Organization XIII and the Pick of Destiny Part 7

Discussion in 'Archives' started by AkuseruVIII, May 15, 2007.

  1. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Part 7 Mwahahahahaaha it's longer than usual cause of Xemmy's apearance so. Njoy
    P.S. thanks Axels#1Fangirl for the artistic contribution to this piece. Out.
    For the story thus far-

    Organization XIII and the Pick of Destiny Part 7

    “Alright then.” Demyx said sternly(weird eh?) He pulled a CD case out of his pocket and leafed through the discs until he came to the one. He grinned broadly and shoved it into the DVD player. He turned on the TV shut the door and locked it then joined the others on the couch. A few seconds later lo and behold there he was Xemnas obviously profusely drunk and thoroughly high, as he was jumping around his room in a pair of Larxene’s panties with a pair of Fruit of the Loom underwear on his head. If this wasn’t enough to kill all the members watching the video what happened next was. He began singing into Demyx’s whalebone brush.
    It went as follows--

    When I’m out walkin’ I strut my stuff- He began to strut it was not pretty
    Man I’m so strung out- he lies sprawled out on the bed
    I’m high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out- He checks out a picture of Saix on his wall
    Let me go on like a blister in the sun- he air guitars with the brush
    Let me go on big hands I know you’re the one- he sings into the brush
    Body and heat I stain my sheets- He flops on his bed and starts acting crazy
    I don’t even know why- He gets up and jumps up and down like Tom Cruise
    My girlfriend she’s at the end and she’s starting to cry- makes hand motions around head
    Let me go on like a blister in the sun- goes all Tom Cruise again
    Let me go on big hands I know you’re the one- continues
    When I’m out walkin’ I strut my stuff- Strutted once more
    Man I’m so strung out- spread out his arms and then snapped his head to one side
    I’m high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out- goes all Tom Cruise yet again before he checks out Xigbar’s picture (also on the wall)
    When I’m out walkin’ I strut my stuff- causes severe mental trauma
    Man I’m so strung out- sings into brush violently
    I’m high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out- checks out Marluxia
    Body and heat I stain my sheets- *Censored*
    I don’t even know why- gives confused look
    My girlfriend she’s at the end and she’s starting to cry- gives crying hand gestures
    When I’m out walkin’ I strut my stuff- struts
    Man I’m so strung out- starts breakdancing
    I’m high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out- stops breakdancing and checks out Ansem the Wise’s picture(on the same wall)
    Let me go on like a blister in the sun- Air guitars some more
    Let me go on big hands I know you’re the one- blows a kiss to the pictures clumped together on the wall

    “Damn.” Xigbar said shocked beyond all writable description.
    “’The hell is wrong with him?” Roxas asked not expecting a straight answer.
    “I wish I hadn’t seen that.” Luxord said on the verge of both crying and hurling.
    “That right there is so messed up.” Axel said still trying to wrap his head (it is harder than you’d think) around the concept of the whole thing.
    “So, what did you guys think?” Demyx asked cheerily. The next moment the others burst out laughing so loud you’d think you were at the zoo in the hyena enclosure.
    “Oh can you believe it!?”
    “And that one part!”
    “Yeah when he was all!”
    “Hell yeah!”
    “Man he makes the Femmes sound good!”
    “I know!”
    “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” This continued for a good while so let’s cut to a laughing montage. *Montage takes about 30 seconds*
    “Oh that was just too much.” Axel choked out through his sobs of maniacal laughter.
    “Yeah it was insane!” Xigbar chuckled furiously as he yelled this.
    “I can’t believe you got THAT on tape.” Luxord laughed pounding on the table.
    “Yeah, right?” Roxas cheered.
    “Well, I could tell you guys.” Demyx said with a confident smirk. Silence the others had stopped and looked intently at Demyx.
    “Alrighty then. It all stared when Luxord over here bought me a digital camera for my birthday.” Demyx pointed out Luxord and there were some mutterings that soon silenced as Demyx resumed. “Well I decided to set it up to spy on Xemnas, ‘cause everyone was asking what he always does up in his room. So when everyone went to the New Years party I decided to stay back and set things in motion.” Demyx smiled slyly. “So I caught up with everyone and no one suspected a thing. When I got a chance a few days later I found this recorded on my spy cam.” Demyx beamed with pride. “The day was January 1st so he really must have been hammered and someone must have slipped him some acid ‘cause he obviously was out of it. So later when he tried to punish me for throwing food I showed him I had it and he backed down.”
    “That is freakishly brilliant.” Luxord cheered.
    “Yeah, that is just a tad awesome little dude.” Xigbar nodded in approval.
    “Sweet man.” Axel said getting Demyx in a playful headlock.
    “That’s seriously the best thing ever.” Roxas grinned barely holding back his enthusiasm.
    “I am cool aren’t I.“ Demyx said from in the headlock grinning and rubbing his chin.
    “Oh well that was cool and we should get back to work soon. The battle is not yet won.” Luxord said composing himself after that fit of laughter.
    “Well at this point I’d say our only real competition is Larxene’s band.” Demyx said pulling his head up.
    “Huh why?” the other asked.
    “Well I’ve been searching stuff on past band winners and as far as I know the only winner for the past 5 years has been ‘The Hundred Block Hood’.”
    “Who’re they?” Roxas inquired raising an eyebrow(why can everyone do that?)
    “It’s a band of very little brains if you know what I mean.” Demyx chuckled.
    “You don’t mean…” Axel began.
    “Yes I do, it’s frickin’ Winnie the Poohs band. They only play one song and if you thought Xemnas was a bad singer then, heh, well it’s easily imagined.”
    “Oh well I guess that means we can take the rest of the day off huh?” Axel said slyly.
    “Yeppers my peoples.” Demyx said simply.

