Parent trouble? It's mine this time

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by bobo.the.nut, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. bobo.the.nut Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 2, 2009
    The void
    They've been to marital counseling for two years now. It hasn't helped. It's actually made it worse, if anything. And she keeps trying to drag me into everything, managing to twist everything I say into an agreement with her. Today seems to be a special day, though, because I came home from school and they were arguing... and they're still going at it.

    Why do parents think that it's better to stay together and let their kids hear them screaming at each other night after night rather than divorcing when they obviously don't love each other any more?
  2. BloodxXxDark Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 13, 2009
    Wonderland ~
    Guess what man? My parents are absolutley the same way,and quite frankly they are arguing at this very mother refuses to go to councilling and do anything about her anger,she's just too dad's childish too I suppose...but not as bad as she is.....nevertheless I can'thelp you in anyway-I myself have no idea what to do about this situation nor do I have an answer for your asked question...I do wish you the best of luck...and I hope your troubles slip away.
  3. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    how old are you? do you have any siblings?

    my parents are separated and i have to switch back and forth with them. its very frustrating, and i dont wish it upon anyone. Even harder for a little kid. they probably just dont want you to do that.
  4. bobo.the.nut Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 2, 2009
    The void
    13, and I do but my brother is in college so I'm practically an only child.
    I understand how it would be frustrating to have separated parents, but this seemingly pre-divorce state is driving me crazy.

    And @BloodxXxDark... That sucks D: We can be *****y parents buddies together.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Sometimes divorce is easier on families despite what some kids may think. It lets the parents get in better frames of mind so they don't drive each other crazy and then take it out on the kids etc. People change as years pass and things happen where two people cannot be together and that's just the way it goes. If they are screaming all the time and fighting, yeah, divorce may be the better option. You may miss one parent part of the time, but at least when you see either, they will be more sane and you won't have to hear so much screaming.

    I can see why their state is driving you nutty. They may be together because of financial reasons, just as much as the fact they want to be there for you. It can be pretty hard with the way the economy sucks ass and has for the past few years, to have a parent leave and work out all the judge stuff etc. Also, they may still love each other but just need to go do some things together and spend time doing something fun rather than griping about everything else they do wrong.

    If I were you and she tries to drag you into things, I'd just say flat out at this point that you are frustrated with them both and they could try harder to be more considerate of one another and you want no part in it. You love them both and hope they can sort their problems out maturely and you are there for them both, but this problem is something they have to deal with on their own and whatever they decide, you're not going to stop associating with either of them. This will let them know that really the problem is straight up between them and you just want them to stop fighting so much and fix the issue.

    I wish you luck and hope things get better for you.