Organization XIII New Order

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Raven-Sky, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Raven-Sky Moogle Assistant

    Dec 9, 2007

    Forever more it will be an endless battle between good and evil. As long as here is darkness, there will always be evil. 10 years after Sora defeated Organization XIII a new Organization began. But this time the Organization wanted to use their power to destroy the heartless. The reason is the new leader was originally the first leader of Organization XIII. The leaders name is Saxenas. Before the Organization XIII started Xemnas and Saxenas were friends. But they both had different views on how their organization should be runned. Saxenas wanted to use his power to fight the heartless, while Xemnas had other ideas. Supposedly Xemnas killed Saxenas, but he didn't. So now Saxenas is the new ruler of the Organization XIII. But a new threat is about to start to his new organization.

    (To becontinued)

    To join the Organization XIII

    1 I am #1
    2 Be mature
    3 No bad language...EVER!!!
    4 No godly powers
    5 No sexual content...EVER!!!!
    6 You must ask the other person to kill them
    7 If your character dies, you are allowed to make another! If you want to
    8 Try your best with typing
    10 Be respectful to the others
    11 You can only control your character. But also there will be characters that will come into the story line that anyone can control, example Sora. But he's not in the story yet.
    12 The first 12 rules are the most important
    Um.....for now those are the rules...if I need to I will add more later.


    Name- (Your character's Organization name, this must contain an 'x'.)
    Alias- (Youre character's nickname.)
    Old Name- (The name of your character before they became a nobody.)
    Age- (Your character's age.)
    Birthdate- (Your character's birthday.)
    Gender- (Male or Female.)
    Species- (Characters don't have to be completely human, like Saix.)
    Height- (Your character's height.)
    Weight- (Your character's weight. Be reasonable please.)
    Powers- (The element of your character's specialty.)
    Weapons- (The preferred weapon of your character.)

    Personality- (Here you may explain your character's personality, habits, fighting techniques, and anything else that might be important.)

    Hair- (Discription of your character's hair.)
    Eyes- (Discription of your character's eyes.)
    Skintone- (Your character's skin tone, be realistic.)
    Tattoo(s)- (A discription of any tattoos your character has.)
    Piercing(s)- (A discription of any peircings your character has.)

    Likes- (A list of things, people, music, colors, or anything else they might like.)

    Dislikes- (A list of things, people, music, colors, or anything else they might like.

    Friend(s): (Any friends you are sure that your character has.)
    Lover: (Any companion you are sure your character has.)

    (I will give you your number)
    (Also message me when you got a character. You can only have 1 person at a time.

    Name- Saxenas
    Alias- The Healer
    Old Name- Jean
    Age- 67
    Birthdate- May 4
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human
    Height- 5’8
    Weight- 178
    Powers- Healing
    Weapons- Wrist Blade

    Personality- He is kind and gentile. He hates to fight unless he has to. He wants to make sure what happened to the old Organization won’t happen to the new one.

    Hair- Gray
    Eyes- Blue
    Skintone- White
    Tattoo(s)- None
    Piercing(s)- And earring on his left ear

    Likes- He like people, music, and kindness. He loves when someone joins the Organization.

    Dislikes- Heartless, evil, traitors.

    Member Number- I
    Friend(s): Any Organization member
    Lover: None

    So have fun, also I'm new to this so....hehehe give me a break.