This is my new story it isn't related to Kingdom Hearts but I hope you'll read it either way. Prologue Alright, picture the Earth , you know third plant from the sun can’t miss it, lots of people up until last week quite normal. Think of it in an aspect next to the sun not up or down on the same coordinate plane. Think of it as to the suns right, during the fall in the northern hemisphere, and now shift your gaze about two hundred thousand kilometers to your right and another eighty-five billion lightyears to the googoleth power, of course, to your left. Now keep going North in relation the earths geographic North and stop about twice as far up as you came across. Now, here what do you see? You see a big blank empty void of course, because you know not that there is a solar system here if you’d be so kind as to imagine a zoom in. There, next look to the one, two, three, ninth planet from the farthest and fifth from the closest. There is a very inauspicious planet it was doing nothing wrong but it got hit bam with an asteroid. There goes that planet. Our- or rather my story, you lazy illiterates takes place on it’s neighbor about two solar systems over to your back. Here it is the first ever created planet. It has a nice sun and no other planets to mess with it. It’s got several moons and has about twice the surface area of Earth. It is basically identical to Earth in many ways, base elements, wildlife, plant life, and the dominant species we’ll call it the flea ant, bears a remarkable resemblance to Earths ruler, the ant. Enough about those boors let’s get to the good part. There are roughly three continents (one is disputed). The story you may choose not to read at this point will begin on the continent that would appear easternmost in your view. There on said continent there is a country named for it‘s founder Jikun Wei. It hold sovereignty over basically all desirable land in the continent. The rest belongs to outcasts and prisoners. So it’s about a three to four ratio of good lands to badlands. The government presiding over this nation is a monarchy in which the leader is chosen based on several tests of intellect, valor, respect, decisiveness, benevolence and above all else honor. You may be thinking this is a dumb way to run the place since whoever makes and scores this test is the true ruler and can do whatever they please. That is untrue in this case. We’re not dealing with humans but amplus they are all raised from birth to excel they need no underhanded schemes and trickery. They may employ such things though, this is the reason they send people out into the badlands: for penance. The immoral people who disobey the rules set for them are banished. The badlands is home to many failed scholars and assorted criminals. There have been cities erected in the open plains and deserts that cover the badlands. These cities are ruled as individual states and are often at war with one city state or the kingdom of Wei. These failures are cursed to live out penance with all manners of unsavory characters in poverty and squalor. Many are driven to hermitage and reflect upon their lives as they slowly fade into obscurity and eventually death. The country of Wei’s system is very similar to a social doctrine and a religion that they follow unwavering and steadfast. One family was chosen to pass down the secrets to the tests they are branded by society and are not allowed to do anything other than their designated task. These sagely scholars delve deep into ancient studies and arcane art forms. This family is often the most decorated in courts and receives excellent treatment when a promising leader arises. They live in several compounds spread over the country making secrecy more easily obtained. They hold much power and as such there is only one correspondent in any given state and even in the imperial city there can only be one. However, they live on the lowest tier of society they are the tools of all others and cannot escape that one fate. There are twelve noble houses that carry the potential leaders for the nation. Each of them is administrator and governing officer for their provided states. There are twenty-eight delegations including the noble houses and the lesser houses. The lesser houses are essentially less rich than the noble houses and carry essentially the same function. The main point differentiating them is the lesser houses are often quite competent military leaders and commonly don’t produce competent leaders for the nation. The common folk spread over the vast nation are generally average and only under very special cases come to power. The testing system is actually rather fair, given the results wouldn’t lead one to believe so. Everyone of a certain age must take the test and be judged on their performance by a proctor from the family responsible for the exam. The results are taken on the spot and relayed to the rest of the family. In the end the trail stops in the imperial city. There the new monarch is chosen out of the millions of possible applicants. Every year a festival is held in honor of a prospering emperor as an unsuccessful one has never been chosen. It is on this annual event that a secret meeting of all with ties to the test family meet. They meet in the royal palace without any notice and they discuss the stone. It's really short thus far, I hope to make it at least 15 chapters long. For now ths is it. Please tell me wht you think.
I liked it the begining was cool in my opinion it just looked a little unorganized with the huge paragraph, that may just be me though. but it sounds interesting! (good interesting)
I tried to fix it but since I wrote it on some word processor I forgot to put in the extra spaces for the different paragraphs. \ I reall am glad you liked it I've put about an hour of real thought into this one I haven't done that for years.
real opposed to fake thought? just kidding, I know what you mean. When I right my stories on some chapters I can be not paying any attention to it and it just turns out fine while of other chapters it takes a lot of effort and thought.
Off to write chapter one with all my newfound free time thanks to my lack of school. Chapter One(this one has chapters) “It’s time for us to end this once and for all.†A raspy old voice echoed through the subterranean hall filled with cloaked and masked figures. “Then a suitable vessel has been located?†A strong deep voice boomed. “Correct.†Another old voice wheezed. “However, intelligence reports lead us to believe it will expire shortly and an accommodator is the best we can currently find.†A disheartened sigh blew across their ranks. “We came to here that?†Yelled a member from the back. Soon thereafter the meeting was thrown into chaotic chatter. “Enough.†The light voice somehow carried over all the chatter and suddenly the congregation halted. “I’ve had enough of this farce. We have the accommodator and we will train it’s every flaw into perfection it‘s every weakness to steel. This one will be the one to end this.†The figure that had just spoken nodded to the old man who had been leading the meeting. “He is correct. This time the five of them will not be able to match the power of the empire.†The old man stated proudly causing an uproar of cheers and howls of laughter. Of the few conversations the leader heard one thing that stuck with him. “This nightmare has ended we will certainly all live.†all he could do was sigh and leave with his entourage of masked followers. “My people! Once again we meet under the star of destiny! Today we celebrate not only the feats of our modern world but to honor the memory of the people that came long before us! This year may be my first in the imperial city, however it has been a productive one!†The newly appointed emperor was once a commoner by the name of Dhen Syo Now he stood on a high balcony over thousands of smiling faces speaking of the importance of tradition and above all honor. “I digress we all know how to communicate with words but now we can show that it is true it’s not what we say but what we accomplish that puts us in truly honorable company!