Due to this product being a rush job, the release has been delayed. Personally, I don't mind this. I'd rather wait and have a near-perfect game than a buggy game that was rush-jobbed. Also, I enjoy it, but it's too bad that this couldn't have happened with Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
Meh, I can wait on this... after all; I'm still waiting for them to release Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. So what does it matter waiting for yet another game? *sigh* lol PSO2 does look like it'll be amazing though once ready. From everything I've seen so far anyway.
Ah well, no massive loss. We've always got Infinity to tide us ov-- oh wait. In all honesty though, Phantasy Star isn't anywhere near as popular overseas as it is in Japan, so there's a decent chance that PSO2 won't even get released in English anyway, so I'm not convinced it'll be that harmful to us. Even so, I think delaying it to de-bug it is a good thing.
Well, this comes as no surprise seeing the sheer amount of respect devs are giving the testers. Game balance and system complaints such as "hunter's sidestep and ranger's roll are too overpowered" and "in-game menu is hell for gamepad users, please fix it", down to little aesthetic choices such as "I want my droid to run instead of hover, please let me choose" and "Make the map bigger and put other players' icons on there" are all being addressed. At least there's been work done on it. Sega don't have the best track record for releasing quality products all the time. As long as they're actually doing work and not just flipping coins to decide how much to charge us, I can live with delays.