Organization XIII: The Disney invasion

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BaseSebastian, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Here is the premise and basic synopsis:

    One day in the Grey Area between Days 7 and 15, it was work as usual for Organization XIII, all of a sudden, a corridor to Darkness opens in the middle of the room, and although every current memember of the Organization is present at the time, no one had summoned it and most curious of all, it is not the usual color scheme. This corridor to Darkness is composed of Yellows, blues, and whits stars, with a red base. What could this possibly mean?

    Demyx was 'suggested' to move closer to the portal by a few of the others, and before he even knows it, the Melodious Nocturne has a face full of Stitch.

    No, not stitches, Stitch!

    "Aloha!" The tiny alien grawled as he viciously ripped at the front of Demyx's cloak.

    "Ah! Get it off me!" Demyx screamed, but no one dared draw closer. The portal was pulsating with pure energy, errupting with a misty blue smoke.

    "It's gonna blow!" Xigbar yelled out the warning and every Nobody there stormed out of the Grey Area, running as far and fast down the hill as each could, leaving Demyx behind.

    This was a wise choice on their part, as hundreds of denizens, from several different scattered worlds, could be seen exiting the Grey Area behind them, running after the Organization, a practical army of dozens on the tail of the Nobodies.

    Demyx's screams were starting to fade away as each Organization member shut themself in their own room, some following others into rooms that belonged to the one they had tailed. Now split up and facing a sudden invasion of Disney Characters, the Organization members Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas, and Xion must fight in seperate teams to survive, because something far more fearsome than any world denizen could be heard storming through the halls.

    Will you work cooperatively with your other team memebers? You will employ the help of other world denizens? Will you survive what ever is stalking the halls of the Castle that Never was?

    1.) No God modding
    2.) No Power playing
    3.) You are allowed one Organization member role, along with an addition of up to two Disney characters.
    4.) Only I can reveal the nature of what is creeping through the halls of the CtNW, but you can allude to it, and possibly come up with traits about it.
    5.) No Organization members are truly in control.
    6.) Please try to keep in character the way they have their personalities in Kingdom Hearts. i.e Marluxia is not a fashionista, Xigbar is only somewhat of a pirate in character, and Axel couldn't care less if Roxas's pants are on or off and vice versa for Roxas.
    7.) The story of 358/2 Days need not apply. Roxas is in the Organization, and just play along like he knows the basics, and that everything like Axel, Roxas, and Xion being friends has somehow already transpired.
    8.) You may only choose weapons from 358/2 Days, but try to keep with the default weapons seen in KH Re:CoM and KH II.
    9.) You cannot kill another character unless the person controlling that character allows you to. Disney Characters cannot die indefinately.
    10.) No OCs.
    11.) Keep to the Castle and only possibly (As in under scrutinized circumstances) the City of Darkness.
    12.) No nudity, fowl or even mild language, sexual refrences and that goes for anything yaoi, yiffy, or hentai. Please keep this thread clean!
    13.) Keep posts at a two sentences per post mininum! Use proper grammer to the extent of your ability and specify when a character is acting and when they are speaking by the use of dialouge boxes.
    14.) Have fun and enjoy the thread

    Objective: (Basic ideas of what you should do)
    The room you start off in is your main base. Anyone else on your team's room is a secondary Base. You will be safe from stampeding Disney Characters and from whatever creature(s) are/is haunting the halls.

    Go from room to room and try to gather clues as to what is happening, and from time to time, to get more supplies. You may come up with your own objectives, but try to work with your team to come up with them.

    Round up the Disney Characters. The more that are not confused the better. Obviously they do not know what is going on either.

    Different teams may have different objectives. But Team 3 must start off in search of Demyx.

    Also consider that when the Disney characters invaded, groups of characters from the same world take over a different room of the Castle and magically transform it into a Nobodic version of their own home, although usually more colorful than the usual white Nobodic architecture
    Note: Saïx's name is specfic. If you are playing Saïx or if you eventually interact with the character or mention him, be sure to include the "ï" and not "i". This can be easily done by first typing in "S-A" then pressing ALT-(On the NUM-PAD)1-3-9. Then just add the "X" onto the end.
    Organization XIII
    I. Xemnas- KeybladeWarrior of Legend
    II. Xigbar-
    III. Xaldin-
    IV. Vexen- The Dead Guy
    V. Lexeaus-
    VI. Zexion-
    VII. Saïx-
    VIII. Axel- Alpha Sonix
    IX. Demyx- (Locked at the moment) KH2man13
    X. Luxord-
    XI. Marluxia- Hell Kitten
    XII. Larxene-
    XIII. Roxas- X2
    XIV. Xion-
    Repliku- Cloud Strife 2k9

    (The only playable characters. More may be added when more players are commited to playing them.)

