OOC and Profiles For The Cold

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Dec 9, 2010.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    RP Thread: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?106154-The-Cold-Consumes-All

    The RP Thus Far

    The City: Given a mission on the Bottom Level, Olive and Vincent head out. But much to their dismay they are met by Alex, a puppet who isn't all that friendly. Once they are outside Alex only causes trouble and creates a scene. It becomes obvious that the Ink members are not getting along very well and to make matters worse a fight breaks out. Can the troubled group stop the Sin member and protect the citizens of the Bottom Level?

    The Forest: Troubled with thought about The Book of The Creator, Azure visits its chamber where it slumbers. While there Grey comes to visit, but only in order to say his final goodbye to the book before leaving the forest for good. When she is offered the chance to come along, Azure says she will travel with him to the forest edge while she thinks it over. One the way out they run into Mya, a well respected forest dweller. The two females are all too eager to see the edge of the forest for the first time only to find it to be nothing bad sand. Before they can really express how they feel about this they see Shiira and one of her friends, waste dwellers, who seems kind enough to help, but can they really be trusted?

    Ink Members​

    Job System: Most of these jobs can be taken on by any species if their abilities fit. I'll explain in full detail as to how each job will work if you ask me to.

    Offense: Typically uses a wide rang of weapons, focuses on strength, and it is their job to defeat the enemy as soon as possible.
    Scout: Has the power to sense their surroundings, and thanks to biotechnology that data can be stored in a digital map and transferred to the other members who have a digit link. (It's like they all have a chat system that connects them to their team members. Some choose not to have this as it is not natural. Others do not have it if they are psychic in any way as it interferes with their powers)
    Support: Magic-users only. Each one are from a type of witches that are rare to find these days and Ink has taken upon themselves to find them all and protect them. Each one used to have a book of spells, but now have that book installed in their brains and linked to their magic. Each spell has a word attached to it that was picked by the user. Well-trained users can use a 'set' spell and then say other spell words which leaves the other spells at the ready instead of having the user to power up each time. Their job is to use spells like protect, haste and such magic like that (these aren't what they are called in this world, but this is the easiest way to explain it for me).
    Healer: Stays in the background and has good evasion skills. Whenever they are called in they rush in to heal whoever is injured. Some may or may not be able to self-heal, and if they cannot this makes it all the more important to be able to dodge every attack the enemy makes.

    Ranks: Ranks state how good of a fighter you are and what level access you have, doesn't make the higher ranks stronger, just either more important, smarter, better in battle or they have connections. They are represented by simple numbers starting at 1 going to 4, 4 being the highest rank.

    Species: (Anything and everything is allowed expect for someone from the forest or god-like creatures, unless you add some weakness and talk it over with me.)
    Rank: (This will be discussed between you and I when you pm me your profile. Feel free to put whatever you like here and you probably will be able to keep it.)
    Team Members: (You can ask around for people to join a team. Leave blank until you have someone on your team.)
    Biography: (Doesn't have to be detailed or long)
    Skills: (Basic skills they have due to training and/or traits )

    Sin Members​

    At the moment each member gets only one main mission, as it normally is something that will take time i.e. getting a job in Ink. Though more jobs can come their way.

    Unlike Ink there isn't any assigned 'jobs' or ranks since this ground is less organized, and one will have to earn respect and trust.

    Mission: (Will be discussed with me and hidden from the other members if needed. In fact, if they are undercover they will be place in the Ink section and given a fake profile. Do not abuse this.)

    Citizens of The City

    Species: (If not a human then they will live on the bottom level unless the fact is hidden or unknown to themselves.)
    Powers: (Humans may posses some magical powers and not know of it. If they use their powers on the Upper Level they will be visited by Ink.)

    Waste Dwellers


    People of the Forest


    Monster of the Waste

    They are losing all memories and emotions and wonder the waste aimlessly. Every so often they hear a voice telling them to do stuff, typically telling them to kill someone near by. They can refuse to do this but this only brings them pain. Most give in and become monsters but the ones who fight it can learn to control their new powers and seek out a cure. However, once they transform it's near impossible to control themselves and it seems like there is no way to turn back.

    Powers: (Their human traits grow stronger with more black markings. Once the black markings cover their whole body they take on monster forms and may gain powers by eating people with them.)



