umm...Why?"Mexony responded "Umm,no reason*gasp*" Axel started to smile because Roxas and I woke up.Myabe Axel and Roxas aren't as painful as I thought."ugh..My head..ew..what.Smell's bad?"I asked
    "HP..It smells bad but it's worth it."Axel responded "OH MY GOSH!Sister are you ok?oooo!I'm gonna beat the heck out of that grandpa!Nobody touches a friend or family of mine!"Mexony said."A-axel?Why was Xemna-"Roxas was paused "YA! XEMNAS! THATS THE OLD MAN! he old anyways?"Mexony asked
    "Ya that's what I wonder too.heh heh.."Axel responded


    "Ya know...maybe having powers aren't so bad.Hey..Axel,Roxas.Want ice cream.There is this type of ice cream that taste salty but not that much bout it?"I asked "Ya sure,I can go for it.INFACT! I CAN GO FOR ANY-" "Save it Axel." Roxas said.When we got there,Axel changed his mind on getting ice cream.He wanted a chocolete bar.."AHH!So your back eh?!Well I'll get a wip of you mister blonde!" The random women said ''Ma'am PA-LEASE!!!CUT ME SOME SLACK!...well that sounded odd...B-but! don't smack me.We were just having a celebration!"Roxas said..Though we weren't having a celebration.Maybe that was an excuse to get away from the lady.The lady looked surprised.Then she turned her face to a confused one.She was wondering why we all had blood on our face"Why?!The celebration of a blood fest?Or mayeb you killed a thousand of people?"The women said sarcastically."NO!We are having a celebration..because we just cutted 50,000 straw berrys!And...AND!A company of straw berrys are giving us 50,000 munny.Yup,all for cutting straw berrys."Roxas said"oh..well..congratulations!"The women said.After buying our food. We went to the park. "hahahahaha!The women actually felt for it.How dumb can she be!Though that was kinda rude but FUNNY for the minute!"Mexony laughed "Oh..well..okay..congratulations!Ahahahaha!That was just to funny!"Roxas laughed. " be honest..she really needs a manacure for her face."Axel said "Guy's!Now that's just plain rude.Think about how she would feel if she was right there?!. . .But..It was funny how she reacted!" I laughed.

    "soo...what should we do now...?"Roxas asked "Well..maybe tomorrow we should have a picnic."I sugested."sure.but the problem is...Me and Axel don't have a home here." Roxas said. "Hmm..I control vines right?I can make a hut out of them..Mexony.Axel.Roxas..umm..Grab as much as leaves as you can.Like A BUNCH!Oh!Mexony.Take out branches form the trees...or take out the trees and lay them on the ground."I said "Thats perfect.ok...Let's get to work."Roxas said oddly.

    Later that day.We were finally finished from 5 hours of work!"WOO!who knew this could be very tiring." Axel said,about to shut his eyes. "WOO!that blonde is checking me out!BANG!"Roxas said "wait...Thats no blonde..Thats Larxene!!!"Axel said.Roxas started screaming like a girl crazy."Who's Larxene" I asked. "A member of the organization..She controls lightning. " that you Roxas and Axel?Rexmildd and Mexony?"Larxene said "Boy do you need glasses" Roxas said "WHATCH IT BUTT FACE!!!"Larxene shouted. "wow..everything changed..somehow We all ended up here.I cought up with Zexion.He said we are on earth."Larxene said "Oh..Xemnas suddenly told me to execute Rexmildd and Mexony.Because you girls just quited the organization.And all this time you were here.on earth.Did you forget about us?"Larxene asked " could we forget about you..when we don't know you..?"Mexony asked "oh..that's right.You quited the organization long long time ago...Roxas for example.Roxas quited like..1 week ago. he lost half of his memory...You girls lost all...You have been sent back on earth.Just to make sure..ROXAS YOU BUTT HEAD!DID YOU GIVE THEM THE EQUIPMENT!!!"Larxene asked "YA I DID SCREAMING BALL!!!" Roxas responded back.

    "OKAY!!!ENOUGH SCREAMING RIGHT INFRONT OF ME!!!" Axel screamed loudly. "I know how you feel Axel."I said."Roxas and I have to sleep.We made a real home.smaller than the castle.But more comfy"Axel said."oh well SORRY!Is there room for 3?"Larxene asked "Oh no!I get your drift women!No way are you going to sleep with us!You go sleep in the courage."Roxas said "good enough for me"Larxene said.


    "Morning already" Roxas yawned."uh..I guess so.." Axel said..They left the vine house and went to the park waiting."hey dudes"Mexony said,She sounded as if she were drunk..But she was tired."Hey..I forgot to give you your cloak...Here put it on.asking where?In our house."Roxas said handing over the cloak. "AWSOME!I love wait..are you sure it's my size?"Mexony asked "Oh and give this to Rexmildd."Roxas added.

