Online Dating websites

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by T3F, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Do you think they're any good? i mean, they're a chance to meet people and find a good person. But for some reason I really don't think online dating is affective. Opinions?
  2. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Well they are supposed to meet in real life, so I think there's a certain "target group" that really can benefit from online dating sites.
    Then again there are a lot of charlatans around and some cases end up in heartbreak, but that's no different from real life I suppose.

    They can be risky, but they could help people meet up and get involved. The concept itself is clever enough, the people on it sometimes mess things up though. I think they don't deserve to be looked down upon as much as they are now sometimes but I'd never go on them myself.
  3. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I think the dating sites are to help people find others like them..
    I don't like the IDEA of dating online.
    I see it as you meet someone online and then meet them face to face.
  4. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Since you brought it up...

    I could say a lot on this topic but I'll keep it short. I think online dating is the new modern technolized [if that even is a word] way to date. With online dating you don't have the same chance to look in their eyes and see if they are who they say they are. This is why caution should be used online. Common sense is absolutely essential when considering dating anyone, but more importantly someone you have met online.

    About the most important things to realize is that it is easy to get the wrong impression from someone over the Internet. After all, with distance between you, each person has the ability to try to give the other person the best impression, and to form an unrealistic opinion of the other as well. The good news is that the Internet allows you to chat with so many local singles that you are bound to meet someone who is a good match.

    For many, even with many different online dating services available, live dating chat is their preferred method. Dating profiles are a great way to narrow down likely scenarios.

    Sometimes, its just better to have a two way conversation if you want to get to know more about someone. It is a surprisingly comfortable and casual way to feel each other out. Then, when it feels right, you can email, talk on the phone, or even meet in person.

    Then there's the whole pedo thing. That creeps me out and I'd want to go on webcam before I even think of actually meet the guy. The police and authorities that would target all these pedos are doing their job, but there's probably so many out there that they can't catch them all. That's why I would be careful with the whole "online-dating" thing.

    Personally, I honestly don't see a problem with it. But I would hate it when people I care about get hurt because of the person they're online-dating. It'd really piss me off if that happened. You are supposed to meet in real-life like Styx said.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I've never really understood the concept of 'dating' someone online. Yes, I understand that it can be a very personal relationship, but I think that the physical aspects of a relationship are important as well. I guess it's only for some people, and I'm just not one of those people. But I digress.

    As for online/social networking sites that help you find people that are good matches for you, I think it's a fine idea. Most are probably scams, and I doubt that some of them actually work as well as they claim, but if you can find someone through the service than more power to you.
  6. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    I'm really against the concept of online dating. It's not the same as knowing someone in real life and being able to see them on a regular basis. First of all, how do you know the person you're dating online isn't really a forty-year-old man in his parents' basement? People can be whoever they want on the internet. Also, and this may just be because I've always been against the idea of people trying to fall in love with each other (I think friendship should come first, and love will come on its own), online relationships feel too forced. One could argue that online dating helps you see only the personality and not the looks, but that's not true, either. On the internet, you have the chance to think about what you say before you say it. With the internet, you don't get to see the person's body language, hear what their voice sounds like, or see what clothes they wear, which are all a part of who they are. When you really know a person, you can tell when they're upset or angry by the look on their face, the body language they're using, or the tone of their voice. It's different for everybody--one person might show he's sad by looking at his shoes all the time, and another might show depression by putting on a smile that's way too bright to be genuine. Also, when you finally meet in person, what if there's no physical attraction? I'm not talking about looks, I'm talking about physical chemistry. Of course, personalities matching comes first, but physical attraction is a part of it.

    Long story short, online dating is not the best method for finding a date, in my opinion.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I have no real problem with online dating. Some people can really benefit from it because they may just not be able to find anyone locally who is similar to them in interests or they may have no real desire to put themselves on the market in public. Online dating offers a more discreet approach to meeting people instead of having to go to bars, lounges, etc and selling yourself practically, if you aren't interested in friends or they aren't interested in you. It lets you meet people who at least say they have similar interests and you can chat with them until you may decide to meet the person. If you decide the person is not someone of interest, you can move on to something else. I've never really had to do the approach, but I have had a couple friends who have done it and one of them is even married now and the other is dating a girl pretty seriously. Others I've known have played around with it and nothing really took their interest. So like 'real life' dating, you hit and miss.