    Accepted Characters

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Olivia Rivers aka Olive
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Species: Witch
    Powers: Uses magic spells to help her team mates. Specialize in collecting magic in the form of wings which she can use to create shields or attack with, attacks are weak though. Also is good for powering up people.
    Rank: 3
    Job: Support
    Team Members: Vincent
    Appearance: http://angelic-tofu.deviantart.com/...3044971?q=gallery:angelic-tofu/23668200&qo=16
    Biography: Both of her parents have been Ink members since before she was born so she has always known about Ink, but wasn't allowed to join until she turned 18. Her ranking is mainly due to her family, and because of this she works extra hard to prove herself. Really not much else to say...
    Weapon: Keeps needles in her sleeves just in case and as a final back-up there is a daggar strapped to her shin, hidden under her baggy black pants.
    Skills: High evasion skills and defensive combat skills. Off of the battlefield she doesn't know how to do much else.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Vincent Valentine (yes I took it from FFVII but I'm in love with that name)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Species: Serphim Angel (much like a normal human but enhanced physical abilities.)
    Powers: Holy magic.
    Rank: 3
    Job: Offensive, mostly in charge of protecting certain people.
    Team Members: Olive
    Appearance: http://media.animegalleries.net/albu...ESOME.jpg?=123
    Biography: Vincent's family was turned into monsters by the Cold and not soon after he found a job with Ink. For half his life he's been haunted by memories of his family destroying themselves slowly. He has a gentle side underneath all that muscle that wishes only to protect.
    Weapon: Anything he can get his hands on but keeps a broadsword with engraved crosses on it by his side and a similar knife strapped to his thigh.
    Skills: Flight through wings he keeps hidden.
    Other: to get what I mean by his personality his theme song sorta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fur86y7dQJ4

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Tyler Ross
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Biomechicnal Human
    Powers: Can generate electrical currents which he can send through out someone's body and sense what is around him up to 500 meters, but can't always use his full potienial.
    Rank: 1
    Job: Scout
    Team Members: Alex
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: He lived the life of a normal human on the topside of the city and didn't have a care in the world. But then he accidently electrocuted a someone while shopping on a stressful day. When he returned home shortly after someone from Ink was awaiting him. He ran from the Ink member since he had heard rumors of people being killed for showing special abilities. He hid on the bottom level but was soon found thanks to a rat. While trying to run away again he was seriously injured and lost most of his memories. Ink took him in, but he can't shake the feeling of hate towards them, though he doesn't know why. His entire right side has been replaced with machine parts, inculding some organs, and his right eye and biotechnology helps keeps his brain working.
    Weapon: A blade grows from his right arm from any location on it. He normally uses this as a blade coming from his elbow.
    Skills: Though thanks to his machine parts he rarely gets tired or feel pain, he can also be shut down. Though it'd be hard to actually kill him.
    Other: Gonna be crappy spelling here. Tired...

    Username: Malice
    Name: Alex
    Age: 15
    Gender: Genderless
    Species: Dummy. Something of a production item given a face. More so, a creation from Michael himself. They do not age
    Powers: Within the center of his body,it's able to open its own stomach, where his core is. Once closed, all within the core is frozen. What comes out is a type of clay, glazed over with some form of material. To most, the uses of such a power is unknown
    Rank: 4
    Job: Offense
    Team Members: Tyler
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/SkyeBlaze/Story Characters/Anime_Guy-1.jpg?o=7
    Biography: Most about it is unknown. It's known as the eyes and ears of Michael, being a representative. Though it is true that no one knows it, Alex is not an actual person, as it is described as one such art work created by Michael, though this is only a rumor. Instead of having any importance to a team or enforcement of any sort, it acts more on his own, not describing either his missions, nor its relationship to Michael. It's high status is a means to ensure that it can gain access to everything concerning Ink.
    Weapon: The metalic blades within his body
    Skills: Its fighting skills are that of the martial art Kajukenbo, which focus's on mainly dismembering the opponent useless through strength and vital points. As for its traits, due to its bodies qualities, instead of bones, it has blades in place, which can be released through various slits in its body, though skin covers such area's, so it can be more camaflauged. Equally though, this means that it attempts not to use them too often due to the ripping of flesh, causing an unsightly scene.
    Other: Due to the recent unknown death of its last scouting partner, it has been looking for a new one.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Aywa Moon
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Species: Fairiee (Appears human, except she has wings on her back - usually hidden and slightly pointed ears)
    Powers: Can fly using her wings, heal, remove people's memories (not perminantly) and turn invisible.
    Biography: She lives in the bottom of the city after discovering she was different when she was young. Though she hid it well, she still felt like an outsider and moved to the bottom without ink knowing about her. She has learnt to look after herself, but still feels lonely and longs to meet others like her and be accepted.
    Weapon: 2 small daggers