†He concluded his short flowery speech about the wonderful empire and it’s power. He was already tired of this position. All he’d done was figure out how many miles a hypothetical stone was thrown. Now he was addressed as your majesty and had to wear many dragon themed accessories and a long heavy crimson cape adorned with gold and silver embroidery. It was a boring experience to be sure. He knew he had to and yet he couldn’t help himself from wishing it were someone else giving the speeches instead of him. “Majesty.†His bodyguard Sozeh had appeared to wait on him. “What orders do you have for me?†“Captain.†Dhen was thinking of what to do. “I’ll join the festivities, you join the rest of my guard unit at the bottom of the stairs to the ballroom.†“Sir.†Sozeh got up and hurried to open the door for Dhen. As Dhen walked down the long staircase skirted by his obedient guard he began to reconsider his joining the festivities there would only be stuffed shirts from the noble houses trying to curry favor and silly fanatics following his every move. The state of the upper class was all but gone form it’s once proud days. The peacetime and prosperity had allowed corruption and greed to grow ahead of honor and stability. This would be harder to deal with than even the Hiokin Wars of the last generation. Dhen reached the final steps to the mighty doors and pushed them open. He was bathed in light and greeted with applause. It was almost too much for him. All the touching all the laughing and talking it came as an incoherent fuzz to the emperor. He felt like he was being spun around may times without being allowed to stop or even cal out. Soon enough though, the haze lifted and he began to engage himself in conversation with his guests. He felt very empty talking to these people they had nothing to do with him just his title and power mattered. It was like looking at your own life to someone else’s movements. After the long party finally ended Dhen sat down in his bedroom wearing normal clothes. “What a waste. Now I have to set things to the way they should be. Sounds challenging at least I won’t be bored.†With that out of his way Dhen made to lie down and sleep. That’s when he saw it. A letter. He hadn’t seen it before which was especially surprising due to the five intense colors and the crest emblazoned on it. Dhen picked it up and found it as addressed to him. He unfolded the paper and read to himself. “His Excellency, We would like to inform you that your days are numbered. By this time next year the five armies will be fielded and the five generals will ride from Argnor. Consider yourself warned. You have no one to blame but your honor and pride. Remember the day, remember the time, remember that you haven’t got to long. The Jin family will suffer as will the Wei. In all sincerity, The Five Field Generals†Dhen turned pure white and began shaking uncontrollably. He threw the letter to the floor and ran down the halls to find Sozeh. “Sozeh!†He cried in fear. “What is it your majesty?†He answered concern in his voice. “The five have returned and they want me!†Dhen fainted and was carried to the palace medical ward. When he awoke it was late morning and all his attendants and advisors stood about him. “What is it?†He asked instinctively. Just after the words escaped his lips he remembered. “The five…†“We found their letter it’s certainly them.†One of is advisors held up the letter. Dhen cringed. “Why?†He asked frantically trying to find himself a way out. “We can only assume they are ready to vindicate themselves.†Sozeh explained. “All we can do is prepare and hope this is a ruse.†Another advisor added. “One more year.†Dhen looked out the window and saw a dying insect trying to run away with flea-ants voraciously ripping off it’s limbs. The sight horrified him and brought the idea home: he was dead. This one is also short but I figure it's all I need to get this one part out of the way so expect longer chapters in the future. Please tell me how I'm doing.
So far, I've still only read the first part. Dude... It is NOT as bad as you think it is. XD Besides making more paragraphs like that other person said, I'd also suggest using more commas because that makes it easier to understand and a little more organized. That's IT. Now, if you'll excuse me... I gotta read this second part... >.>; *reeeeeeeeead*
Chapter Two(Yeshinson to the third degree) Note to the reader-Nexi is pronounces Neh-shi got it memorized? A new day dawned upon the royal city. To the day exactly one year had passed since Emperor Dhen had been pronounced dead. Well, not really, however the letter was as good as such. Dhen was alive and the borders hadn’t been breached, the day was young. There had been very few changes in the past year. The upper class was just as snobbish and Dhen was still thinking of new ways to protect himself. The security had been doubled thrice over and a new wall had been constructed around the entire city. He was in all likelihood the safest man in the world. He was still extremely worried. For good reason too every child born in Wei knew their names and every child was told of their ferocity and desire to destroy the Wei kingdom. So there he sat, like a convict waiting for execution. The Five Field Generals were a brotherhood of failures that had joined and formed a kingdom second only to Wei. They were all surly intelligent enough to become emperors but due to their family positions they all lacked the temperament. So they had at some point decided to stage a coup, this failed due to the house of Wei’s scion Han. He defeated them in field combat and they were cast out by the Jin families head, the then emperor and Dhen’s ancestor Haido. Some time later the generals wandering the badlands were spoken to by a deity, or a demon, no one really knows which. Either way they made a bargain, each was expected to give up their most important thing to make way for their vengeance to consume them. In return they were each given unsurpassed wisdom and eternal youth. They each went their separate ways to study and prepare for another assault. That all happened over five hundred years prior. It wasn’t until only two hundred years ago that they resurfaced and built the greatest of all the badlands states the kingdom of Koizu. Nothing happened and they remained peaceful with the Wei kingdom. This was until one year ago when they had effectively declared war. Dhen got up and looked out his window. He could see the entire city, it was beautiful to behold. The great sloping roofs and vivid banners. The festival brought out the best in the city. The thing he liked most was none of the buildings were too tall. It kept the traditional feel. In all other major cities you could only see immense glass canyons shutting out the light and compressing all the people. All things in such cities were too institutional, too bland. Dhen was happy he could live his last year in so beautiful a place. All he could do now was wait and try to make the most of his last day walking beneath the sun. He sighed and dressed himself for a public appearance, by now everyone knew of his fate and all he could hope for was pity from the castle staff. As such he wished to go amongst his people and live as he once did with his family. They were far away living as peasants. He couldn’t do anything to help them when he came to power and he would never see them again. Dhen almost began crying as he descended the stairs to the main city. Meanwhile the clan of Wei had finally completed preparations for the accommodator. It was a boy not more than sixteen years of age. He’d spent his last year under the tutelage of the greatest scholars of the land, all so he could protect some rock. He never was told what the stone did during this time. All he did was learn. He learned everything from fighting to philosophy, it was a hard year to say the least. The clan had found him while he was taking