    Well,Thats all im going to type for now.^^ hope ya like it

    Well,Now I am going to do chapter 4!^^hope ya like it.

    The person that has helped us just walked away after the first fight on earth!"Well,that was odd."Axel said. "Well that was odd?!DUDE,WE WERE ABOUT TO BE KILLED!!ROXAS AND REXMILDD ARE HURT!!!THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES YOU BIG RED HEAD!!!"Mexony screamed "woah woah WOAH.I'll just give them something to heal them"Axel said.Axel took out an HP potion."Here...Well..*giggle*.This is my first time doing this on another planet.Like..a REAL one.Umm..soo..favourite colour?"Axel asked "Umm...Why?"Mexony responded "Umm,no reason*gasp*" Axel started to smile because Roxas and I woke up.Myabe Axel and Roxas aren't as painful as I thought."ugh..My head..ew..what.Smell's bad?"I asked
    "HP..It smells bad but it's worth it."Axel responded "OH MY GOSH!Sister are you ok?oooo!I'm gonna beat the heck out of that grandpa!Nobody touches a friend or family of mine!"Mexony said."A-axel?Why was Xemna-"Roxas was paused "YA! XEMNAS! THATS THE OLD MAN! he old anyways?"Mexony asked
    "Ya that's what I wonder too.heh heh.."Axel responded


    "Ya know...maybe having powers aren't so bad.Hey..Axel,Roxas.Want ice cream.There is this type of ice cream that taste salty but not that much bout it?"I asked "Ya sure,I can go for it.INFACT! I CAN GO FOR ANY-" "Save it Axel." Roxas said.When we got there,Axel changed his mind on getting ice cream.He wanted a chocolete bar.."AHH!So your back eh?!Well I'll get a wip of you mister blonde!" The random women said ''Ma'am PA-LEASE!!!CUT ME SOME SLACK!...well that sounded odd...B-but! don't smack me.We were just having a celebration!"Roxas said..Though we weren't having a celebration.Maybe that was an excuse to get away from the lady.The lady looked surprised.Then she turned her face to a confused one.She was wondering why we all had blood on our face"Why?!The celebration of a blood fest?Or mayeb you killed a thousand of people?"The women said sarcastically."NO!We are having a celebration..because we just cutted 50,000 straw berrys!And...AND!A company of straw berrys are giving us 50,000 munny.Yup,all for cutting straw berrys."Roxas said"oh..well..congratulations!"The women said.After buying our food. We went to the park. "hahahahaha!The women actually felt for it.How dumb can she be!Though that was kinda rude but FUNNY for the minute!"Mexony laughed "Oh..well..okay..congratulations!Ahahahaha!That was just to funny!"Roxas laughed. " be honest..she really needs a manacure for her face."Axel said "Guy's!Now that's just plain rude.Think about how she would feel if she was right there?!. . .But..It was funny how she reacted!" I laughed.

    "soo...what should we do now...?"Roxas asked "Well..maybe tomorrow we should have a picnic."I sugested."sure.but the problem is...Me and Axel don't have a home here." Roxas said. "Hmm..I control vines right?I can make a hut out of them..Mexony.Axel.Roxas..umm..Grab as much as leaves as you can.Like A BUNCH!Oh!Mexony.Take out branches form the trees...or take out the trees and lay them on the ground."I said "Thats perfect.ok...Let's get to work."Roxas said oddly.

    Later that day.We were finally finished from 5 hours of work!"WOO!who knew this could be very tiring." Axel said,about to shut his eyes. "WOO!that blonde is checking me out!BANG!"Roxas said "wait...Thats no blonde..Thats Larxene!!!"Axel said.Roxas started screaming like a girl crazy."Who's Larxene" I asked. "A member of the organization..She controls lightning. " that you Roxas and Axel?Rexmildd and Mexony?"Larxene said "Boy do you need glasses" Roxas said "WHATCH IT BUTT FACE!!!"Larxene shouted. "wow..everything changed..somehow We all ended up here.I cought up with Zexion.He said we are on earth."Larxene said "Oh..Xemnas suddenly told me to execute Rexmildd and Mexony.Because you girls just quited the organization.And all this time you were here.on earth.Did you forget about us?"Larxene asked " could we forget about you..when we don't know you..?"Mexony asked "oh..that's right.You quited the organization long long time ago...Roxas for example.Roxas quited like..1 week ago. he lost half of his memory...You girls lost all...You have been sent back on earth.Just to make sure..ROXAS YOU BUTT HEAD!DID YOU GIVE THEM THE EQUIPMENT!!!"Larxene asked "YA I DID SCREAMING BALL!!!" Roxas responded back.