    Username: Malice
    Name: Mathew
    Age: 24
    Gender: male
    Species: Human
    Powers: Short distance teleportation. If he stands still in the same spot, he can teleport rapidly (mostly his body positioning). The longer a distance he teleports though, the more of a time laps there is (he can go half a mile at the most, which will leave his powers useless for the next two hours).
    Appearance: http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy13/are_keyla/Anime Boys/Animeguys_52_.jpg
    Biography: Though not a member of Ink per say, he still does jobs for them whilst remaining top side. He serves mainly as the delivery boy, doing errands too and fro, due to the conveniance of his powers. In return, he's allowed to stay top side and be "normal" with all the rest, instead of being stuck below the city. It's quite common for him to visit the underworld though for his services. He's very private about just who it is that "employs" him, since his employer seems to be an unknown member.
    Weapon: The orbs on his clothes that have the metalic spikes attatched to them. During a fight, they tend to float off from him. A type of AI, given to him by his employer, which morph in various shapes.
    Other: He doesn't seem like the type, but a lot of the things that he owns is from his unknown employer. He tends to appear to have more importance due to his riches then he really is.

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Night
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Species: Speith (I'll have a complete explation about this species next time. Along with the powers. A made up species I'm using in a story.)
    Power: Is said to have many powers but the only one people know of is his ability to change someone's nervous system by placing his nail at the tip of their spine and send electrical currents into their body.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: Leader of Sin. I'll let you guys know more in the rp and I'll come back to edit every now and then.
    Weapon: Doesn't ever use weapons.
    Other: Sorry for the poor bio, but since he is the Sin leader I'm trying to keep things unknown for a while. But Sin does need a leader.

    Username: Guardian_Soul
    Name: Ollerus(fake name)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Species: Magus
    Power: Ollerus has a natural talent in using Projection magic which enables him to replicate items that he has seen before. The better the image in the his head, the more stable the projected item is, and it can be further improved by having technical knowledge of the item's construction, such as a blueprint.
    Mission: Infiltrate the City from the outside and gather information on Ink.
    Biography: Being born into a family of well-known magi, Ollerus was raised to become their successor and was trained in using his family's brand of magic, projection. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't able to properly finish his training before everything that he cherished was taken away from him by the Cold. Left alone to be killed by the monsters in the Waste, Ollerus, through sheer determination, was able to survive the rough conditions of the Waste by constantly refining the little magic that he knew to become a warrior. Having nowhere to go, he joined Sin to help the people of the Waste who were abandoned by the City because he wants to prevent as much suffering as he possibly can.
    Weapon: Doesn't carry around weapons since he can project them. His favorite weapon to project is a broadsword inscribed with the words "Fortitudine vincimus". The words don't give the weapon any magical effect and are just there for decoration.
    Other: Ollerus isn't capable of projecting constantly or he'll burn out his magic reserves and most likely faint from exhaustion. Also objects created with projection are slightly inferior to the original due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone. The cost of projecting and the quality of the projected item is also determined greatly by the amount of familiarity that Ollerus has with the object. If he were to project his favorite sword, the final result would be almost perfect and it'd would also be much less straining on him than projecting a weapon that he's never seen before.

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Jason
    Age: 37
    Gender: Male
    Species: Shapeshifter
    Power: Can changed his appearance, though this cannot be done in a flash. He can also change parts of his body into different objects, but the best he can currently do is turn his arms into blade.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mission: To interfer with The City's resources
    Biography: Because of The City his entire town, inculding his family, was left to die. In his mind even The Cold is their fualt. He was heading there but didn't make it even half way before collasping from exhuastion. He was about to be eaten by monsters, not even caring about it, when Night saved him. He tries to repay Night by being the best Sin member he can. One day hopes of becoming a Speith like Night.
    Weapon: His arms that changes into blades.
    Other: Makes himself appear much younger than he actually is.