the mandatory test of the emperor. His results were odd and further inspection proved him to be odd as well. He wasn’t an ordinary boy, he never was, and he knew from the beginning he wouldn’t be. He was a mage, his parent weren’t, but he was. He was told from a very young age that it was wrong to be better than everyone else and be happy about it. So, he was better than everyone else and took it as a matter of course. A mage is simply put an amplus that is born not only a genius but with an affinity for the arcane arts or magic. In the Wei clan there are many mages it is however uncommon for anyone not in this clan to be one. So, during his training he received after being taken away from his home, he wasn’t always the best. It gave him a sense of achievement and motivation when he had to work harder to succeed. However, this isn’t what made him valuable, any member of the clan could do this and all members are required to. It was his affinity for the elemental arts that made him a curiosity and an asset. There are easily thousands of types of magic, but they can easily be divided into dozens of categories. Elemental magic is one of the most uncommon and volatile types. This made him useful because the stone is the source of the elements on the planet. It controls the ten elements: air, water, earth, fire, ice, metal, electricity, wood, light and darkness. These are the building blocks that have governed the planet since it was created. As such, anyone with such power can easily be an asset in the grand mission. His name was Tei, however it was changed to Akira by the Wei as it was apparently a lucky name. Akira accepted it as he knew he couldn’t change their minds. Now that his preparation was complete, all he had to do was complete the mission: protect the stone. It wasn’t until that day that he’d even been told why he was picked in the first place. It wasn’t a very glorified mission, all he’d have to do is sit around the castle until it was deemed safe. Not hard, right. Wrong. Little did he know the Five Field Generals weren’t just after the emperor but the stone. With it they could easily rule the entire planets’ power. From there, subjugation of all peoples and revenge on the kingdom would be all to easy. However Akira knew nothing of this and sat in the imperial throne room staring at the stone. The Wei work in strange ways and he just assumed that it was best for him not to know from whom or what he would be protecting the stone. “All this trouble over you?†He poked it. Akira was bored stiff after eight straight hours of stone duty. “I don’t see what master Shou thinks is so important. If only I can properly wield you what’s the point?†He mused in silence for several more moments. Just as the thought crossed his mind that it was a bad idea to be talking to a mystical rock he was interrupted when he heard something outside. Suddenly Dhen burst through the doors panting in full dress attire. “Akira? What’re you doing here?†Dhen stared at the empty room hoping for a good answer his sanity was running thin after the market place fiasco. “Well, I’m still looking after Rocky here.†He pointed to the stone. It was basically a perfectly rounded clear as glass crystal that reflected and refracted light in all colors. Akira understood the confused look he got, he wasn’t precisely normal looking. He was dressed in deep green cargo pants, rather large hiking boots and he also wore a white T-shirt under a dark blue hooded sweater-jacket and to complete the strange look, he wore (also rather large) synthetic padded gloves and a blue and grey woolen ski cap over his messy brown hair. He sat, or rather, lay across the throne with his head hanging off the armrest upside down staring at the stone. “Oh, well good luck with that. I was just looking for a place to hide from the reporters. They saw me in the market place and almost killed two people to get an interview.†Dhen slowly looked back out the doors and closed them. “Good luck with that. I suggest hiding in the hidden vault, you can get there through his secret tunnel behind Wei the firsts portrait.†Akira replied off handedly. He hated talking to people that weren’t more clever than him. It was probably why he couldn’t make friends as a child. And Dhen was certainly not more clever than him. “Thank you.†Dhen replied to his strange guest. Akira had just shown up one day and was under orders to learn to and then protect the stone. Dhen knew but it was soon apparent Akira had no idea from what he was protecting the stone. Dhen thought it better to just let him live ignorant, if that was the wishes of the Wei. As such Akira remained ignorant and thus confident that nothing could possibly hinder his progress and he’d be back to the normal in a matter of weeks. He didn’t really miss the normal, it wasn’t like he was happy, but it was all he’d know before the Wei enlisted his help to protect the stone. Anyways, mages were becoming even more obsolete with the decline of mysticism and the people slowly losing touch with the old customs. He’d only be able to go back, was more how he saw it. Akira just stared at the stone a little longer and waited until Dhen left to look back up. “Why don’t they just lock you up somewhere?†Akira reverted to talking to the rock. “You’re doing it again.†Sozeh just walked in huffing although he was making a valiant effort to seem calm. Akira just stared at him blankly. “Anyways, have you seen his majesty. I have news from the front.†“Tell me. I’ll relay it to him, not like I have much else to do?†Akira sat up and Sozeh made a face, he was always a stickler for the rules and Akira always had a feeling that Sozeh didn’t like his guts. “As you wish sir.†Akira loved being able to pull rank on basically everyone but Dhen, it was really funny to watch. “The borders have been breached and the main army is maneuvering into position, the Five Field Generals have arrived.†“Excellent!†Sozeh made another face this one even funnier. “I bet their tough right?†Akira was excited about something for the first time in ages. “Yes? But, I’m not sure I understand your point.†Sozeh was a little uneasy due to Akira’s jubilant reaction. “My point is, I wanna fight them.†Akira put simply as he leapt across the long hall and landed right in front of Sozeh. “And, I wanna win.†“Well, if all goes according to plan you won’t have to. But, I’m glad you’ll protect the emperor if it comes to that.†Sozeh’s concern had left his face and was replaced with relief. “What’s the plan then?†Akira asked slightly less excited. “It’s ingenious really. The main army will feint several defeats and the enemy will advance into a field of newly developed bombs. Then… Boom! They’ll be incinerated and the remnants will be wiped out by the auxiliary forces.†Sozeh seemed proud of this idea and confident in it‘s success. “Great, I hope it works.†Akira responded somberly. He’d really wanted to face off against the five most feared men n the world. “Remember to tell the emperor, I’ve got some things to settle no. Excuse me.†Akira nodded as Sozeh left. Akira, instead of resuming his musing, decided to actually keep his word and tell the emperor, maybe he’d care more about it than Akira. So he walked over to the grand portrait of Han Wei. He wasn’t a very good looking man, in fact he looked like a short, stocky monster with his heavy brows and gritted pearl white teeth. Akira opened it like a door and there was a long hall reaching down into a nice little room. It wasn’t as grandiose as the throne room but it had a nice cozy feel. Dhen was sitting at a desk reading a book of history when Akira walked in. “Majesty.†Akira said to announce his appearance. Dhen wasn’t more than a year older but he looked very care worn and his tenure in the royal city had aged him at least five more years. He had been a good emperor while he was alive but now all he was doing was waiting to die. It was truly sad. “Yes, I’m still here. Still waiting, here.