PLEASE READ THIS THREAD BEFORE VOTING This is the thread where you will pick the girl who will go on that journey. VOTEVOTEVOTEVOTEVOTEVOTE I made some up along the way. Sue me.
*sees the (lol) after DT* *glares at* Anyhow, I'm not 100% sure this thread is allowed. I mean, shouldn't there ideally only be one thread per story? I'd have said this sort of thing would be a Spam Zone thread. In anycase, my vote's going to Destiny's hand. She hasn't had any screen time yet, and I think she should, it's as simple as that.
Yeah, I wasn't sure this belonged here. The idea is that whichever girl and guy gets the most votes, they will go on the quest. Say, DH gets the most posts for the girls. Say, Machi gets the most posts for the guys. Machi and DH go on the quest.
It's a good idea in theory, but it prevents two of the same sex from going on the quest together, which is a shame because quite a lot of the best dynamics between people are between same-sex KHV-ers.
I have a fail safe plan for that. So Machi wins. Say his runner up is Makaze. Say Mak's runner up is _____ and so on. So DH wins. Say his runner up is Cat. Say Cat's runner up is _____ and so on. There will be one more poll. Each of the runner ups will get paired together with the same sex. Not everyone in the poll will get included.
Well, you also kinda forgot Machi and Chris, unless you want them to just stay at LP2P until it dies.
So Machi's just not going on the quest at all? Because I don't even see him anywhere on this poll. EDIT: Two threads... my mistake. Carry on.