You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: OHHHHHHHHHHHH Stranger: ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh You: WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? Stranger: SPONGE BOB SQUare PAntS You: ABSORBANT AND YELLOW AND POROUS IS HE! Stranger: YEA I DID IT You: IF NAUTICAL NONSENSE BE SOMETHING YOU WISH... Your conversational partner has disconnected. ;_____;
People on Omegle hate life. That's why they aren't out having one. v: EDIT: *Realizes I'm on a Kingdom Hearts forum for more than half of my day* Damn.
We all spend our time on the internet because myabe real life is boring, troubling, less fun, or THE REAL REASON, we haven't experienced it yet.