†Dhen seemed really pitiful and resigned to death. “Well, I’ve received word that the five have reached our borders and the main armies have begun to mobilize. This report came from Sozeh, it’s probably a few hours out of date by now.†Akira concluded respectfully as he could, after all this was a dying man, he should at least try to be nice. “Yes, I really am to die. The old ways are dying and I’ll probably be the last emperor. In this changing world clans and empires have no place, we’re just relics from a long past age. I should be dying in battle not huddled behind some portrait.†Dhen reflected upon his past year. “I’m sorry lord, I wish I could help more. Just know if they reach the city I’ll make sure you have time to escape.†Akira said confidently. “I thank you for the sentiments but your only duty is to protect the stone. I’m really not that important.†Dhen put down his book and smiled weakly. He obviously meant it no matter how much he didn’t want to. “The festivities are beginning, are you sure you wouldn’t like to make another appearance before nightfall? Akira tried to sound encouraging. “No, I’m not sure. Actually, I think I will, I will watch my people one last time.†He got up and walked past Akira towards the exit. Akira had never noticed before how majestic Dhen looked, even in his current state, he carried the air of a ruler. Akira was in awe of his excellence. It somehow reminded him of what his master told him that morning, while he was still half asleep. “I’m not gonna lie to you Akira you weren’t our first choice, Dhen was.†Shou stated bluntly to the rumpled form of Akira. “Why?†Akira asked in confusion as he tried to find his way out from under his covers. “We had the diviners look into his future and his death was foreseen. We needed someone who wouldn’t die. The only problem is, Dhen was compatible with the stone and he could’ve housed it’s power within his body. You can only manipulate the elements exuding from the stone he could control it’s ebb and flow. It wasn‘t enough to totally remove the threat but it decreased the danger significantly.†Explained Shou. “I understand but why not just have him do it, prophesies are notoriously self fulfilling.†Akira questioned pulling his covers over his head. “We would have no way to be sure of it.†Shou jabbed Akira with his cane. “Alright so what do I do?†Akira moaned. “The stone is usually untouchable for anyone but an accommodator or vessel like you or Dhen. However every thousand years it’s power is sealed and it regenerates. This cycle makes it useless to all wielders most of the time. However, if the protective field were taken down any mage of elements could use it to some degree. This is what’s going to happen today, it will last for a month and that is how long you must protect it.†Shou poked Akira again. “I don’t get it, if it’s sealed, it’s power should be, like gone and stuff.†Akira complained. “Listen a mage of elements can manipulate the elements like you, but to a lesser degree and only with a totem from said element. If they use the stone as a totem they’ll be infinitely more powerful.†“So they channel with it? Why can‘t one of ours do it then?†Akira asked lamely trying to keep his eyes open. “Yes. And ours can‘t because we don‘t have any.†An exasperated Shou answered. “Oh. But, who’d do that?†Akira once again asked lamely. “You don’t need to know now get dressed.†Shou pulled him out of bed and threw him into a tub at the foot of his bed. “This had better not be the piss bucket!†Akira shouted as Shou skipped out of the room in a manner unfitting for an old master of magic. Akira shuddered. Good thing it wasn’t. “Oh yeah. I should’ve remembered that earlier.†Akira gave himself a mental note to listen to what Shou said. Akira followed Dhen out of the room. They emerged fro behind the painting to a cheering crowd down in the courtyard. Dhen went out to his balcony and gave a heartfelt speech about how the world was changing and o resist would disrespect something or other. Akira didn’t listen to the speech because he heard a low rumbling in the distance. “And without any more ado let the feast begin!†Dhen shouted over the crowd. He was met with applause and many smiles. “Your majesty get down!†Akira was only just in time an arrow sped through the open window. “Everyone get out of here!†Dhen yelled out to his people. With that there was a huge uproar in an attempt to get out of danger. “You alright?†Akira asked. “Yes.†Dhen went over to the arrow it had a letter on it. “Good, go back and hide I’ll deal with this.†Akira still hadn’t noticed the letter. “No, I’d rather die fighting.†Dhen held out the letter, written in blood were the words “It’s begun.†Akira stared hard at the emperor and nodded. “Okay, it doesn’t look like I can stop you.†Akira grabbed the stone and pocketed it. Down at the main gate Sozeh and the castle guards had assembled and barricaded the doors. There was a huge uproar outside and there was a huge pounding on the gates. “They’ll be through in minutes! What do we do now?†A young soldier cried. “We will hold! We die where we stand, before we retreat! For the empire!†Sozeh yelled to encourage his warriors. They steeled themselves as they heard the gate fall. The doors began to splinter and soon enough they fell. I large bear of a man wearing green armor stood before them. He held a large wooden staff with a lightning bolt shaped blade at the end of the pole arm. “DIE!†He shouted so loud that the very earth seemed to quake. Sozeh charged in first and within seconds the hall was in ruins. There were no survivors. A tall lanky man in a black gi and hakama set with a large umbrella stepped in and examined his accomplices handiwork. “Good job. Silva.†The slim man complimented. “The same to you. Kuai†The bear like man smiled. They were soon followed by a man in priests robes and a man in what seemed to be armor salvaged from across the ages. “Nice of you to join us Genzuo, Nexi.†The man in black smiled and looked up the stairs. “That’s where he hides no?†“Correct.†The priest Genzuo answered with a grin on his face. “Let’s be on with it then.†Nexi complained. He was by far the twitchiest and most insane looking of the bunch. “We should wait for Jikun.†The bear said firmly. “You know he likes to be more of a show off.†Kuai chuckled as he heard distinct screams outside. “Whatever, let’s finish it.†Nexi said quickly. “Fine.†They all agreed. They all rushed up the stairs and reached the throne room and burst through the doors. Akira was standing there next to Dhen. Dhen held up a large claymore and Akira held up his fists. “Good to see you.†Akira said mildly. “Well, wanna start or should I.†“Ladies first.†Nexi taunted. “By all means.†Dhen bowed his head slightly. “You’re gonna regret that.†Nexi. Without another word Nexi whipped out a long rope dart and began fighting Akira. They were basically even until Silva rushed in and got Akira in a bear hug. Akira tripped his giant opponent and knocked hi out. He then resumed fighting Nexi. Dhen clashed time after time with Kuai. They both stod swords drawn sweat pouring, however Dhen was the worse off. He’d received three cuts and a steady stream of blood stemmed from each. “Now, Die!†Genzuo flung his arms forward and his sleeves flet like snakes. Akira was able to dodge it, but Den was hit hard. He fell to the floor and dropped hi massive sword. Kuai chuckled and drove his own katana through Dhen’s neck. “No!†Akira screamed. He was up in an instant and he flung himself at Kuai. He was able to get in a good punch before he was pinned against the wall with a huge staff. “Go on finish it!†“We’ve done what we came to and now al we need is this.†Genzuo pulled the stone out of Akira’s pocket. “Good bye.†They threw him out the window into the ruins of the grand courtyard. It was midnight and as they said to the hour of the letters receiving they’d taken over and killed the emperor. So how'd you like this one. Comment and all that. BTW the names are my original creations, although they are kinda just conglomerates of Latin, Chinese, and Japanese words.
AHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!! NOT LATIN!!!! Back to the story reviewing.... Its good, It could flow better, but I pretty much agree with everyone else. :D
Yes Latin!!!!!!!! Yeah I kinda thought so too. Oh well, not like I'm capable of better. Chapter Three(Badlands) Akira awoke with a splitting headache and soreness all but inhibiting even the slightest motion. There was no way around it, he’d lost, and Dhen was dead, the stone was gone, and it was all his fault. Akira could feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he remembered that night. It wasn’t until he saw two men walk over to him did he realize he was no longer in the imperial square where he’d been thrown. “He’s awake.” One said with a gasp. “Akira!” It was Sozeh. “Hey, I thought you’d be dead a stubborn fool like you.” Akira laughed. “I thought the same of you.” Sozeh smiled. He was in bad shape and one arm was conspicuously missing. “We’re in a refugee camp just outside of the kingdom of Wei. The five took over the imperial city. Where’s Dhen?” “He died fighting them. I tried to help but I was powerless.” Akira sat up with a groan. “How’d they get around the main army anyways there should‘ve been news?” “They had used a naval assault on the city of Nakio to gain a spawn point nearer to the city a week before. They killed all messengers so we couldn’t figure it out until their dummy troops were all dead and they were at our gates.” Sozeh sat down next to his comrade. “Dhen wanted to die that way. Don’t blame yourself.” “If I was stronger I could have done more.” Akira clenched his fist. “Not only that they’ve got the stone and it’s only a matter of time before they can figure out how to use it. Dammit! I’ve got to go back that’s the only way to set things right.” “Your in no condition to fight and what would you do get your brains beaten out this time?” Sozeh asked barely able to contain his own rage. “We need a plan.” “I’ve one.” Akira said instantly. “We’re in the badlands, right?” Yes.” Sozeh replied calmly. “We can take them out one by one. They’re probably spread out over several cities and some may even be all the way out here to keep watch on their own kingdom. If we can gather together a force we may be able to win. I could take on any one of them, it’s their team tactics that make them so formidable.” Akira sighed seriously. “How do you know they won’t abandon Koizu? They got what they wanted and their armies are superior to what we can get in a month.” Sozeh inquired. “They don’t have what they want simple as that.” Akira smiled. “The letter also swore vengeance on the family of Wei. I’m sure Shou and the others got away. Besides the clan is spread across the continent. No one can trace them without spreading their forces out. That’s why a small covert unit is all we need.” Sozeh was speechless for a moment. “I’ll gather up anyone willing and able to fight.” He finally said confidently. “Thanks, I need to do some more training if I’m gonna be ready. No time to rest. Every second lost could be the end of us. We start at nightfall. They still may be looking for us so be careful.” Akirahad just said a lot of different things very quickly and he was already tired. “Don’t you get caught either.” Sozeh grinned his silly ruddy grin and left. Akira struggled to his feet and brushed himself off. For the first time he had a good look at his surroundings. It looked like crap. There were little hutches not fit for rabbits housing families of fat nobles that had escaped. It looked like the end of the world to Akira, everything was so wrong. Even in the extreme poverty of the farming life from before, he’d never seen such depression. He had to make things right again. Akira set off into the desert and went towards the nearest town. Sozeh rode out on a borrowed horse to find more soldiers to help their cause. Akira trudged on alone through the dry winds and sandy dunes of the border desert. By morning he’d reached a small town. Nothing seemed to live or grow there. It was as if someone threw some toy houses in a sandbox and left them there to rot. There certainly didn’t seem to be anyone living there until Akira was suddenly assaulted from behind. “Get out of here desert scum!” A boy with messy ginger hair sticking straight up stood before the now very disheveled Akira. Akira got up and looked blankly at the boy. He stood maybe an inch taller that Akira, give or take. The really weird thing about him was he wore some really strange clothes. He wore a beaded maroon headband and had two locks of hair wrapped in a similar material hanging off the sides of his head, just in front of his ears. His shirt was covered by four sashes that seemed to go with the headband and braid things. His pant’s were a maroon red like everything else he wore and he wore old time combat boots. “And you are?” Akira asked calmly. “I’m Huang Feng the avenger.” The boy looked ridiculous saying such things. “Whatever, I’ve got things to do. And if you don’t mind I’ve been traveling since nightfall yesterday.” Akira made to walk around him but Huang refused to let him pass. “How do I know your not a spy?” He asked suspiciously. “Who’d spy on you?.” Akira was agitated as he really hated talking to people who were more foolish than him. “ANSWER THE QUESTION OR DIE.” Suddenly Akira found a blade to his face. It was broad saber with feathers embroidering the base of the blade. The curious thing was the boy had two swords and neither had a pommel or any kind of hilt wrapping. Usually a blade has either some kind of cord around it’s length to keep the hands from sliding or a pommel to do the same. These sabers had plane cylinders for hilts. It would take a considerable amount of strength and skill to maneuver those blades in the heat of battle without once losing your grip. “I’ll fight you.” Akira countered. He had to see if the kid was any good. “Fine, if you wanna die so bad.” The kid backed up a few steps and closed his eyes for a moment. Akira waited for his to finish and they both readied themselves for battle. Akira was still sore and tired but he was sure he could escape if he had to. Akira attacked first. He made to kick the boy in the face but instead he spun round under a counter slash and re-aimed the kick at the back leg. The boy toppled over in a heap and began spitting out sand as soon as he‘d fallen. “Damn, you’re good.” He heard Huang say from his knees. “But… I’m better.” He flung himself up and began a ferocious onslaught. He was fast but not too fast. Akira blocked most of the strikes with his steel lined gloves and continued to sneak in stiff hits. Soon Huang was exhausted and Akira had clearly won. “What was that about being better?” Akira smiled. Not because he’d won but because the kid was good, he had to admit it. “Who said you won?” Huang crossed his blades for one last futile attempt to win. Akira simply sidestepped it and tripped Huang into the sand. “No use wasting your energy on pointless fighting.” Akira said to the motionless Huang. A second later Huang was practically bawling. His sobs went along the lines of, he’d lost his father and had to get strong enough to avenge him. Akira decided to delve deeper as it could help him later. “Who killed your father?” “I’ll never forget him, the merchant of death from the Five, Nexi!” Akira was intrigued now. He had been formulating a plan and it couldn’t be any better than if he’d planned it himself. “That’s too bad, you want to avenge him right?” Akira asked slyly. “Of course. I must restore honor to my family and I will strike him down with my fathers phoenix blades!” Huang shouted to they heavens as he suddenly leapt to his feet. “What if I told you I knew exactly where to find him?” Akira just kept on asking in the same sly way. “I’d say your lying no one can track the five.” Huang said adamantly. “But, I fought him just the other day.” Akira countered. “What?! Where?! Tell me!” Huang was now bouncing up and down with excitement. “I‘ll tell you what, if you help me out with a bit of training of my own, I‘ll help you take down the Nexi.” “What is it for?” Huang inquired. “I lost to the five, well four of the five. My kingdom fell and I must restore it to it’s past greatness before the five can take over the world.” Akira said somberly. “Fine, I’ll help you out. You’re from Wei right?” Huang asked as they began to walk down toward some rundown old shack. “Yes.” Akira confirmed. “I never thought it’s be true.” Huang said to himself. “What?” Akira asked. “I heard yesterday that the five took over, but I couldn’t believe it. Wei is one of the strongest nations ever.” Huang explained. “Well, it happened and it was my fault.” Akira hung his head and clenched his fists. “I’m sorry.” Huang said slowly. “Don’t worry about it. Is there any food or water around there? Akira’s stomach grumbled just as he said this. “Yeah, I’ve been staying here for months there’s at least a years worth of supplies here it’s the ideal training site. That’s why I came here after all.” They came up to an old shack and Huang was pointing to this when he spoke. “Alright, can I have it?” Akira asked holding his now aching stomach. “Sure just don’t die or anything. You still have to tell me where Nexi is.” Huang pointed to a refrigeration box and inside there was all kinds of food. Akira ate until he could barely move and hen he fell asleep. “I think you overdid it a little.” Huang was shaking Akira awake the next day. “Ah! Don’t throw me in the piss bucket!” Akira shouted as he woke up. “The hell?” Huang stood there perplexed over the curious guest. “Oh, must have been a bad dream.” Akira yawned and got up. “Today we’d better head out. It’s easier to find opponents in cities and towns than in the middle of the desert.” “Actually we’re right near the southern beach.” Huang pointed to a map that had in a happy font “You are here.” “There’s as good a place as any to start.” Akira said as he drank some strange brown-orange liquid. “What is this stuff anyways?” “That’s chicken… I think it was at some point at least.” Akira promptly threw up and demanded they leave for the beach, surely someone would be there to fight. I just thought it should end here don't expect chapter regularity. On another note this one is gonna be longer than anticipated due to lack of foresight.On another not that note I don't really like this one I think I could do it better.
