It was a pretty ok day... until Xemnas announced the big news. I could tell things were bad when Larxene attempted suicide. To think one simple statement could cause such a debate which seemed like ETERNITY! Five musical princesses would be testing our abilities. Tomorrow is another word, and it happened to be included with the statement making it into Five musical princesses would be testing our (more like your) abilities tomorrow. It was like we (Organization XIII) were all pro softball players, but we get struck out by a frilly pink softball filled with butterflies, or for another example we were bugs being exterminated by suffocating French perfume. Princess and musical were probably the worse words in the dictionary! They didn’t even sound right combined with nobodies and heartless! Xemnas continued... “Plans have already been arranged people! They’re coming tomorrow like it or not. You will actually be surprised on the things they can do. I spoke with... what’s her na... oh yes Hirop, she says she and the girls are very excited, and we will not be disappointed.†He walked out of the room to get something. “Princesses! What are we, babies?†Larxene asked. “All frilly, and pink.†said Xaldin with a disgusted look. “Hey!†said Marluxia. “It’ll be like a little girl chorus dude. And oh my god... did you hear what she said?!†Xigbar said. “IDK my BFF Hiccup... or what’s her face.†said Larxene. “So what do you think they’ll be like Roxas?†Axel asked me. “I don’t know... big poofy dresses, girl pop, boy bands.†I guessed. “I disagree actually, I can imagine these five Spice Girl wannabes barging in.†said Luxord. “I bet not even kitten would be scared of them, or a bunny, or Demyx.†said Larxene. We had our laughs until they came tomorrow. “Now everyone be on your best behavior.†said Xemnas. We heard the door knock... and I swear I saw that softball coming. Day 1: Meet the B**** Witches. Xemnas rushed over to the big door so he could greet the visitors. “Here come the sugar coated pop divas.†Larxene mumbled. The door opened and we saw five shady figures stand before us on the other side. We stared at them as they remained silent, after a few moments they walked in together as a group. They didn’t look too prissy... they actually looked like hot 18 year old girls. One was getting close to pass Axel; he let out his foot to trip her. Bad move... “Who the h*** did that?!†the one who tripped and had the deep blue eyes asked. She got up and we remained silent. She stared us down then finally came to Axel. “Hey Spike, you have something to say to my face?!†she asked. Axel smirked and began to make eye contact, he decided not to though. “I thought so.†she said. She walked off to the other four who were now in the front of the room staring at her. “Organization XIII meet The Five Musical Notes. As I said before they’ll be testing your abilities both mentally and physically.†said Xemnas. Wait did he just appear out of no where, or was that just me? “Girls why don’t you introduce yourselves?†he asked. The one on the right walked up, she had long light blonde hair and sky blue eyes. “Ok... my name is Hirop or if you want to know the princess crap I’m also known as Princess Legato. Let’s see my element is the stars... and I guess that’s all.†she said. The girls next to her was the shortest, she had short dark brown hair with a plaid Trilby hat on her head, she was also the palest and the only one with bright green eyes. “Um... ok my name is Rapley slash Princess Amoroso slash element is morphing and cloning.†she said. We all looked at Zexion then turned back to them. The one in the middle was the one Axel tripped; trying to ignore the deadly eyes she had blonde hair with caramel highlights in it. “Ok listen up because I’m only going to say this once. My name is Roxsy or Princess Maestoso, my element is hypnosis and I can read minds. And if you think you can get away...†she began. Rapley calmed her down, so the next one could go. This one had light brown curly hair pulled back half up half down; she had a tan that looked like it was done professionally and silver/blue eyes. “Hi! My name is Popsella, or you could call me Princess Tranquillo but I really just prefer Popsella but one time...†she began. “God Popsella would you just shut up and go on?†Hirop asked. “Oh right, my element is Dreams...