Only Time Will Tell. (redo)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by BaseSebastian, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Some older members may remember a fanfiction I did a couple months back. Some younger members wouldn't know what it is, so here's a thing about it. Sora, Riku, and Kairi go back in time, two old comics are featured, and Donald and Goofy fight over cooked bread. Yup, that's pretty much all the specifics.

    For the sake of goodness, don't any new members find out who the two old comics are before they appear in the fanfiction!

    Also, please note: The story is going through a sub-overhaul. This means some things may be changed from my original version. And now, for your reading pleasure, the first chapter of:
    Only Time Will Tell

    Chapter 1

    Disney Castle. The centre of the Inner Space, and the home to King Mickey, Queen Minnie, and their court. Of this court included Donald Duck, the loyal but hot-tempered court Magician, the The King's faithful Head of the Knight Guards, Goofy, Daisy Duck, confidant to Queen Minnie, and the sweet-heart of Donald, Pluto, the King's obidient pet dog, among others. Most recently added to the ranks of the Court, were the young Keyblade Weilder, Sora, and the half-in-darkness-half-in-light friend of Sora, Riku. All of them waited in the gummi where the pint-sized lead engineers, Chip and Dale, managed and prepped the computers to welcome a visting guest to the castle.

    Sora, haveing had to stand for hours in a formal suit and tie, his other clothes, which were magical and allowed him speacial abilities, were up in his newly built room in the latest wing of the castle. Currently, the tie was starting to cut into his throat, causing him to sweat fluently from the face. Then again, it could have been something other than just the suit that was makeing him sweat. Sora, sweat dripping from his face now, looked to Riku, who was wearing almost the same suit, but with a black rose in the breast-pocket, looked calm and collected, his hands cupped in front of him and rested on his lap.

    "What's takeing them so long?" Sora asked, not noticeing his voice was perhaps a few octives higher than normal.

    "You know Cid; he never lets any of his crafts leave Radiant Gardens without at least a million check-ups."

    "Yeah, I guess you're right; espeacially since who's gonna be rideing in the shuttle here."

    "Don't worry Sora, Leon just contacted me and said the ship is already just about here." Said the voice of King Mickey, Lord of the castle. Everyone turned to see the King come up to the others, Donald and Goofy going into a sloppy saltue as the King passed them. Sora had not even noticed Mickey had left them for the communications box a couple meters away.

    "Leon?" Goofy said in a somewhat befuddled manner, scratching his helmeted head, "Gawrsh yer Majesty, who else is comeing here?"

    "Just Leon, Yuffie, Cid, piloting of course, and a friend of Leon's who I'm sure you're all gonna like meeting." King Mickey explained to everyone.

    "Oh, not to mention-" Daisy began, but was cut off as the engines from an incoming ship echoed into the chamber, the doors opening to reveal a very large, elaborately designed gummi craft prepping to dock as the engines softened. Sora could hardly believe his eyes. He had never seen a gummi craft so large, or so unclumsily made. All of the crafts he had used on his travels as the Keyblade Master had either been very small, or very blocky. But this one blended with all the other bricks, makeing one more realistic looking aircraft. In the cockpit, he could make out Cid at the controls, and probably Leon Co-piloting, but as thick as the glass was, couldn't make out any of the shapes waveing excitedly in the window, except for-

    "Kairi!" Sora said more ambitously than he had planned, and he ran for the docking pad. As soon as he got there, Kairi teleported to the spot right in front of where Sora was going, causing Sora to have to skid to a halt and fall to the ground clumsily.

    Kairi giggled and smiled, her light cyan eyes glittereing in the light of the dying engines. "Hello, Sora." She said in a warm tone as she helped a sweaty palmed Sora to his feet.

    Before Sora could even open his lips, if they even could open at the moment, Leon and the others teleported onto the pad. Leon's arms were crossed, and he sullen though happier than usual for Leon, Cid was chewing on a toothpick in his mouth, Yuffie was jumping for joy from all the excitement, and just run up to the party waiting for them before the others could move. And there was another person with them. A very pretty young woman, around the age of Leon, with black hair with brown highlights, Grey eyes, and probably somewhere around five feet in heighth. She glowed with a radiant smile definatly comparable to Kairi's, and wore a blue, sleeveless tanktop with wings imprinted on the back, and black shorts.

    All eyes were on this new face, which caused the stranger to blush. She nudged Leon in the stomach, causing him to unfold his arms ("Oh, Right.") Leon cleared his throat and yelled so that everyone could hear, "This is Rinoa, a friend of ours who just recently returned home to Radiant Gardens a few weeks after the fall of Organization XIII."

    Rinoa squinted her eyes in a playful nature and patted the wool lineing on Leon's jacket. "Well...a friend to your friends...but I think we're a bit more than that." And to everyone's surprise, it was Leon's turn to blush.

