Hey guys uhhm, I hope this is probably the right forum in most terms for posting a video here, I use to be able to do this 2 years ago and I read a few forum rules but I didnt see any about video distrubution bad yet so I wanted to post one of my works I have done, Its been 2 years since my last video and I am sorry if anyone remembers me, this video turned out better than I thought, I made it for everyone, As you can tell everyone can view it so I wanted to see if anyone enjoyed it, I felt unsuccessful and quited my work at the time being cause of the level of friendship than business or disturbution levels on insight; I felt alittle worried but regardless I am glad to be here, I will try to stay in the KH fan community for long as I can, its just business is working for me and its harder now, I have a band and stuff but we havent gotten our music across the net when I do I will be giving a few mp3's for free for anyone interested or might be, but thats just if your interested to know about me; I hope I can help the community and hope the community enjoys my appearance as much as I enjoy talking with other people. Programs used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Illusion 1.0 If any questions or concerns or if i might be breaking the rules I am sorry, I use to do this on this site and I enjoy to show my work and also discuss other people about music video's and other similar intentions, Thank you for anyone who understands this distribution. --------------------------- Media can be Viewed Here --------------------------- Footage: Birth By Sleep, KH2, FF13