Chapter Four (Beach) “We seriously need a name.†Huang said. “We have names, Akira equals me, Huang equals you. I‘m clear right?†Akira pointed out. “No dummy! I meant like, we need a group name.†Huang yelled in exasperation. “We aren’t a group we’re a pair, or a duo, or accomplices at best.†Akira said again in the same flat tone. “Again not what I meant. I mean why can’t we be like the “heroes of truth and justice†or the “avengers†or something like that.†“One, those are lame names, bee, why do we need superfluous titles?†“Bee isn’t a number!†Huang protested. “But it is second.†Akira countered to no avail. “Screw you!†Huang shouted as he shoved his accomplice. “Shush, before I throw up on you again.†Akira pushed him back and made a gagging noise. “Eww how could you do something so horrible?†Huang cringed. “Easy, you put your fingers down your throat…†Akira reached towards his mouth. “Eww, I regret asking.†Huang flinched. “Good now if you please, we’ve got a month to pull this off and I don’t want to make this any harder than it needs to be.†Akira fumed. “Well, we still need a name.†Huang said quickly. “I said no.†Akira refused firmly. “I said we need it.†Huang continued. “I DON’T CARE!†Akira exploded. “Gosh! I just wanna make things cooler and you try to mess up all my plans.†Huang grumbled angrily. “If your plans weren’t so dumb!†Akira retorted. “Whose dumb!? Chicken man!†Taunted Huang. “Your dead!†Akira began to throttle Huang. “AGH! Get off me you stupid oaf.†Huang kicked Akira off. “Whose the oaf?!†Akira tripped Huang into a sand dune as he rushed in. “Shut up!†Huang shot back lifting himself up. “I will if you will!†Akira shouted. For a long moment the just stopped talking and walked along. “…†And along. “…†And along. “…†And along. “…†And along. “This is hella boring.†Huang burst out. “I liked it better when we were fighting.†Akira agreed. “Yeah, DIE!†Huang punched Akira across the face. “You first!†Akira resumed throttling his ally. This sort of behavior went on for several hours, a testament to their endurance and lack of social skills. Finally they reached the beach, as expected it was a very lively place and it seemed to be some sort of proving ground for warriors beginning journeys of their own. Many were novices and couldn’t provide a challenge at all. However, word reached their ears of a band of marauding bandits that had apparently defeated the mightiest warrior for miles around. Akira followed the trail of rumors to a rundown old inn. In side there were only two people; a young muscular man with short jet black hair and a petit girl with long brown hair tied into a ponytail. Akira began to doubt the stories and turned to leave, but Huang burst in kicking and screaming. “I’ll kill every one of ya! I’ll beat you with my eyes closed.†Akira smacked himself in the forehead. “Shut up. Please shut up.†Akira said weakly to himself. “What was that, a challenge?†The small woman got up and hefted a giant spear. Akira groaned. “Well?†“Of course that was a challenge! I’ll beat both of you at once!†Huang seemed very confident. “Huang, while you do that I’ll go get some traveling supplies. Don’t die or anything stupid like that, got it?†Akira sad this several times to be sure his headstrong companion wouldn’t do anything worse than he already had. Akira went over to the journey outfitters and bought, or rather half stole and half begged for, supplies and a new outfit. It was rather hot in the badlands and it wasn’t good to sweat out all the water you get ‘cause your clothes aren’t right. He left with a travel bag with the supplies and his old clothes. He wore steel lined geta sandals, a pair of blue jean shorts, a white tank top and a plain beige Hawaiian shirt. He walked over to the run down inn to see what had happened and to his great surprise Huang was lain out across the floor with drool hanging out of his mouth. “That wasn’t too hard.†The woman laughed heartily. “You owe us everything you got.†“What?†Akira asked blankly. “He,†She motioned to Huang, “bet all your stuff against all ours.†“Dammit, Huang I told you not to do anything stupid! And what do you do you do something incredibly stupid!†Akira shook the unconscious Huang violently as he screamed in his face. “What? You wanna fight too? If you fight though you can only win your stuff back.†She narrowed her eyes at the silly duo. “Sure.†Akira replied. “Let’s take this outside though I don’t fight in confined spaces.†“Whatever you say.†She giggled. So far she’d apparently done all he talking and all the fighting. The big guy just sat there and nodded at everything she said. Once outside a crowd began to form. Most were cheering for the girl, it was probably something to do with the way she dressed. She wore a see through white tank top over a bikini top and she wore a pair of torn cargo shorts revealing what Akira would describe as “an indecent amount of leg.†This really wasn’t helpful, since Akira had never once in his life had to fight a woman. “Dammit. I forgot she’d be the one fighting.†Akira thought to himself. Out of nowhere an announcer type appeared and began commentary of the fight. It went along the lines of. “Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and all manner of unsavory characters, to the challenge that none of you should ever make! In this corner(There were spontaneous corners created in the crowd at this point) A relative newcomer to the proving grounds and probably the stupidest guy you’d ever meet! What’s your name kid?†“Akira.†“Akira the terror Gonzalez!†“That isn’t my name, fool.†“Shut up. And in this corner the reigning champion The Crimson Bandit Haburi Kensei!†The girl was maybe a year or so older than Akira and she was about his height. “This is gonna be bad, I know it.†Akira complained to himself. Kensei was first to attack, it was instantly clear why Huang had lost. He was an offensive fighter and had long linear movements, Kensei was the same but the key difference that made Kensei better was range. With her spear she could strike in the same amount of time but her attacks could very easily penetrate his weak guard before he could counter. Akira evaded the thrust and took her back. He began a kick however she spun of and jammed it with the reverse end of her weapon. A second thing, he hadn’t remembered a spear is more versatile than a sword the length and maneuverability can be altered with the grip. Akira slid off of the powerful blow and rushed in. At the last moment before her counter hit Akira grasped her spear just near her handhold and swept out her front leg. The key weakness in her form was the base of the spear is moving at less than half the speed of the tip and if one can stop the base where the spear is being pivoted it can temporarily prevent attacks. The second thing is a spear like any weapon requires a strong base for ease of motion. If one is knocked off balance they can neither attack or defend. Akira saw all of this in the moments before she gained her balance back he kicked her hard in the gut. She groaned a little but even the steel geta didn’t give much penetration. Akira reanalyzed his situation. The one thing he hadn’t taken into account until now was Kensei had some kind of preternatural strength and muscular structure for someone so small and thin. Akira wasn’t weak by any means but this girl was like some kind of monster. She got up from the kick several seconds later, cracked her neck and smiled. “That’s the first time I’ve ever been hit in a fight.