    "OKAY!!!ENOUGH SCREAMING RIGHT INFRONT OF ME!!!" Axel screamed loudly. "I know how you feel Axel."I said."Roxas and I have to sleep.We made a real home.smaller than the castle.But more comfy"Axel said."oh well SORRY!Is there room for 3?"Larxene asked "Oh no!I get your drift women!No way are you going to sleep with us!You go sleep in the courage."Roxas said "good enough for me"Larxene said.


    "Morning already" Roxas yawned."uh..I guess so.." Axel said..They left the vine house and went to the park waiting."hey dudes"Mexony said,She sounded as if she were drunk..But she was tired."Hey..I forgot to give you your cloak...Here put it on.asking where?In our house."Roxas said handing over the cloak. "AWSOME!I love wait..are you sure it's my size?"Mexony asked "Oh and give this to Rexmildd."Roxas added.

    Well,Thats all im going to type for now.^^ hope ya like it
  8. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Good chapter! As well your doing good. I can't wait for further more of this phenomenon story!:)
  9. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    Well..I'm going to continue the story..^^

    "Here..aren't you going to take it?"Roxas asked "Umm...Why don't you give it in person to her." Mexony said "Umm..."Roxas said quietly. "Hey look it's the dude that helped us."I said coming in "Yah...But why did he/she help us?I mean..We didn't do anything for him/her."Axel said "Oh that little shrimp.I tried hurting him.He is one heck of a pervert.Come to think of it..He/She not that much of a pervert at all..He's a stalker.Where ever I go..He/She follows."Larxene said "HA!Guess that little person is following it's mommy!"Roxas said i laughter "LOOK YOU!!!IF YOU DON"T SHUT YOU TRAP I AM GONNA-"Larxene was paused "Woah there big girl,You can't hurt people infront of others.Or else they will call the police and YOU will go to jail."Mexony said "Oh PA-LEASE!I can kill those officers anytime." Larxene said "Ya.If you had a mini skirt & a purse.You will be wacking that police to heck"Roxas said in laughter again "YOU JUST HOLD IT RIGHT THERE ROXAS!!!I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE TYPE OF GIRLS!!!"Larxene shouted "Who Are those people..?" A random person said "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!!!GO GET A LIFE!!" Larxene shouted to the people.The people were freaked out by us.Maybe Larxene is right.They should find a life.

    "Larxene!God damnit!stop screaming!"I shouted "Go scream all your life Larxene.It will be a Happy Day if you had no voice!"Roxas said "Roxas!You stop it also.There are still some stuff we have to figure out.Like...Why You people are here.Why did that Xemnas dude attack us..Why did we make such a dumb HOUSE!?"I said in confusion "Calm down.We will find out why..But,not now.We have to chillax a bit."Axel said in relaxation "hey...I finally found you dudes.Why do you leave me all of the sudden."Zexion said.
    We were all happy to see zexion.Not because we didn't see him for a long time..No offense..Because he had all the information.The answers. "I got bad news for you Axel..You remember how much organizations you have executed right?Well...They are all back.Now that we are all in a new world..We shall start a new life.But I wont hurt you.Because.Well I know it wasn't you who tried to kill us.It was Xemnas.Oh!And,well..I ran into Sora.I didn't attack him because..Well i should say.He didn't attack me cuz.He thought I was riku.I cloned him.Yup.I cloned him.So...Anyways back to Xemnas. Xemnas and the bad guys joined together and they are coming up with a big plan.How do I know. because I was eaves-droping.I know.I'm good aren't I."Zexion said "Ya,You sure took alot of talking space.But that is so bad.Xemnas ganged up on us!Even he ganged up on Siax!"Axel said "Not really.Siax had no choice but to join Xemnas."Zexion explained "HAHAHAHA!Sorry..I just though of something,Maybe he gave into Xemnas because he loves him!Awwww"Larxene said sarcastically "SIAX IS GAY?!!!" Axel said "NOOO!!!Not because of that.Because,since he knew much about Xemnas.hung out with him and stuff.Supported him.He kind of wont let go of protecting him.He didn't want the same thing happening agian."Zexion explained.

    "woah..Never though of it that way...But that is soo...GAY-ISH!!"Larxene said laughing. "Wait hold gay-ish even a word?"I asked "maybe..but.It's true?!"Larxene said

    Well i am going to stop now cuz i got to do some other stuff.I hope ya liked it ^^
    Byez.(You still have chances on joining the story)
  10. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Very well done Rexmildd. I knew you were watching over my shoulder, not knowing I was sometimes laughing, hehe. Anyways overall it was a good chapter, but- there are some side effects. Please do not feel offended by this but, you need to add capitals on a persons name (noun). It's okay if you forget :) Anyways funny chapter, I liked it when Zexion came in with the "hey" :D
  11. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    Umm..^^ thankies. I'll try to remember.I HAVE noticed that while i was reading it all down myself ..heh heh..
    Thanks Mexony ^^ I appreciate the reminder.. <----------I think that how you spell appreciate lol xD