I've been wanting to try playing online in the Mirage Arena for a while, does anyone know how it actually works? (Insert noobish brain here)
go to playstation network and download Adhoc mode. connect your psp throw a usb to your ps3, start birth by sleep , start adhoc mode and run wild
Is it possible to do it without a PS3? (Only have PS2) Or am I able to use my wireless router as well?
To go online you need a PS3 with ad hoc party. You can still do multiplayer on the arena however using ad hoc on the PSP. This isn't over the internet so you can only play with someone else sitting next to you though.
In other words, KH fails with multiplayer unless you have friends who also own a copy or by buying a system which you don't like and is too expensive for you..... Bravo S-E. Is it really that hard to make a normal WiFi Server for PSP like Nintendo did for most of their games (DS&Wii: Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Smash Bros Brawl, etc) >_>
And that is where marketing gets interesting. You don't like the system because it is missing a feature but also complain about it being too expensive in the same breath. Add all the features people want makes a system so expensive nobody wants it (evidenced by the PS3) but if you remove features to reduce the cost then it is lacking features people want. It's a catch-22 that really gets left to educated guess work.
Splitting it into composite parts costs more. Especially when you have a component of one system working through another. Adhoc by itself is free, but if you don't have a PS3, it effectively costs over $500 to play PSP multiplayer. Also, just use X-link Kai. I'm pretty sure they've already got a setup for Birth by Sleep.