just go to any cheat site and if you can't find stuff there then well we need an expert >_< I would link but I don't think that's allowed.
Aw come on! At least: All weapons? All clothing? [Both gender parties and races] Items? Synthesis items? Upgrade items? Synthesis boards? [those things that letcha make your own sword/dual blade/etc.] Enemy holds still? Quick rank level up? [Hunter/ranger/etc jets up to level 10.] Etc etc etc?
Here are some codes: MasterCode F01B14F8 0000000E Timers Never Decrease 2086A1A0 00000000 Infinite Item Usage 202F8820 24100000 Quick Level Up 202A63F0 3C1305F6 Super Item Usage/Duplication 202F8820 24100000 1038E3B6 00001000 I hope this helps:)
uh.. ...Can i have these Codebreaker codes Requested NOT from the Codebreaker website but made from you guys? EDIT: And all equipment.
Sorry but I don't know where to find anymore codes:nono: I wish I could help but I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do.:(
Its ok Video, Its quite alright friend ^_^ [Finally this site comes up.] Khkid1212 must be on it or someone. I also need "Always 1000 Points on validation after mission] Edit: Perhaps "Have all Ranks" is in the question? Am i being a pest? Ill gladly back off. Edit2: ... ... ... Aw...Come on! someone?
Don't know if this helps but i found a site (sorry can't tell) which gave 2 codes 4 PSU pal version. they are: (M) F0100208 0000000E lvl 100 after 1 kill D02A6470 0000982D 202A6470 00059D00 Hope it helps! O btw those codes r supposedly compatible for xploder v1 - v5 (only tested v2 n it works....dnt kno about the rest).
Why are you guys not allowed to link to another cheat site? It's not like you're advertising something illegal. you're only telling someone where you found something.
i dont know....i cant tell becuase i cant remember what site i got this code from so ye. sorry but if u guys want to find codes 4 pal version try going to the non-english (though the country is still from europe) sites...i remember gettin those codes from a...i think it was a french site...cudnt understan anyfink they said excpet for the codes.
Hi Thanks but im sorry. I seek Perhaps some, sets or all Weapons, armor, accessory and such for Phantasy star universe ^_^ Please i beg you, even if you have to ask the best hackers here ^_^; I can't afford to go online with the game so i know theres stuff on there i can get that would not be normally be on the offline game ^_^;
im using some programs 2 get codes from the game....i'l let u no if i find any....(since i dnt no any hackers i cnt ask ....sigh....). this game is probably one of the hardest games 2 hack, specialy since im a noob hacker.
Thanks Mahirap. Do your best. I just dont want codes from sites or anything else. I just want all clothing [Both genders for any race], weapons [put codes for weapons in sets, cause im guessing theres alot and you wont have the room to carry em all so a few at a time xD] Items, synthesis items, and such. but do what you can one at a time, just dont do em all at once or your brain will malfunction.
Hmm... Sorry to be a bother, but I was wondering if their where any AR Max Codes for the U.S. version of this game? It seems there was quite a few for Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus, so I figured there should be some similar ones for the earlier version. Any codes would be nice. Please and thank you.