†She seemed almost too happy, after all there were two bruises right where the geta had sunk in. “I think this is gonna be fun!†She charged forward with a vertical sweeping motion, halfway through she changed it into a sharp stab. Akira was able to perfectly read her movements and evaded accordingly. Akira just kept on using the same tricks over and over but each time she was hit Kensei came back with twice the force as before. Even after a long fight neither would give up. “This is over, it’s clear I’m better.†Akira said and he could back it up, he wasn’t even out of breath. The crowd stood in awe, no one had hit Kensei once but Akira had hit her multiple times. “What are you talking about this is just warm up.†Kensei surely was an excellent fighter, but she never adapted to changes and she just kept on doing the same thing over and over. “Guess I’ll have to swallow my pride and hit you with the best I have.†“Good, no holding back.†Akira lowered his stance to just inches above the sand. “’Cause if you do, you’ll die.†Kensei smiled and began spinning the great spear over her head. “She’s gonna go with one hundred percent power and speed on this one.†Akira thought as the spear spun faster and faster. “ I won’t be able to evade it once it comes, so I’ll have to over power it.†At the same moment they both rushed forwards. Kensei brought down her spear and Akira brought up his kick, straight for the head. They clash created such a force that sand was blown everywhere and no one could see who had won. “Kensei’s won this.†The muscular man said proudly. He was clearly not dumb by any means, but he was far from the sharpest tool in the shed. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.†Huang had woken up by now and was watching the fight. “What do you mean?†The man was taken aback at this. “Akira’s a genius, he’ll find away to beat her at her own game.†Huang smirked. “looks like we’ll see who’s the winner now, the sand’s finally beginning to settle.†Everyone was surprised to see what happened next. Akira was lying out heaving in ragged breath and Kensei was knocked senseless with the fragments of her spear scattered about the area. “Told ya so.†“How could that kid beat her she was over powering him it’s just not possible.†The crowd murmured similar things, all in total disbelief, except Huang who just smiled away. “Akira! Get up and say you won!†Huang shouted. “Shut up and be patient I’m getting ready!†Akira coughed. “How?†Huang asked stupidly. “I’m getting the sand out of my mouth you idiot, now shut up!†Akira coughed some more and spit out some sand. Eventually he got up and said he won. “But, how?†The muscular man was still in shock. “She’s the strongest. It’s impossible.†“Improbable, actually.†Akira interjected. “Let me explain. She was smart when she used the momentum of the spear and her enormous strength to hit me. But, I am bigger than her and faster than her.†“What’s that got to do with it?†Interrupted the announcer who hadn’t said anything since the beginning. “As I was saying. Her spear conducted her power my sandal conducted mine. She may have been moving fast but the power behind it wasn’t enough. She’s too light. A heavy blow like that will work if you’ve got a heavy weapon or you are a heavy person. However, neither her nor her weapon is very heavy. Second, I came up from the ground. I didn’t rely on my own strength, rather the strength of the ground. You see I used my entire body how she used her spear. I was being pushed by the earth beneath me so I had infinitely more power, it was a matter if I could take the blow with out dying that was the gamble. “Oh I get it! It’s simple physics. You’re mass was up against the earth so it was just like her hitting a steel block on the ground with all her might plus your kicking force.†Huang said as he drew a little diagram of it in the sand. “Yeah it’s basically that. However my leg hurts like hell right now.†Akira limped over to Kensei. She was awake by now and getting up. He offered a hand to help but she got up on her own. “That’s the best fight I’ve had in years. I’ve always been the best ever since I was a kid. I’m kinda glad I lost here today, gives me something to strive for.†She straightened up and looked around. “Thanks.†Akira smiled as they shook hands. “So, what’re you doing all the way out here? I know that style anywhere, you’re from Wei aren‘t you?†She asked friendly all of a sudden. “Yeah, can’t fool you I guess. “Akira chuckled. “I’m sorta temporarily banished. The five took over and now I’ve gotta get back in and kill them.†Akira had barely finished explaining himself when Kensei began replying. “Really, sounds fun. When do we leave?†She asked brightly. “We?†Akira asked confusedly. “I can’t leave an innocent kid like you walking around the Badlands can I?†She got him in a head lock and rumpled his hair. “Innocent?†Akira mumbled. “What about me!?†Huang shouted. “You too.†She punched him in the arm playfully. Although Akira was sure he heard a suppressed howl of pain. “As you know, I’m Haburi Kensei but, you guys can call me Kensei and you are?†“I’m Akira, last name’s not needed.†Akira answered. “I’m Huang Feng, but most just call me Huang.†Huang answered nicely. “Who’s that?†He pointed to the stoic black haired wore heavy leather traveling clothes and a huge metal club was slung across hi back. “Oh, that’s just Jin. He hates to talk to others.†Kensei explained. “So like I said where to?†“I dunno, Akira said he had some training to do.†Huang and the others turned to Akira. “I thought someone around here could tell me where some strong fighters were.†“I just remembered something!“ Huang whipped out the wall map he’d show Akira the day before and pointed to a canyon not far from them. “Well, there’s another proving ground in the Hachi Temple it’s just a days walk from here. I heard they taught some pretty strange techniques over there.†“Do you always carry that map?†Jin asked flatly. “Yeah, why?†Huang replied slowly. “No reason.†Jin remained silent for the rest of the trip. Yeah this one gets a bit silly but that's okay. I don't know but I think my writings been getting progressively worse. Oh well, comment and such.
I liked how you did the fight scene. Very cool. I dont think your writitng is gettting worse:( Believe me latin is not as fun when you take it. Alll you leaern how to saw is "Davus likes to beat the slaves"
I use an internet translator. I like to use Chinese and Japanese better though. :0: :0: It's an alligator ._____. .____. .___. .__. It's supposed to be an alligator...
