Persona: Mask of Repentance

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Rapunzel, Oct 27, 2009.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Story: 16 long years after the events of Persona 4, peace followed through the many years. Time, they say, is like a river and history repeats....... Hikari Seta, daughter of Souji Seta, along with her best friend, Kyoto Nakamura, is transferred to the small town of Inaba, due to her father's work, and lives with her cousins. Soon afterward, they meet and become friends with the children of her father's kids, and Kyoto's siblings arrive. Strange rumors appear, on rainy nights, a mysterious channel appears and certain people who watch it fall into long comas. As Hikari and her friends investigate the mystery, they unleashed their true power, the power of Persona.


    No swearing
    Romance up to PG-13
    No killing unless granted

    Character Sheet:

    Character Name:

    Original Characters:

    Username: Aerith G.
    Character Name: Hikari Seta
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Hikari Seta is the daughter of Souji Seta and Chie Satonaka. Although she has her mother's spirit, her personality goes toward her father. When her parents go overseas with the parents of her best friend, the duo are transferred to the town of Inaba to attend here. Here she awaken her persona power.
    Weapon: Sword
    Parents: Souji and Chie
    Persona: Izanagi

    Name: Kyoto Nakumara
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: The oldest child of Arisa and Hattori Nakumara, Kyoto grew up with Hikari as a extra sister. When her parents went overseas for her mother's singing career, Kyoto transferred with Hikari to the school in Inaba to provide for her younger siblings. She had already known about the power of Persona, but often forgot she had the power.
    Weapon: Bow
    Parents: Arisa and Hattori
    Persona: Micheal

    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Probably female
    Appearance: [​IMG] (human body)
    [​IMG] (within the television world)
    Bio: A mysterious creature that lives within the television world. She first encounters Hikari, Kyoto, and their friends when they enter the world. She creates special glasses and special weapons to help them awaken their power. Who is Sakura and why does she live in the TV?
    Weapon: Claw
    Parents: None
    Persona: Hercules
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