    Donald snicked and whispered into Goofy's ear. "Leon's got a girlfriend." And the two of them s******ed and covered their mouths to hide it. But Donald squaked a burst of white feathers came out from behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Are you makeing fun of my Leon." Rinoa asked hotily, her disposition seeming quite more angry than she first appeared, a temple on her forehead throbbing.

    "You're Leon?" Yuffie scoffed, she seemed to be less cheerful now. "As if."

    Rinoa then glared at Yuffie, who's nose was up in the air. Everyone just stood by confused, except for Cid and Leon. Leon looking the most embarrased out the two.

    King Mickey, obviously seeing a cat fight begining to show, and him being a mouse, stepped in between them and shouted nervously. "Alright Folks, let's all just go to the Dineing hall. I've gotta big announcement ta make!"

    Yuffie and Rinoa grumbled their okays, steaming at each other but turning the opposite ways. Leon and Cid made their way for the group, leaving Sora and Kairi alone on the teleport pad, and as everyone left the Gummi garage except for them, they were left completly alone.

    "So Yuffie likes Leon?" Sora asked cluelesly.

    " never noticed?" Kairi asked curiously. She was dressed in a white, flowing dress, with ruffles down the front, sleeveless, and a low cut in the front. On her head rested a sparkling tiara, which, like her eyes, kept glowing even when the engines of the newly docked ship had dimmed low. Kairi was the Princess of Radiant Gardens, and a friend to Sora and Riku since they were all very young. Now, at 15, she definately was the reason Sora was sweating up a storm in his suit, the tie cutting into his throat tighter now, as if somebody had shoved a dozens tennis balls down his throat.

    "No, not really."

    "So are there any other relationships that you're totally oblivious too?" Kairi asked, almost comeing off offended.

    " you mean to say....yi and mu....I mean....Im and and mu......." Sora continued to trip over his words.

    "You and me?" Kairi corrected comeing closer to Sora with a dreamy look in her eye.

    Sora almost tripped over again, but instead backwards, but was stopped by the fact he noticed Chip and Dale were standing right at his heels. He quickly stood himself back up, and chuckled nervously.

    "You guys had better hurry to the Dineing hall." Chip said from below, Dale nodding in agreement.

    "Aren't two comeing?" Kairi asked politely.

    "Gosh! Ya mean it?" Dale exclaimed, jumping for joy. Of the two, he was a bit more dimwitted than Dale.

    "Sure, you guys will want to hear what King Mickey has to say; whatever that is." Sora said with a shrug."

    "Will you escort me to the Dineing Hall, Sora?" Kairi asked in a regal manner.

    "B-because you like me??"

    "Well...yes....but also because I can't move anywhere in these heels without help..." Kairi admitted with a blush, revealing thin-heeled glass slippers on her feet, lifting the long dress an inch off the ground.

    "Oh...Right!" Sora said nervously, takeing Kairi's bended arms in his and leaving the Garage with Chip and Dale in toe

    A short while later, everyone was conversing with one another inside the Grand Dineing hall, which greatly resembled little pieces of every Disney Hotel in the world. At the head of the table sat King Mickey, on his left side, Cid, Donald, Yuffie, Rinoa, and Queen Minnie at the end. On his right sat Kairi, Sora, Goofy, Leon, and Daisy. Chip and Dale sat a what would appear to be a center piece, but was instead a miniature table on the table. Chip came back to his seat careing a small slice of turkey, though to him, twice his size; Dale was hardly noticeable under an enormous Turkey leg, a bit more than twice his size. Cid and King Mickey were discussing the ship Kairi and the others had come in with Sora listening intently, and wondering where Riku had gone off to.

    "-Christened it The Time-Machine in honor of the-" Cid was saying before he caught himself and looked to the others listening. "-the...the, that author....that they made into a movie..." He explained nervously, raised eyebrows at him, the eyes below them watching him intently.

    "They made a movie out of H. G. Wells? Interesting." Kairi noted with a slight sarcasm, knowing just as well as the others Cid almost said something important.

    King Mickey looked at all the curious people and chuckled nervously. "Whelp, I guess it's time I told you guys about that announcement." King Mickey said, as he cleared his throat. "Okay Riku, Open, the door!" Mickey shouted throughout the hall, and a slow rumble started to shake the table as glasses and plates made their way for the edge. The shakeing evolved more violently moments later, glass shattering all over the floor as what was once the wall to the left of the table opened up and revealed a huge machine, to everyone's awe.

    The large device nearly touched the ceiling of the hidden room, and by it, nearly midgeted by the very size of the odd machine was Riku, with a knowledgeable smirk on his face. The metal shined and bits and bobs twirled, spun, went up and down, and bubbled. There was a small compartment right next the the machine, connected only by one tube, and it had a single, large screen, with a wide keyboard below it.

    "So, who wants to see what it does?" Said Riku, haveing obviously everyone's attention.