In order for everyone to understand the figures I'm talking about I shall be using the universal currency of McDonald's cheeze burgers (just the cheeze burgers not a combo). A place near where I live is having a sale where I can buy Bioshock 2 for 22.7 McDCBs which is option A Or I can get Team Fortress 2 for 13.35 McDCBs from Steam, which is option B. I can't decide :( What do you think KHV?
buy more cheeseburgers nah..but should buy team fortress more replay value then bioshock 2...but get both if you can...cause i absolutely love bioshock 2 in terms of story and gameplay
I'd say TF2 because it's got multiplayer that's always in use, and you can play it over and over again, plus there's more ways to customize stuff.