    (If you see a ♪ by a name, this means they are a NPC and are not claimable by only one person. They are there for obstacle reasons, and can only be controlled from time to time by myself or a user who is non-partial to the team put against the specific character. You can request be one these users before and after the characters are initially introduced.)

    (Any two characters who are on the same spot are considered one role. i.e Hercules & Pegasus, the user plays both Hercules and Pegasus without it counting as two roles)

    The White Rabbit-
    ♪The Queen of Hearts (Comes with the command of a small legion of card soldiers)
    ♪Chesire Cat

    Olympus Coliseum
    Hercules & Pegasus- Alpha Sonix
    ♪Hades (Control over Heartles and two minions, Pain and Panic)
    ♪The Fates

    Deep Jungle
    Jane Porter-
    Profesor Arqemedes Q. Porter-
    ♪Clayton (Minimal control of Jungle Heartless)

    Aladdin & Abu-
    Jasmine & Rasha-
    ♪Jafar (Control over Desert-type and Fire-based Heartless)
    Genie- BaseSebastian
    Iago & Carpet-

    Halloween Town
    Jack Skellington- BaseSebastian
    Dr. Finklestein-
    ♪Oogie Boogie (Minimal control over Dark-based and Scary-type Heartless along with minions Lock Shock and Barrel)
    ♪Santa Claus (Speacial Gift giver, along with helpers the elves of Christmas Town)

    Atlantica(One room of the Castle is completely Underwater)
    King Triton-
    Sebastian & Flounder-
    ♪Ursula (Control over Water-based Heartless and minions Flotsam and Jetsam)

    Peter Pan & Tinkerbell- X2
    ♪Capatain Hook (Control over Pirate-type Heartless and minion Mr. Smee)

    Land of Dragons
    Fa Mulan-
    Mushu & Crickee-
    Yao, Ling, & Chin-Po-
    ♪Shan-Yu (Power over China-type Heartless and falcon minion Hayabusa)

    Beast's Castle
    The Beast- KH2man13
    Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, & Chip-

    Port Royal
    Captain Jack Sparrow- The Dead Guy
    Elizabeth Swann-
    William Turner- The Dead Guy
    ♪Captain Barbossa (Control over Pirate-type Heartless and Cursed Pirates)- X2(When Team 3 is not faced aginast Barbossa)

    Pride Lands
    Simba- KeybladeWarrior of Legend
    Nala & Lionesses- Hell Kitten
    Timon and Pumbaa- KH2man13
    ♪Scar (Control over Savannah-type Heartles and Hyena minions including Shanzi, Banzai and Ed.)- Keyblade Warrior of Legend(When Team 1 is not faced against Scar)

    Misc. (They wander the Castle aimlessly)
    Stitch- BaseSebastian
    Princess Aurora-
    Snow White-
    ♪Gantu (Not spec. evil, just dangerous to those who get his way of capturing Stitch)

    (I'm just going with most of the characters in Kingdom Hearts for now. Once and if this thread picks up, and more character slots are neccesary, non-Kingdom Hearts characters will be added in, possibly.)

    ATTENTION: I'd like for at least two operating teams to be filled before we start!

    ~Teams"(The ♪ icon in this section symbolizes a character has been selected so far. This is so I can keep track.)
    Team 1: ♪Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx (Start off on top of the tower which leads to Kingdom Hearts in KH II)
    Team 2: ♪Vexen, Lexeaus, and Zexion (Start off in the lowest Basement, which is similiar in appearance to their usual meeting place in KH Re:CoM)
    Team 3: ♪Axel, ♪Roxas, Xion, Luxord, ♪Demyx (Start off in Axel's room, except for Demyx, who must be found)
    Team 4: ♪Marluxia, Larxene (True traitors, they start off way outside near the Memory Skyscraper)
  2. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    I call Roxas, Captain Barbossa and Peter Pan if that's ok
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    @ rule 12: it's spelled hentai ftw

    and you're lucky I love you. May I take Marluxia and Nala?
  4. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Can I have Axel and Hercules?
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Okay then. Everybody's been given what they've asked for, thus far. I'm waiting however to pick my Organization member role until more people have been given the opportunity to pick. Truth betold, I can play any member besides Xemnas, pretty well. It is to that end that I'm waiting.

    However, once at least two seperate Organization teams are full, I may just start playing the ones not selected along with any neccesary Disney Characters as they come up. I know the Role-playing section and I doubt every slots going to be filled.

    Remember, you can have TWO Disney Characters ALONG WITH ONE Organization character.

    And lastly, if a description of how each Disney invaded room looks like is requested, I will happily oblige.
  6. CloudStrife2k9 Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 17, 2009
    Do you think you can add on Repliku.??

