Brooke Bradley ran out of the house, forgetting to shut and lock the door. To most people, doing such a thing was unthinkable, crazy; but to her it didn't matter. She could hear police sirens rushing up towards her street from approximately three miles away and she had also seen a helicopter canvassing the neighbourhood. She had seen the serial number on the tail, recognised it and ran. The helicopter belonged to the PSIB, the Paranormal and Supernatrual Intelligance Bureau and it was tracking her. She was the only person around this area that they knew of and had captured before. The agents and scientists of the PSIB, didn't like people even the slghtest bit like her. She knew that she was an ancient deity enclosed in her own body, giving her the cat-like reflexes, night vision and excellent hearing that she posessed. There were six others like her, but Brooke hadn't met any of them yet, or maybe she had and they had looked too human to notice. Her shoulder-length pink hair trailed in the wind behind her as she ran deeper into the heart of the city, stopping in a dark, enclosed alleyway, she pulled herself up and over the wall that clearly marked it was a dead end. Nobody even knew about the other parts of the city that had suddenly sprung to life as soon as the PSIB had announced that they were after vampires, werewolves and all the other paranormal things that humans don't see in this world, except now they were. After her capture, she had pleaded innocence, she told the man in charge that she was human. Lux had just smiled as if she'd cracked a joke and shook his head, in the end, she had lied about her name. According to her file at PSIB headquarters her name was Natalie Brooke. The scientists had given her a name for her race, the Unnamed. Now they seemed to know the secrets of her origins, as the broadcast had said earlier in the week. She had heard the news from a young PSIB agent, whilst wearing a blonde wig and her uniform a little loose. Some guys were so easy to manipulate. The other side of the wall, unsuprisingly, held another alleyway, this one dirty and littered with blood bags, syringes and raw meat. It looked like a hobo paradise, the few dirty houses that littered the streets ahead were home to anybody non-human. Brooke smiled at the genius of it, this was all going on under Lux's nose. She could still hear the helicopter, and a few moments later it stopped. She heard heavy footsteps behind her, and ran faster than she had been, attempting to barrel into the doors of the old, abandoned community centre. She stumbled. A shadow loomed over her as she collapsed and passed out. She saw the smiling teeth before she closed her eyes. I'll add more when I can <3