So there was a 60 hour closed beta this weekend that I was part of, and I have to say I was really impressed. Let's just say I played a lot more hours then I was originally intending to this weekend. The mmo has been out in Korea for over a year so you may have heard of it, but the betas for NA and Europe are just starting. For those who didn't preorder, it comes out May 1st. Here's a gameplay video I did fighting a dungeon boss with some random party: (watch it in hd for better quality) [video=youtube;wcQ1MjB64Fg][/video] And yes I used the elin race for my tank class because it's hilarious. I plan on using different races for different classes. (inb4noonebelievesthatsentence) The combat is like nothing I've ever used in an mmo before. It's not your usual "point and click" or "target lock on", it's all directional. Meaning, you attack and defend enemy attacks by either completely avoiding the attack or blocking in the direction it is attacking. That being said, this game is very controller friendly and I have never played an mmo where using a controller has felt so right. If you look at the bottom right of the video, you can see where it automatically converts your skill bar into your controller buttons. Really cool stuff. So far, this game is as fun as it looks. There wasn't any PVP servers in the first closed beta so I can't really comment on that yet. I recommend the game to anyone who wants a real-time combat mmo with not much grinding and sweet looking mobs.