Homecoming is by far the worse out of the entire SH series. PS2 games? Here's a list http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/vsrecommendedgames/images/4/49/PS2_Recommended_Games.jpg And PC games here http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/vsrecommendedgames/images/e/e4/PC_Recommended_Games.jpg
You should look into the shin megami tensei series. I prefer their style to RPG's than any other. Like Kites said, persona 3 & 4. Also, Devil Summoner 1 & 2.
Thanks, didn't expect so many replies at such short time. I'm sure I'll play some of the games you suggested.
PS2 Shadow of the collosaus God Hand: Ignore EVERYTHING that IGN says about this game, this truly is the best PS2 game ever PC Team Fortress 2: Only $20:00 and still updating Fallout 3 Left 4 dead (though you might wanna wait for 2) Spore
PS2 RPGs: http://www.gamefly.com/RentalMediaTitleSearch/Browse/?pf=1005&genre=1025 PS2 Action/Adventure: http://www.gamefly.com/RentalMediaTitleSearch/Browse/?pf=1005&genre=1000 Thats about what I can give you.