    If not thats fine. (:
  7. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Can I have Vexen, Jack. and Will Turner? :p
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I suppose. But likely only Repliku, as he has closer ties to Organization XIII than even Sora. He was after all, created by Vexen. Repliku is added to the RP, but any other Original Kingdom hearts characters being added in would take some serious thought.

    All the same, you are now added as Repliku. I'm adding him to the Organization XIII roster and rules still apply to that effect. You can still have two more characters from the Disney section.

  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Xemnas, Simba, and Scar please?
  10. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Can I request to be Demyx? If not, I would like Luxord, Timon & Pumbaa, and The Beast.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    You can be Demyx. However, he is isolated at the start of the RP, stuck in the flooded Grey Area, which has transformed into a much more Disney-Esque version of itself. You can play Demyx before Roxas, Axel, Xion and Luxord find him, but all I ask is that you keep him in the Grey area. Not that escape from such a crowded room is so possible at the moment.

    If you need more info on these special circumstances, please tell me.
  12. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Just curious, but, what team is Repliku on? I would assume Team 4, but, you never know.
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    This has been resolved, thank you. Repliku is his own strike force allowed to do whatever his controller wishes.

    Other than that, I believe we have an adequte amount of players to begin. I suppose I will control the spare Organization members and Disney denizens for the time being, that is, until someone decides they want that character.

    This includes I guess: Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx, Zexion, Lexeaus, Luxord, Roxas and Xion. If anyone else wishes to double role, I will most def. oblige. But if it's alright, I believe I'll select Luxord for myself indefinately. But if you double role, please pick other characters on your own set team. e.g I have no problem with Xemnas playing also as Saïx, Xigbar or Xaldin, but Zexion, Axel, Roxas, Xion, or Lexeaus? Please keep this temporary double-roling to your own team. And please note possibly "Temporary". You may also have to give up that character sometime during play.

    Well then, with that out of the way, without further adu, let's begin:

    Luxord sat on the corner of Axel's bed, farthest corner away from the pillow. He flipped a pair of his dice in his hand as he contemplated cause and reason. His mentally great mind was quite literally puzzled in the great mystery that was clammoring through the hall outside the closed and bolted door.

    The Details he knew were unfortunately limited. All he knew was that a portal had opened and ruined his entire day, and that himself, Axel, Roxas and Xion were locked in a room together without out anyway of contacting the other members of the Organization. Maybe if he gave it one more try, then there could be a chance, as Luxord was always a man of chance,


    He raised one black cloaked arm and extended his palm open to seemingly reach out at a blank white wall without moving from his seat. Despite his attempts, however, to open a Corridor to darkness, it simply was a wisp of black smoke that tried it's hardest to become a portal. Then the smoke died out completely, leaving Luxord to lower his arm and shake his head. They were going to be stuck here for quite some time, which was not in favor of its master this time.

    Little did Luxord know someone else on the other side of the Castle was mimicking him and was also attempting to open a corridor, with similiar complications and results.

    Xigbar stared at the empty space as he gazed out to the black and purple skyline beyond the small circle flat top of the tallest tower of the Castle that never was. He gave snarl in the general direction of empty space which he was facing, and turned to the others.

    "Stick a fork through us, boys, we're down." Xigbar proclaimed to his fellow Nobodies roughly. "What's going on down there anyway?" Xigbar asked to no specific person, mostly actually a question to himself, as he gestured to the stiars which had been blocked off by a magical barrier to keep World inavders from disturbing the masters of the Organization.

    A pair of souless eyes gazed upon the majesty that was Kingdom hearts at it's closest viewing point. So near to it, he felt the aura that radiated upon his skin, giving him a sense of deep indescribable power. Soaking in that power for a moment, wrapped in the euphoria of hearts from every world, Saïx turned to face the asker of the unanswerable question. He knew the question was largely rhetorical, so he refrained from speach.

    "As though it mattered, it is my guess that the enemy storms at our barricade at this very moment. They have hearts, and are so drawn to follow them, in fear, anger, and in, given the resounding snarls and growlings carried by the wind to my ears, hunger." The indomitable Xaldin noted plainly, as though the last part did not bother him, but said it also with the notion that whatever was trying futively to reach them, did not want to shake his hand.

    Larxene looked down over the edge of the tower of darkness upon which she stood. A large screen towering above her lithe and petit form, she leaned her back up against one of its supporting beams, crossing her arms over her chest.

    "Alright. I can see why we had to run, half of those pathetic world residents would have crushed us in their wake if we stayed, but why come here, Marly? I mean, it's soooo bor-ing up here." She sqeaked and squaked in her complaining. Marly was her choosen name for her traitorous cohort, Marluxia, whom she cocked an eyebrow at with a pouty look on her dainty but sharp face.