    There are risks to online dating, but I don't feel they are any more dangerous than going out to places to meet guys or girls. There are also ways to ensure who you talk to is authentic. Talk on video chat. Also, whether meeting people in 'real life' or online, there are just some common sense things to do that some people forget for some odd reason. One would be to not give out too much information about yourself and get to know the other person as he or she gets to know you. Investigate the other person's authenticity as well. And meet the person in person sometime by going somewhere like out to dinner or something instead of just bringing the person to inside your home. Some people make some mistakes with either going on real dates or meeting people online because they are over excited and all, but it's important either way to know that this person they are interested in may or may not work out. You don't -know- someone online unless you've been associated with them for a while. The same can be said for people who date off-line. If the person is not a friend, do not trust the person immediately.

    So, in the end, I see no problem with online dating services to find someone around your area to get with and do dates, so long as commonsense is applied as if you've never met the person before, but there's interest. Newspapers also feature adds for dating, so online services are just really an upgraded version of the personals. Since there are people who can lie on the internet, but also to your face, commonsense and street smarts are the way to go with it if someone does decide it. If a person lacks these, they are screwed, no matter what they do when looking for someone else to go out with unless they get really fortunate.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Just for the record, I'm deleting all posts that just say "I agree with That Member". This isn't the Spam Zone; post-whoring is not appreciated here.
    I am keeping track of this and sooner or later warnings will fly.
    supersoravsdarkriku90 and Shadox D, I am looking at you.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I don't really care. I mean, they can be good for some people. And they can help others find matches for each other and a few lucky people have found their "one true love" through websites like these. Good for them. However there are also those cases when they meet up and one of them ends up being crazy or clingy or something weird like that and a year later someone killed the other because the other was with some guy they didn't like or somethin' and then they killed themself. Or there's the whole rape thing. xD

    I'm actually pretty trusting, unfortunately. But I don't think that I'd actually try one of these sites for myself for my life partner. xD I'd prefer it to be someone I've known for a long time who I've met naturally in the real world. Though I obviously don't have anything against online dating for now. o:
  10. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I don't like the idea. It's very risky to share information to those who you don't know. So I prefer to meet them face to face.
  11. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    I personally take it like back in the day like with the Phone Dating Services. They actually still have them. They cost money as well, like some Services on the Web.
    But it can lead to some bad things, like Hidden Pasts, and Crimes.
    As well as lying.
    But if it is as good as people say it is, then go right ahead, risk it.

    It's kinda defeating the purpose of Parents trying to keep their children from posting pictures from the internet.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    In the end, people forget that when you meet someone in real life, you face the same dangers you do on the internet, through the paper, or phone ads. You don't know someone any better if you meet them in real person. There have been a ton of crimes done to people that go out on dates with people they met. The only way really to be mostly sure about someone is to have known the person for a good while and be a friend and then date the person. Otherwise, there just are strange people out there with hidden pasts etc.
  13. Flyn Pnut Banned

    To be honest, there isn't much wrong with them, if someone is desperate, they feel lonely, and just can't find a person, I guess it's ok. However, with the web-sites, the people could be lying, which could lead to abuse etc. My moms friend, is desperate, and my Mom found a dating web-site called, "Help my friend get a date" or something like that.

    However, you could think that they're nice at first, there profile might look good, but, they could be
    1. Dating someone else
    2. Actually really mean
    Or, when you meet them, you could get hurt, or sexually abused, when you might not want to have sex.

    So, it depends really, on what type of person you are, how strong you are, and how truthul you are.
  14. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I don't see much wrong with online dating if you use common sense about things. I wouldn't want to go online to search for a life partner as Jayn said, but I guess for the time being it's okay. As long as people are being safe about it and possibly set up things where they could meet up in real life and meet eachother face to face, I think it's fine.
  15. Captain Obi vs survivors Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 13, 2009

    This is what might to happen...
  16. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I think, personally, that it's a bit pointless. I mean, no matter what questions they ask, no matter how they try to match people, people can still lie (quite easily over the internet), or you get people like <-this guy, or any number of things can still happen, even though the chances are very slim. Also, meeting online is no substitute for meting IRL, and people may not like what they see (or hear) when they finally do meet.

    On the other hand, though, I'm sure for quite a few people, it does actually work.
  17. Sora_Gaiden Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 23, 2009
    Rolling around at the speed of sound!
    Internet dating sites usually come to this. . .

    1. You find out that girl is actually a man!
    2. You end up being sexually abused.
    3. You find out your mate is a criminal.
  18. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Online dating sites are generally shed upon by a negative light because those are the only cases that deserve media attention. That is of course why these cases seem more numerous than they actually might be.
  19. int2646 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    The &quot;Other Side&quot;
    To me dating online means:
    • Lies
    • People might want something else other than love
    • You do not know who you truely meet
    • More Lies

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    well, its nice to know that someone likes you for your personality, but i dunno, sounds creepy