Parents want Santa to 'Slim Down'

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Laurence_Fox, Nov 11, 2007.

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  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Source with reaction video

    It's the Cookie Monster all over again. I mean Santa's supposed to be fat and his belly is supposed to shake like a bowl full of jelly.

    I think the 'obesity epidemic' is blown way out of proportion and the children that are overweight are that way because of how they're being raised. How many kids have seen Santa Claus and think 'I wanna look like him.' ?

    Keep the discussion intelligent and clean. I want to hear your thoughts.
  2. AxelsNyxie Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    In your pants O.o
    OHMIGOD what has this world come to?
    First they go after Dog for being rasist in a PRIVATE phone call, and now THIS???

    I agree. How many kids look at Santa and think: OHMIGOD HEs FINE AS HELL I WANT TO LOOK LIKE HIM!!!
    THats right. NO ONE. So i think these parents just need to calm the frick down and keep thier mouths shut. Santa takes no part in the 'epidemic' and shouldnt be linked to it. I mean, seriously. COME ON PEOPLE. SANTAS FAT. GET THE FRICK OVER IT.
  3. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's another standard case of "Let's try to change a component indirectly related to the problem" as opposed to facing the harsh reality: a lot of parents aren't doing something right, or taking an active role in their children's lives.
  4. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    Snata's fat belly has been and icon for generations - they just can't change it
  5. Repliku Chaser

    353 You know, if people are so worried about their children being obese, they should be taking them to a nutritionist and also telling them to do more in gym class than stand around and laugh at kids that actually 'play' in the sports. Also, try to get them in a sport or to go to a gym or get a pool or something so there's more activity in the child's life. Due to the fact -more- children are becoming obese, I think that says it's the diets and activities that are wrong for many of them, though of course some really do have very crappy metabolisms and could use the assistance any way.

    Santa is an icon that has been around. First, he's not a kid. He's a guy that is old, around his 50s or 60s or something. He's chubby and dressed in a lot of clothes for winter and delivers presents etc. He looks friendly as he is and non intimidating. I suppose in some show they could have him 'slim down' but ...why? He's not that fat and is actually pretty active whether people want to say he's obese or not, unless you account for the way Tim Burton has him portrayed. Then yeah, he's so rotund you wonder how he walks around on those twig legs. He's not a kid or even someone in his 30s etc. Someone else said it many kids look at Santa and say 'I wanna be fat like Santa!'?. Sure, they may say they want to give out gifts and such...but who is really out there saying they want to look like him?

    Seems to me to be a way for those stupid parents that blame everything else once again for their children's states once again. People need to tell parents to raise their own children, take care of them, get them to be kids and exercise and do things healthier and leave an icon alone. I still wait for them to complain about Jesus having long hair so boys will stop wanting to grow their hair out because we all like to point out that even he has long hair. This is along the same levels of stupid except I don't see chubby children going 'Well, Santa's fat!' as a reason to keep being in that state.
  6. Shade Tail Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 24, 2006
    I live in Britain and I haven't heard any of the 'Slim Santa' stuff on the news.... I think this is a big pile of doo-doo.
    People really have to stop blaming every single little thing because of obesity.
    Santa is Santa, and nothing can change that
  7. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    This is just parents blaming everything and everyone but themselves for their mistakes. There was a woman whose son was morbidly obese and she said "I try to give him a balanced and healthy diet but he keeps asking for hamburgers and I can't say no. When I don't give it to him he takes it anyway" She is just lazy, she can't be bothered to do what is necessary to help her son. She is a bad parent, simple as that. Then when something like this comes up people like her go "Oh that must be why my son/daughter is so overweight because it couldn't be me, I've done everything I can".

    I think they should have brought in the legislation making childhood obesity a matter of child abuse. Some parents just do the easiest thing, not what is best for their child. They make me feel physically ill =_=
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I have been following this on the news lately xD to be honest the first time I saw it, I nearly died laughing.

    Santa is an icon, he is meant to be jolly and fat ^^

    As Bunty said, it is a way for parents to blame their own mess on something else. I find it ironic though that it seems perfectly acceptable to have stick thin arrogant people as role models xD

    At the end of the day, the only thing that can help child obesity is for a) the government to do something constructive instead of *****ing about stupid things like this, and b) for parents to get off their backsides and actually do something, like hmm IDK take their kids to the park! Go outside! Actually have a healthy diet WITH them!

