Papal astronomy meeting

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Patsy Stone, Oct 1, 2007.

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  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think this is a really good move on the part of the Catholic Church. It shows that the divide between science and religion that many people believe to be there isn't.

    The Church trying to modernise it's beliefs could never be a bad thing, could it?

    BBC link
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I think it's a good thing, but in the end, also a bad one. Fundamental Christian 'scientists' often askew science to meet the Christian needs whereas science itself is not meant to disprove or prove religion, but to work with what is tangible and 'probable'. So, it's a good move in a way, but they are researching to prove God's work whereas others study these things to find out 'how they work' and that to me is the safest approach to science, because it's neutral. Also, I feel religion trying to force its way into science has been done a lot lately, and people like Galileo and other scientists of now have no reasons to -fear- the church because the churches should -never- have the power to charge anyone with anything. Yet it does still happen. At least now they can call people blasphemers and infidels but can't kill them for studying. The protestant church is also guilty of these things, such as trying to get scientists such as Einstein and Darwin to be excommunicated, ostracized etc. Darwin even had a schism at his death bed because some woman decided to say she was at his death bed and he had denounced his faith in science and turned back to God, which he never did, and this woman was never there.

    I do think it's fine religious people -study- science but I also think it's right that science studies religion. Science is a way of examining things to make the unreal tangible to us and not so -supernatural- and I'll probably always lean towards the method of study rather than going through studying science through a religious eye. All in all, I'd say it's a good thing, but not as great as it could be after having met too many Creationist scientists that try to ruin science with lies and use it to only support the existence of God. That is not what science is about.

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