Pathfinder Trial Campaign

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Beucefilous, Oct 26, 2016.

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  1. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    I've decided to run something of a trial campaign in an attempt to see how a Tabletop RPG would work in a forum setting, as I've personally never seen it. It will be fairly short, but if it goes well, I'll run a longer, much more in-depth campaign on here.

    I'll be using the rules of Pathfinder, so if you aren't familiar with the rules of it, ask me and I'll do my best to explain everything i can about it to you. For all information you need about pathfinder, refer to this. Please note that there is third party content listed, so if you'd like to use a class or feat, or anything listed that says third party, ask me beforehand.


    Pathfinder is a spiritual successor to Dungeons and Dragons (3rd edition), published by Paizo. As such, it'll play very similar to D&D if you've ever played it before. Be warned, Pathfinder play does involve a significant amount of reading, upwards of 50-100 pages of content (or its equivalent, should you choose to utilize the wiki). I will do my utmost to explain and condense it as much as possible.

    For those of you who have played Pathfinder before: Please be aware that this is a play-by-post setting, and a trial one at that, so bear with me if there are some technical issues to begin with. If you have experience with play-by-post and are willing to assist me, please let me know.

    Yes. I'm not banning it, only asking you run it by me first. If it's not third party, you can use it.

    An alignment is a system to determine the morality of a character. It consists of two spectrums, ranging from Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic. As well as Good, Neutral, and Evil. One of each is taken to determine your alignment. For example, an upholder of all that is just and righteous would be Lawful Good. One who revels in carnage and destruction would be Chaotic Evil. If both spectrums are neutral, then your alignment becomes True Neutral.

    Class skills are skills that you are inherently better at because you are that class. If a skill is your class skill, you gain a +3 bonus to it.

    10 is the average a normal person has in that respective attribute, and thus is a +0 and is used as the starting point for determining bonuses. For every two about ten, you gain an additional bonus. 12 is a +1, 14 is a +2, 16 is a +3, etc. If your scores is lower than ten however, you gain a minus. At each odd number beneath ten, it is reduced. 9 is a -1, 7 is a -2, 5 is a -3, and so on.

    When you are making an attack roll, if the natural result of the dice, before modifiers, is within your critical threat range, you have guaranteed that the attack will hit. In addition, you make the same attack roll once more. If they roll passes the AC, then you have confirmed your critical hit and will deal additional damage, possibly with additional effects depending on feats you may have. Inversely, if you roll a natural 1, you have guaranteed that you will miss. You must make the attack roll again, and if it does not pass, you have critically failed and will have negative consequences.

    Certain actions, such as running past an enemy or casting spells while near them, will let your guard down and as such, the enemy will be able to make an attack against you as a result. Although the reverse is also true. If the enemy performs such a reckless action, then you will be able to take advantage of their moment of vulnerability. Under normal circumstances, any given combatant can only make one attack of opportunity per round, but this can be increased by various means.

    It’s an abbreviation for a type of die. When D is followed by a number, such as d20, or d6, it is referring to the type of die. A d6 is a six-sided die, whereas a d20 is a twenty-sided die.

    Building a Character:

    Building a character is something of an extensive process, so I'll go through step by step and explain everything you need to know.

    This is the name of your character. I know, right? And just wait, we haven't even gotten to the really crazy stuff yet:

    Your age. Note that the average age may differ from race to race.

    Male or Female

    Refer to the wiki to select your race. Note that this does have an effect on your gameplay

    What do you look like? Description or images are acceptable, but images are preferable so i can make tokens out of them for combat

    Your Morality. For the moment, must be Neutral or Good. Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic are all accepted.

    Only certain classes will this have an impact for. You, in most cases, do not actually need to fill this in, though it may help with flavor. refer to the wiki for a list of deities.

    Each time you level up, you can put the level into a class. More often than not they will all be in the same class, but you are capable of putting them into multiple if you so desire. Though, since we'll be starting at level 1 for the moment, that's kind of irrelevant for now. Refer to the wiki for a list of classes

    Your health. To determine your HP, look at the "Hit Die" for your class. Roll it, and add your constitution modifier to the result. The result is the HP you gain for that level. For the first level, always treat the die as the highest possible result.

    These are the six attributes of your character. They are divided into three physical (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), and three Mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). In order to obtain your ability scores, take four d6, or six-sided die, and roll them. Out of those four, discard the lowest result and add up the remaining three. The total is the number you use for one ability score. Repeat this for the remaining five, but note that they do not have to be assigned in order. Strength does not have to be the first result, and Charisma does not have to be the last. Roll all six before you begin to assign them. Ability scores can be modified in several ways beyond this. Racial bonuses may increase or decrease certain ability scores, Magic Items or spells may add to certain ability scores, and every four levels you can increase one of them by one naturally.

    These are your ability to resist effects on you. They are sorted into Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. Each class has a base bonus to each of these at each level, which can be found on the page for it. In addition to this, your Constitution modifier is added to Fortitude, your Dexterity modifier is added to Reflex, and your Wisdom modifier is added to Will.

    Often shortened to AC. This is a means of determining how difficult you are to hit. Be it because of protections from your armor or because your dexterity allows you to evade attacks. Your base AC is 10, and your armor bonus and maximum dexterity bonus from your armor is added.

    The amount of money you have. Your starting wealth will be 500 GP to spend on gear and such

    Your means of killing things that you don't want to be alive anymore. Refer to the wiki for a list of weapons.

    Your armor will add to your armor class, but it may come with restrictions based on how heavy the armor is, and your class chosen. Refer to the wiki for a list of armors

    Anything that is not weapons and armor you have on your person goes here

    Skills may not be what you initially suspect they are. Skills are your capabilities outside of combat. Examples are crafting, Perception, Knowledge on various subjects, among many other things. A list of skills can be found on the wiki. Each level, you gain a number of skill points based on your class plus your intelligence modifier. Each point put into a skill increases the bonus you gain when attempting to use it by 1. You cannot put more points into any one skill beyond your character level, or your total level among of your classes.

    Feats are a representation of your character's abilities and traits, often tricks that your character has accumulated over training, or traits that your character has inherited from ancestry. Whatever the case, feats make up the backbone of any character, defining their identity and empowering them. Any character gains a feat at every odd level, and some classes grant bonus feats. Refer to the wiki for a list of feats

    Certain classes rely on magic to turn the tide of battle in their favor. Spells are limited by the number of slots a class is limited to. As a wizard, think of spells as cards that you choose from a deck. Once used, they are expended for that day. This is called prepared casting. Sorcerer's have a hand of cards that they can play from, but the spell is not expended upon use. This is called spontaneous casting. Arcanists have a full deck of cards, and choose several of them to be their hand for that day, and then act as a sorcerer. Arcanists are the only class that use this method of casting. Each spellcasting class has its own list of spells which it can learn from.

    Armor Class:
    Gold: 500
    Magic Items and other equipment:
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    I'm interested if my timezone allows me. I've played a few games of pathfinder before and it's actually really fun.

    Also may I suggest you use this site,, this site has an interactive full online version of the character sheet, which you can share with other people. It also does all the calculations for like CMB and AC automatically for you, when you've filled in what you need for it. This would allow you to do skills and stuff like that properly.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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