    This whole, slimmer santas thing is IMO ridiculous.
  9. The Lone Wanderer Twilight Town Denizen

    May 8, 2007
    My room, obsessing over Bleach
    You just can't change Santa. In my opinion, kids are getting obese because their parents work all day and dont get home early enough for their kids to go outside. So all the kids have to do is play video games and eat. Worst off, the parents do nothing with the kids in the weekends. Its the parents fault, not an icon's fault. Parents have to stop being lazy and not blame others for their childrens' problems.
  10. Gritz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 25, 2007
    Don't really care. I don't believe in Santa. And if he was real, I'd shoot his *** for breaking and entering.
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Please try to keep posts pertinent to the discussion at hand. It's just sad when you try to grab attention with meaningless actions like this.
  12. #1 DinestyX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 4, 2007
    Castle in the World That Never Was
    this is what I think about this...
  13. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Umm...slimming him down would completely ruin St. Nick's reputation. He was meant to b a old, fat, geezer. (dunno if that's the rite word) It's not his fault obesity is a big problem, it's the fricken parents. They need to take more responsibility in raising their kids to b healthy so they have no1 2 blame but themselves.

    Geez, the world is REALLY screwed up...
  14. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
    I'd like to point out something. The current image of Santa (Chubby with a bright red coat) was made by... Coca-Cola for it's Christmas advertisements.
    The image of Santa was changes throughout history many times. He was once a skinny guy with a green or blue coat!

    That said however, the reason someone wants to change it now is... well, stupid. This isn't anywhere near the source of the problem.
    Like Repliku said, kids don't want to be fat just to "be like Santa" (what a bunch of *****), and like Bunterx said, they just throw there guilt on anything other then themselves.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    I ponder if they were let to do this if Santa is going to become some muscle bound guy with fruits and veggies on the table waiting for him instead of cookies and milk.

    I think changing Santa around implies something that is rather cruel to people overweight as in 'you shouldn't exist at all in a positive way to kids' as well as their message that they want kids to slim up. I really don't see anyone pining to be fat on purpose. There are people, like the kid mentioned above shoving cheeseburgers in his mouth at warp 9, but if he had a choice to eat those and be thin, he probably would be even more happy, I'd think. The mom really is at fault there. However, there are children who are overweight regardless of what they eat because of a slow metabolism which can be brought on by problems with the thyroid or heart or some other conditions.

    I think it's awfully ironic that they pick on fat people as if that's so bad, and as CtR pointed out, rail thin twigs are just fine? Being too thin is also a problem but we still have 85 lb models walking down catwalks. It's just as disgusting to me as looking at some 350 lb person of the same height. Both are health risks. Both conditions of weight are poor for the heart. I think if they want to mess with Santa who is 'one' chubby icon that kids aren't aspiring to go out and be like in appearance...they should be shoving burgers, before that kid mentioned eats them, in these models' hands and telling them that their size 0s are unfeasible for girls' safeties around the world because some girls actually DO aspire to be like that.
  16. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Yeea - No.

    Parents blame Santa because they're too high and mighty to figure something out: IT'S THEIR (and bad metabolism's) FAULT!
  17. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
    Doesn't really change that fact that Santa's image was changing throughout history...
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, but he's not really been a thin old guy for the most part. He's always been either regular weight or on the chubby side, at least for 200 years by what I can tell. His clothes changed and such but anything but a couple pictures of past 'incarnations' of Santa before Coca Cola show him as being a chubmeister, though how overweight does vary.
  19. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I think they'll slim him down too much and make him a stick which'll be a new excuse for anorexics and then we have a whole new issue on our hands...

    ..child obeseity is really the parents fault for buying the snacks in the first place. Me and my mum often go shopping on fridays for food and when we see a really fat woman and her trolley is full of crisps, cakes and fatty chocolates my mum does indeed whisper to me 'and some people wonder why they're fat? it's their own fault if they buy it' which is really the same case with obese children. They demand it from the parents and most of the parents cave to make the children happy even though dicsipline is vital to show authority.
  20. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    Parents are just trying to move the blame on someone other than themselves. I've seen fat people in the supermarkets too, and all they have is junk food in thier carts. Children have no willpower if they eat 5 burgers in one sitting, and thier parents arent helping if they allow them to eat that much. Santa is supposed to be 'fat', but its true- what kid says 'I want to look like Santa?'
    And I agree with the video #1 DinestyX posted- people complain too much about Christmas because of religion.
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