okie, i did a search and came up with nothing :bored: so we're reading this in our 5th period (which is 1 hour and twenty minutes long)... I've been given the role of Christine and I've read as far as Spoiler where he keeps her in his domain and won't let her leave, because she saw his face So i'm thinking about watching the movie... Who here loved the play? :3 and is the movie really worth watching? haha
I've never seen the play before, but i loved the movie. I was really, really obsessed with the movie when it first came out on DVD. I would seriously watch it 2 or 3 times a day, and i could recite the whole movie by heart ^^. so yea i would say the movie is worth watching.
I've not seen the play myself but I have seen reviews and scenes from it. It looks great as it invovles the audience and has a few powerful songs, according to what i've seen/heard. The movie is alright I guess, probibly no where near as good as the play.
You should watch the movie. It is freaking epic and like the best. Are you reading the actual novel or the script for the play?
Both are really good. I saw the musical in New York and cried. Then I watched the movie when it came out in 2004 and bawled my eyes out. Mmm...Gerard Butler.