    Two weeks later The Best Band Never had finished Utada and C. Demyx was handing out the tabs for everyone to learn. They all had some time to look over everything and were ready to begin. Just as the were about to start ‘Don’t Leave Me’ Roxas bust into uncontrollable sobs. He was really bawling and no one had a clue why.
    “Um Roxas man are you alright.” Axel asked quietly as the others cringed at the spectacle.
    “*sniff sniff* Nobe I wad jus thingking aboud Xed and…” He was lost in tears.
    “Well, remember Xed?” Axel asked the others off to the side.
    “Yeah.” they answered unsurely.
    “Well Roxas is still a bit torn up about that. I don’t think we should do this it’s too much for him now.” Axel explained.
    “Okay we’ll go one to other stuff for now.” Demyx agreed looking at the distraught Roxas curled up on the floor rocking back and forth.
    “You okay man?” Demyx asked cautiously. Roxas slowly turned his head sniffling and sobbing all the while. He nodded shakily and then hung his head and began rocking again.
    “He’s totally screwed up.” Xigbar said bluntly to the others.
    “Yeah.” Axel said rubbing his forehead.
    “All he needs is to get happy!” Demyx and Luxord chimed getting out their instruments. With that the sang.
    “Do you like waffles?” Demyx sang happily.
    “Yes we like waffles!” Luxord followed boisterously lifting Roxas’ huddled form off the ground.
    “Do you like pancakes?” Demyx cried out enthusiastically.
    “Yes we like pancakes!” Luxord beamed swinging Roxas around in circles.
    “AAH!” Roxas screamed like a girl.
    “Do you like French toast?” Demyx continued ignoring Roxas cries for help.
    “Yes we like French toast!” Luxord threw Roxas at axel and Xigbar who were watching from the corner until they were bowled over by the wailing projectile.
    “Blah blah blah blah blah can’t wait to get a mouth full.” The two sang together as they started dancing around their three unconscious friends. They stopped a few seconds later and looked at the others who were by this time only just coming to.
    “Demyx you total idiot!” Roxas howled holding Demyx up by the scruff of his coat(which was hard due to the height difference.)
    “Not cool little dude.” Xigbar moaned rubbing his bruised head.
    “Don’t ever do that again, got it memorized?” Axel fumed rubbing his own wounded head.
    “Hey guys does Roxas seem sad to you?” Luxord asked point blank.
    “Uh yeah?” The other two answered confusedly.
    “Then it worked.” Luxord said calmly. They looked over at Roxas savaging the now deathly afraid Demyx and sighed, contented. He was right Roxas was his old self again and they had Demyx’s idiocy to thank for it. They broke up the fight and finally began the long put off rehearsal.

    So what did you think? Stupid eh?
  2. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol sweet!!!!

    Thank you for using Xed! :D

    This story is great!

    *goes to read ch 8 soon*
  3. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto! OKay now that that's out. Thanks I MAY add her in more.*smiles evilly* Keep as sharp lookout.

    BTW I drank a cafe vanilla from starbucks and I spent about 10 minutes laughing uncontrollably. It sounded like hiccups and everyone thought I was dying.