†she said. They quickly went on to the one on the left. She had reddish brown hair pulled back into a side ponytail, and she also had hoop earrings, and let’s not forget the hazel eyes. “Hey y’all my name is Country and Princess Semplice. My element is the past... but you can’t ask me any questions on that topic.†she said. “Ok... and I believe it was Hirop I talked to.†said Xemnas. She nodded her head. “And you are going to demonstrate yes?†he asked. “Maybe in a big place meant for fighting.†said Rapley. “Ok... I’ll show you the arena then.†he said. He walked off as the girls began to follow. Marluxia rushed to the door. “Ladies first...†he said. “Fine go ahead, I can wait.†said Popsella crossing her arms. He stared at her blankly. “Are you going or not... lady?!†she asked mocking him. He grumbled and walked out. I watched them look around the place as we were heading toward the arena. Let’s see... our first impressions were the new and younger Spice Girls, then our second impression was that Hirop was the normal one, Rapley was the dumb one, Roxsy was the b****, Popsella was either high or she was a prep, and Country was the redneck cornflake trying for the prep look. We reached the arena, and we all just stood around the girls. “Ok Country why don’t you show them.†said Hirop. Country trotted to the very middle as the other four scooted in with us. “Ok... first I’ll need two volunteers.†she said. Axel raised my hand smirking. She turned toward us and smiled. “Darlin’ with the red hair thank you for attempting to volunteer him but you will do fine.†she said. “But...†he began. I smiled and pushed him up there. Larxene raised her hand. “And the Honey with the... antenna lookin’ things on her head.†she said. She gave her a deadly look but walked up there. “Now... you must be Axel, and you must be Larxene.†she said looking at the opposite people. “No, I’m Axel got it memorized?†Axel asked. “Ok then, you are Axel and she’s Larxene.†Country said. They both nodded their heads. “Try not to break a nail.†Xigbar yelled out. Country frowned but continued. “Ok... one of you grab my wrists.†she said. “Why?†Axel asked. “I’ll do it then.†said Larxene. She grabbed Country’s wrists. “Do you care if I hurt you?†Country asked. “You hurt me?†Larxene asked begging to laugh. Country took her knee and brang it up knocking the wind out of Larxene. Larxene let go from shock. Country gripped tight on Larxene’s wrists and began to twist them... then she began to spin her around, and for the ending she threw Larxene five feet in the air. Thud! “I call that one the Flying Pretzel.†said Country putting her hands on her hips. Someone actually took down Larxene... that was probably the one thing I never thought was possible. “As for you...†she said looking at Axel. “I’m good.†said Axel. “This one will be easy I swear.†she said. “Fine...†Axel groaned. “Ok... this is good defense here. Let’s say Axel is to strike me.†said Country. Axel summoned his chakrams and smiled. “Finally some action!†he said. “Ok then, throwing weapons... I’ll see what I can do.†she said. She paused for a second. “Ok... strike.†she said. He began to throw them at her... she jumped up really quick and grabbed them both, and threw them hitting him in the gut. “That’s probably the simplest defense trick I can teach y’all.†she said. “Dude I hate these girls, they think they’re so better than us. They’re all b*****!†Xigbar whispered to me. I nodded my head. “Yeah or witches.†I said. “Ok... that is probably everything we can say right now. Oh yeah and we promise we won’t sing to you guys unless you want or deserve it. You’re dismissed for the rest of the day, so anyone want to?†Hirop asked. The entire Organization was out in three seconds leaving the five princesses in the arena alone. “Ok... I know these people are going to basically treat us like crap. They don’t realize how powerful we really can be.†said Roxsy. “I agree Roxsy... if they’re going to get proper training they need to show respect.†said Hirop. “Yeah and I heard one of their nasty comments too. ™re either the b***** or the witches.†said Hirop. “And that was reason one I didn’t want to come to this place... haven’t they ever heard of hospitality?†Country asked. “Well... we will be ready for them tomorrow.†said Rapley. “Yeah the b**** witches will be ready for them.†said Hirop. They all laughed and agreed... making their way to the kitchen. The good news was the first day they seemed like they meant no harm, I could be wrong for the next day though... To be continued soon...