    Username: Terra
    Name: Grey Aeterna
    Age: 600
    Gender: Male
    Biography: Grey is one of the four mages and one of the most outgoing of the group. He prepared to leave the forest in an attempt to bring peace to both the Waste and the City. The other mages are not as confident as he is that such a thing can be done but he believes otherwise. As one of the four mages of the forest, Grey has a great deal of wisdom and magical power. He is not one of the Elves but something else entirely, when asked he explains that his kind has died long ago and that he is the last of it. He enjoys letting others speculate what he could be or if he has a less human-looking “true form†of some sort.
    Weapon: A sword kept at his side at all times.
    Other: Strangely enough, the sword he owns is older than he is, having several dozen enchantments. While most of the spells woven into the blade are useful such as it being indestructible, unable to rust, glowing in the dark when needed, and impervious to another’s magic, the blade will not allow itself to be drawn for use in violence unless it is used to protect another.

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Azure
    Age: 395
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Short white hair, golden eyes, rather short, wears a white gown with red triming. Has bear claws that are mostly hidden by her long sleeves.
    Biography: Being the youngest among the mages she has a lot to prove. But many adore her as she always show kindness to all. Though this is not an entirely a good thing as this means she is unwilling to leave the forest and fight to protect it in any offensive manner.
    Weapon: She does not weild any weapon. She focuses mainly on magic and nothing more.
    Other: The youngest mage.

    Username: Heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://emob248.photobucket.com/album...g?t=1242025052
    Biography: Mya was that typical person in the forest. After The Cold came and consumed the third, she then started to train hard to fight off against the monsters. From age 9 to 19, she learned the skills and techniques to fight off the evil that threatened to consume the whole planet. Currently, she is a highly respected person in the forest.
    Weapon: Bow and arrow and a dagger
    Other: "The one who gets the job done" personality, but does have a soft side.

    Username: Christmas Angel
    Name: Shiira
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Powers: Can reinforce anything made of some sort of metal such as her swords.
    Biography: She was only a kid when The Cold came and took her family from her. Since then she made it thanks to a fellow survior, who later died at the hands of a monster. By then she could live on her own, but instead of worrying for herself she went around saving people. Those who came with her helped her build the settlement and became very loyal friends of hers.
    Weapon: The two swords in the picture.
    Other: Co-leader of unnamed settlment in The Waste.

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Sirius
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Powers: Locate anything from an object to people so long as he's seen it before or has a scent and can teleport.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: He was saved by Shiira when on the brink of death and since then he has looked up to her, vowing to pay her back with his life.
    Weapon: A simple boardswrod

    The Speith

    Created from the evil of a human heart; to create more of their kind they corrupt the living. Their kind was once numerous until they were hunted down by witches since one of them killed a well liked witch, who cursed their kind to never be able to break a promise with her dying breath.

    They are a nomadic species who live in different clans.

    They have increased speed, strength, senses and each one is born with their own special ability that can be anything. How strong that ability is depends on the soul which they were born from.

    They only eat human flesh – if they were to eat anything else their body completely rejects it and it weakens them.

    Some have learned how to steal abilities from other living beings, though if the ability is not given willingly whoever they take it from is likely to die.

    Little to no resistance to elemental magic.
  2. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Username: Heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://emob248.photobucket.com/albums/gg182/anime_vicxie/011.jpg?t=1242025052
    Biography: Mya was that typical person in the forest. After The Cold came and consumed the third, she then started to train hard to fight off against the monsters. From age 9 to 19, she learned the skills and techniques to fight off the evil that threatened to consume the whole planet. Currently, she is a highly respected person in the forest.
    Weapon: Bow and arrow and a dagger
    Other: "The one who gets the job done" personality, but does have a soft side.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Just posting this here since I sent a PM awhile ago. <<

    Username: Terra
    Name: Grey Aeterna
    Age: 600
    Gender: Male
    Biography: Grey is one of the four mages and one of the most outgoing of the group. He prepared to leave the forest in an attempt to bring peace to both the Waste and the City. The other mages are not as confident as he is that such a thing can be done but he believes otherwise. As one of the four mages of the forest, Grey has a great deal of wisdom and magical power. He is not one of the Elves but something else entirely, when asked he explains that his kind has died long ago and that he is the last of it. He enjoys letting others speculate what he could be or if he has a less human-looking “true form” of some sort.
    Weapon: A sword kept at his side at all times.
    Other: Strangely enough, the sword he owns is older than he is, having several dozen enchantments. While most of the spells woven into the blade are useful such as it being indestructible, unable to rust, glowing in the dark when needed, and impervious to another’s magic, the blade will not allow itself to be drawn for use in violence unless it is used to protect another.

