Anyone else seen it? I have and I thought it was the scariest film of the year,yeah Ok...I can admitt that alot of films scare me...people said the first one was a load of BS but it still scared the hell outta me...the second? I thought I'd end up with heartfailure with the amount of times I jumped... Your opinions?
Can't see it since it's rated R, but the commercials look interesting. Then again, ghosts never cease to amaze me. Some people go over the top with it though. They make it look real, but you know it's not really true. Some things are a bit out of the box for ghost activity from what I saw in the commercials. Oh well, it still gives everyone the scare thrill I guess.
Saw this last Friday and I have to say it was better than what I expected it to be. It's not really a sequel per say, but more like a prequel since it talks about what happened to Katie's sister before the whole incident with Katie Spoiler and how the demon was transferred over to Katie in the first place. Like the first one, it was pretty boring in the beginning with just the family talking and and a few weird noises here and there. But **** got pretty serious mid way through the film. I'll admit, I jumped a few times Spoiler especially the part where all the cabinets opened all at once in the kitchen and when the chick was dragged down the stairs...twice It's good for a "sequel" as far as scary movie sequels go. But I thought the film was more creepy than actually scary if that makes any sense. Basically, this is stuff that you wouldn't want to happen to you. :P ~Spoilers for ending~ Spoiler Didn't really expect the dad to die in the end, though he was pretty ignorant in the beginning (just like Micah was in the first movie derp). I also liked how the audience was still kept in question to what happened to Katie and the baby after the film ended.
Well, I hated the first one, it wasn't scary at all, it was all just startles, so I'm really not interested in seeing this one, but can someone tell me something, did they kill the dog, they better not have, I'm not an animal freak or anything, I just hate it when dogs die, its so sad and depressing, so did the dog die or no?
I agree, The first one wasn't scary at all, honestly I felt that the movie was just all hype. Seeing this movie at like 2:00am just left me not intrested into watching the next one. I went to see the second one yesterday, cause I had a free ticket. :3 - And this one was pretty creepy, wasn't scared though - a little startled but that's it. I admit though this one was way better than the first movie.
I also agree the first one didn't scare me at all I'm actually used to thing's that have o do with the paranormal, I watch all the paranormal shows on tv all the time so thing's like paranormal activity didn't really phase me very much, although I have seen the second one yet but I want to since I love the paranormal so much.
i saw it, but it didn't really scare had a couple of 'creepy' parts but it still wasn't 'scary'.
I want to see this but then I don't because after seeing how bad the 1st one was. The only reason why I want to see it is to see if it actually does suck. Makes sense too me at least :P
Way better than the first one, at least you don' t wait until the end to see something happening, but I wouldn' t say it was awesome either. Spoiler Actually the dog is the only heroic character in the movie. He' s the only member of the family who is aware that there' s a demon and from the moment he figures that out he acts as the baby bodyguard. He doesn' t die but he gets hurt.
I'm not gunna lie, Paranormal Activity 1 +2 scared the crap out of me. Meh but I'm an easy person to scare so.