Im only on to let you know how i did as i was one of the thousands of scottish students how got their standard grade results in this mornning, for those who care this is my result list Art-3 english-3 spanish-5 maths-5 modern studies-4 Physical education-4 (3-4 is general and a 5 is a foundation) so i passed them all! :D
You live in Scotland? Wow. Congrats on passing! ^.^ My school gives our grades like this: 0-64=failing 65-100=passing
Only because you were awesome and deleted it. xD You get away with it this time, Gadget. (not that I was going to do crap but merge the post anyway.)
Congratulations on passing dear <3 :glomp: Uh wow how rude, the least you could do is say congratulations, was there a need to be insulting?
I do this all of time. ;__; It really sucks, especially in RPs. "Must have good grammer." x x Congrats, btw! :3