    Usually I'm against calling Marluxia "Marly" in serious RP's, but Larxene strikes me as the sort of character who would actually use the term.

    Again, any of the characters I used already can be requested for a double-roling while we start the real Role-playing. This also includes the characters I'm temporarily using that I didn't use right here in this post, Zexion, Roxas, Xion, and Lexeaus
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: I suppose I could try Xigbar as well?

    BIC: Xemnas sat on the bed. He growled, frustrated at the situation. "I guess we're stuck in this godforsaken castle for awhile." He muttered, trying for what seemed like the hundredth time to summon a corridor, but the Superior failed as he did before. He growled again and stood up. "How did those creatures get here anyway!?" Xemnas shouted, looking around at the members in the room.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Given. But I hate to sound like a stifler, but Xemnas doesn't start in a room. It's there on the first post that he starts with team 1 on top of the Tower that leads up to Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts II. I'm not bugging ya, but it's so there's an easy way of starting a storyline with this.

    You don't HAVE to change your post. So, I'll just continue as though you did what you did and said what you said as Xemnas where Team 1 is. Is that alright?


    Saïx could read the superior like an open book. The other two had tried as they could, but to no avail. There was no way out, and no way to regroup with the other members of the Organization.

    "My Lord," Saïx gave a slight gracious bow before the Leader of the Organization. "there is undoubtably no way of transporting between darkness. Yet, if I may offer a suggestion...?" He didn't literally ask, he simply questioned for formalities, "We could use the Nobody Flyers. They carry two at a time, and I can see two over the edge of this tower. We could escape to a lower floor this way."

    "He makes a point..., Xemnas." Xaldin need not bother with formalities, he was, after all, one of the original six apprentices of Ansem the Wise. "Truth betold, Xigbar's manipulation over the element of Gravity and mine over wind, the both of us need not the last flyer." Xaldin suggested, his face a solemn statue.
  16. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: Ohhh... sorry mate. ^^"

    BIC: Xemnas glanced at Saix and the members that were with with him, pondering the idea.

    Xigbar smirked. "Yeah... i'm liking that idea. Your call, Dude." He said to Xemnas.

    "Alright. Let's go." Xemnas said.

    "Awesome." Xigbar chuckled.
  17. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: what room is Demyx locked in?

    Demyx sat in the room, having no means of escape. He tried opening a Corridor of Darkness, but failed. The Melodious Nocturne sat there, alone, trapped.
  18. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Correcto. And let me pointificate: By no means in Demyx alone. He's squished into the room by dozens of Disney Characters. This is why he can't escape the Gray Area.

    Also, try to make the posts a little longer guys. Explain what's happenining, and try to speak like the characters would speak. Not a problem, just a hint as to what makes a good RP experiance.


    Xaldin called upon the winds, and they swept him high and fast into the air. Summoning his Lindworms, Xaldin floated in midair high above the tower floor, standing on a platform of solid air. Huffing his disapproval with what he saw below, he quickly leaned forward, and used his powers to jet forth, and down the side of the Tower wall, disappearing out of sight.

    Meanwhile, Saïx jumped over the short railing and carefully and gracefully slid down the slanted plane of the tower cone. Accurately, he jumped off at the right moment to land in the cockpit seat of the Nobody Flyer, gripping the handles to lift effortlessly off the empty space it was docked on. Lifting higher into the air, Saïx turned the craft around and stopped to hover a small bit above the tower floor, allowing the Superior easy accession.

    "We have work to do, Lord Xemnas." He said with a cordial bow of his head.

    Elsewhere, Luxord looked to his unlucky companions. "Axel, it came to my attention that Demyx did not leave the table where the dealer held a loaded gun. Out of any of us, Demyx was not of us who ran to safety." He began to theorize. "My bet is that he is either gone or trapped in the Gray Area with the rest of those disaster-stirring denizens." He gave Axel a very serious look. "There is power in numbers. We need to go first to the Gray area to get another useful good luck charm. If it comes to us being the ones unfolded, it would be better if all of us had a winning hand."
  20. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Demyx was still weirded out by all of the strange characters. He tried to keep a distance from all of them, for many reasons. One of these, was that he was nto a very adept fighter. "Man, these guys are weird," said Demyx, to nobody in particular. He then had an idea: why do the work and try to escape, when you can have someone, or someTHING do the work for you? He summoned Arpeggio, his beloved sitar, and proclaimed "Dance, water, dance!" and started strumming on his sitar, creating water clones of himself. He ordered the clones to charge at the exit, attacking any of the strange creatures in the way. The clones managed to knock a few out of the way, only to have his clones be eliminated by the large crowd's resistance.
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