  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Terra is in, but Angel, there are no leaders in the forest.
  5. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Oh sorry. I meant like a highly respected dweller ^^"
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Then all is good and you're accepted.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Aywa Moon
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Species: Fairiee (Appears human, except she has wings on her back - usually hidden and slightly pointed ears, also is fairly small)
    Powers: Can fly using her wings, heal, remove people's memories (not perminantly) and turn invisible.
    Biography: She lives in the bottom of the city after discovering she was different when she was young. Though she hid it well, she still felt like an outsider and moved to the bottom without ink knowing about her. She has learnt to look after herself, but still feels lonely and longs to meett others like her and be accepted.
    Weapon: 2 small daggers
    Other: She is naturally very small and is very adgile and nimble.
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    I am at a friend's house at the moment, but starting Monday the rest of my profiles will be added and we may begin. For anyone else reading this, remember that it is never too late to join~
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Vincent Valentine (yes I took it from FFVII but I'm in love with that name)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Species: Serphim Angel (much like a normal human but enhanced physical abilities.)
    Powers: Holy magic.
    Rank: 3
    Job: Offensive, mostly in charge of protecting certain people.
    Team Members: Olive
    Appearance: http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/100171/Angel%20Warrior%20AWESOME.jpg?=123
    Biography: Vincent's family was turned into monsters by the Cold and not soon after he found a job with Ink. For half his life he's been haunted by memories of his family destroying themselves slowly. He has a gentle side underneath all that muscle that wishes only to protect.
    Weapon: Anything he can get his hands on but keeps a broadsword with engraved crosses on it by his side and a similar knife strapped to his thigh.
    Skills: Flight through wings he keeps hidden.
    Other: to get what I mean by his personality his theme song sorta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fur86y7dQJ4
  10. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    I'm posting my Bio's, but until further notice, Christmas Angel shall not be on for some time. The next time I'm in contact with her I'll be able to ask her if maybe I can accept any bio's and get certain things running, but until then, due to a-holes who should be thrown into a pit of destruction and mayhem, I'll be unable to contact her, and she'll have no computer, unless things change. THought I'd notify people though to prevent anyone from thinking that this is dead though :/

    Username: Malice
    Name: Mathew
    Age: 24
    Gender: male
    Species: Human
    Powers: Short distance teleportation. If he stands still in the same spot, he can teleport rapidly (mostly his body positioning). The longer a distance he teleports though, the more of a time laps there is (he can go half a mile at the most, which will leave his powers useless for the next two hours).
    Appearance: http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/y...meguys_52_.jpg
    Biography: Though not a member of Ink per say, he still does jobs for them whilst remaining top side. He serves mainly as the delivery boy, doing errands too and fro, due to the conveniance of his powers. In return, he's allowed to stay top side and be "normal" with all the rest, instead of being stuck below the city. It's quite common for him to visit the underworld though for his services. He's very private about just who it is that "employs" him, since his employer seems to be an unknown member.
    Weapon: The orbs on his clothes that have the metalic spikes attatched to them. During a fight, they tend to float off from him. A type of AI, given to him by his employer, which morph in various shapes.
    Other: He doesn't seem like the type, but a lot of the things that he owns is from his unknown employer. He tends to appear to have more importance due to his riches then he really is.

    Username: Malice
    Name: Alex
    Age: 15
    Gender: Genderless
    Species: Dummy. Something of a production item given a face. More so, a creation from Michael himself. They do not age
    Powers: Within the center of his body,it's able to open its own stomach, where his core is. Once closed, all within the core is frozen. What comes out is a type of clay, glazed over with some form of material. To most, the uses of such a power is unknown
    Rank: 4
    Job: Offense
    Team Members: (Know you said to leave it blank, but I need a scout)
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/a..._Guy-1.jpg?o=7
    Biography: Most about it is unknown. It's known as the eyes and ears of Michael, being a representative. Though it is true that no one knows it, Alex is not an actual person, as it is described as one such art work created by Michael, though this is only a rumor. Instead of having any importance to a team or enforcement of any sort, it acts more on his own, not describing either his missions, nor its relationship to Michael. It's high status is a means to ensure that it can gain access to everything concerning Ink.
    Weapon: The metalic blades within his body
    Skills: Its fighting skills are that of the martial art Kajukenbo, which focus's on mainly dismembering the opponent useless through strength and vital points. As for its traits, due to its bodies qualities, instead of bones, it has blades in place, which can be released through various slits in its body, though skin covers such area's, so it can be more camaflauged. Equally though, this means that it attempts not to use them too often due to the ripping of flesh, causing an unsightly scene.
    Other: Due to the recent unknown death of its last scouting partner, it has been looking for a new one.
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    This will never die. D:

    I should be able to post tomorrow from school. Would of today but I actually had work to do. :lolface:
  12. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Username: Guardian_Soul
    Name: Ollerus(fake name)
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Species: Magus
    Power: Ollerus has a natural talent in using Projection magic which enables him to replicate items that he has seen before. The better the image in the his head, the more stable the projected item is, and it can be further improved by having technical knowledge of the item's construction, such as a blueprint.
    Mission: Infiltrate the City from the outside and gather information on Ink.
    Biography: Being born into a family of well-known magi, Ollerus was raised to become their successor and was trained in using his family's brand of magic, projection. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't able to properly finish his training before everything that he cherished was taken away from him by the Cold. Left alone to be killed by the monsters in the Waste, Ollerus, through sheer determination, was able to survive the rough conditions of the Waste by constantly refining the little magic that he knew to become a warrior. Having nowhere to go, he joined Sin to help the people of the Waste who were abandoned by the City because he wants to prevent as much suffering as he possibly can.
    Weapon: Doesn't carry around weapons since he can project them. His favorite weapon to project is a broadsword inscribed with the words "Fortitudine vincimus". The words don't give the weapon any magical effect and are just there for decoration.
    Other: Ollerus isn't capable of projecting constantly or he'll burn out his magic reserves and most likely faint from exhaustion. Also objects created with projection are slightly inferior to the original due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone. The cost of projecting and the quality of the projected item is also determined greatly by the amount of familiarity that Ollerus has with the object. If he were to project his favorite sword, the final result would be almost perfect and it would also be much less straining on him than projecting a weapon that he's never seen before.
    I might make a character who's a citizen of the City later since it appears that nobody made one.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I have some sub plot ideas in my head, but I'm curious as to what everyone else has in mind.

    We have some Bottom Dwellers and I was planning on making someone who lives on the topside... The more the merrier though. Plus sin leader is coming soon. I'll have it up before I log off today.

    I love your profile Soul and you're in. I'll edit the profile in soon.

    Edit: I tried to color code the profiles on the first post to make it easier. If I miscoded someone's profile please tell me.

    Edit2: Aha! Waited till the last second but I got the Sin leader profile up!
  14. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Ima postenz so zhe christmas angel may do so
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    The RP Thus Far

    The City: Given a mission on the Bottom Level, Olive and Vincent head out. But much to their dismay they are met by Alex, a puppet who isn't all that friendly. Once they are outside Alex only causes trouble and creates a scene. It becomes obvious that the Ink members are not getting along very well and to make matters worse a fight breaks out. Can the troubled group stop terrorist and protect the citizens of the Bottom Level?

    The Forest: Troubled with thought about The Book of The Creator, Azure visits its chamber where it slumbers. While there Grey comes to visit, but only in order to say his final goodbye to the book before leaving the forest for good. When she is offered the chance to come along, Azure says she will travel with him to the forest edge while she thinks it over. One the way out they run into Mya, a well respected forest dweller. The two females are all too eager to see the edge of the forest for the first time only to find it to be nothing bad sand. Before they can really express how they feel about this they see Shiira and one of her friends, waste dwellers, who seems kind enough to help, but can they really be trusted?

    I decieded to just put it all there since not much has really happened so far >w< and I can add this to the first post.

    Edit: Info about the Speith has been added to the first post.
  16. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    The thread maker demands ideas from all B|
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    hmm, I've got nothing. Ever since I hit my head all my ideas have flown out of my brain. I'm willing to go with whatever somebody else makes up....
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Hit your head...? You okay? D:
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Oh, yeah. Just a slight concussion, but I'm fine now. I couldn't type very well after it happened but now i'm back to the same old, typing I've had since I could spell.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Well good to hear that you're okay.
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