Chapter 5 (Canyon) “You said it was a day away.†Akira’s eye twitched ever so slightly. “We’ve been walking for how long now?†“Uh.†Huang chuckled nervously. “A day?†“Yes, a day and where are we?†Akira asked venom simply dripping from his inquiry. “In the middle of the desert.†Jin answered before Huang could respond. “Yes, were in the middle of the frickin’ desert! How do you explain this?!†Akira howled as he furiously leapt up and down. “Well, that sandstorm musta thrown us off course a little.†“You idiot!†“I told ya we should’ve waited. Now we’re lost in the desert with maybe a few days more of supplies.†Kensei added with sarcastic brightness. “We never should’ve picked our leader through drawing straws. I don’t care if it’s fair, it’s gotten us lost.†Akira sulked. “Well, we voted on it and we knew you’d get all big headed about any authority given to you by any other means. In other words it made sense at the time.†Kensei shrugged. “Well, now it seems pretty dumb.†Akira fumed. “Have faith in me! I know this desert like the back of my hand.†Huang said confidently. “It’s a desert what is there to know?! All there is, is sand, sand, and more frickin‘ sand!†Akira raged. “I dunno I thought it sounded comforting.†Huang shrugged. “I do not need comfort from Miss Universe over here.†Akira said grinding his teeth with every word. “Dude! The sashes are a part of the frickin’ traditional warriors attire in my clan!†Huang retorted. “And is the skirt just a fashion statement?†Jin chuckled. “It’s a kilt you dumbass! And besides I wear pants under it!†Huang protested. “Does that help any of us in any way shape or form?†Akira asked sarcastically. “No.†Huang answered nervously. “Then shut up and let’s come up with a plan!†Thundered Akira. “Fine!†The rest of them shot back. “Okay I say we take these flares I brought and split up. If anyone finds something they fire off their own flare and everyone else goes to them. That sound alright?†Akira held up four identical flares. “Good enough.†Jin replied. “Better than anything else we’ve done so far.†Kensei agreed. “Why not?†Huang conceded. “What’s the worst that could happen?†“Don’t ask.†Akira said quickly. They split up and not two minutes later Huang’s flare was fired. “What is it?†Kensei was the first to find him. “I tripped.†Huang said rubbing his head. “You’re hopeless.†Akira sighed as he ran up to Huang and Kensei. “Where’s Jin?†Huang asked as he brushed himself off. Another flare was fired in the exact opposite direction. “Found him.†Kensei said dryly. They all walked together. Several minutes later they arrived at a large canyon, it was truly a spectacular sight to behold. Not just the sheer size or the way the sunset fell on the cliffs. It was something else, some indefinable quality that inspired sheer awe in the viewers. “This is it?†Akira asked. “Yep, this is the Walk of the Dead.†Huang answered off handedly. “Could ya run that by me again?†Kensei made a double take. “Oh yeah, I forgot to say that the only way to reach the Hachi Temple is to pass their test: the Walk of the Dead. It’s said to be some kind of religious experience. But, it’s really secretive so I don’t really know much more.†Shrugged Huang. “Great.†Jin sighed sarcastically. “The worst heathens and non-believers in the world have to pass a test of faith to get in.†He paused for a second. “Okay, let’s turn around and go somewhere else.†“It can’t be that bad, religion is just a load of stories that someone made up to get money from the easily persuaded. It won‘t be so bad.†Akira assured the others. “Let’s at least give this a try it could help out later.†Huang said. “Yeah.†Kensei agreed. “I don’t like this.†Jin protested as he was dragged down the canyon trail. “Come on we spent all that time coming here, we might as well go the rest of the way.†Kensei prodded as she continued to drag him by his wrist. “We’re here.†Huang announced. It was nightfall and the canyon looked genuinely frightening with all of the alcoves and caves carved into the stone. Also, the black that even kept out most stars seemed to be pressing down on them suffocating them slowly. “All we need to do is walk to the temple from here right?†Kensei asked. “That’s how it’s supposed to go.†He answered. “Let’s be off then. No time to waste on wondering.†Akira cheerily began walking down the dark path. “What, it’s perfectly fi-AH!†Akira only just evaded a huge boulder crashing down. Soon many more began to follow. “Okay, scratch that. RUN!†“You just had to open your big mouth!†Huang howled as he leapt over a boulder shooting out from a cavern. “It’s not like I thought this was a trap! Anyways, you led us in here!†Akira accused. “I didn’t know either!†Huang protested. “Shut up and run!†Jin bellowed. “I thought these people were monks!†Kensei screamed. “How’re they gonna try and kill us like this!?†“Well, they’re gonna set up loads of boulders-†Akira began sarcastically. “Not like that! You know what I meant!†Kensei somehow found time to smack Akira upside the head. “What was that for?!†Akira practically shrieked . “For being a smartass. Now seriously shut up and run if you don‘t wanna die- Oh ****!†A huge wall of stone loomed up before the fleeing quartet. “We’re so dead.†Jin observed. “Shut up, um, let’s hide under that outcropping it might keep away from most of the boulders.†Akira pointed wildly at said overhanging rock formation. “Are you insane?!†Huang screeched. “If that’s shelter then a wall and no roof is a house.†“Arguably so and finally you’re getting my point.†Akira said almost jubilantly. They all ran and hid and eventually the pounding of the rocks stopped. Soon they opened their eyes to fid themselves in a dark cave formed by the falling rocks. “YES!†Akira threw his fist in the air. “We’re totally not dead!†He began laughing hysterically. “Whoo hoo.†Jin replied sarcastically. “I mean, to say, we’re trapped under thousands of tons of rock and the air supply is limited to what we have now. I think we’re close to dead right now.†“Oh, don’t worry I’ve got a plan.†Akira smiled (not that anyone could tell.) “I can control elements so this won’t be any trouble at all.†Akira assumed an unseen stance and slammed his fist against the wall of stone. “OW! ****! What the hell?!†“Okay?†Jin drawled. “One point wall, zero fearless leader.†“Oh shut up! I dunno what’s wrong, I did it all right.†Akira stammered in disbelief. “What’s wrong?†Huang yelled. “We’re right here!†Kensei shot back. “Guys.†Jin broke in. “Oh, **** no! I forgot, I can’t control elements ‘cause the stone is my power! Ugh, and that means I have no powers until I can win!†Akira moaned. “Great, I told you guys this was a bad idea.†Jin said in that ‘I Told ya So’ kinda voice. “Well, we can’t get out of it now.†Kensei replied in an aggravated tone. “Maybe we can beg forgiveness.†Huang suggested. “We didn’t do anything.†Kensei said confusedly. “Oh yeah.†Huang rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I got carried away.†“Wait, Maybe…†Akira began rummaging through his travel bag. “Aha! Everyone move to the canyon wall, I’ve found us a way out.†Akira started laughing again. “What is it?†Huang asked dumbly as he staggered and stumbled his way across the small cave. “Oh, you’ll see.†Akira said mischievously. He did a little more rummaging and hopping around for no apparent reason. “Alright everyone brace yourselves for impact, in three, two-†“Oh, hell no.†Kensei said as she ducked her head. “Hell, yeah!†Akira screamed wildly. “BOOM!†The cavern walls shook violently and chunks of molten slag were thrown everywhere. Then there was a bright light. The wall of stone was gone and they were free. “Are you dead Akira?†Huang asked slowly as he crawled out from under a rock. “Yes.†Akira answered weakly. “You are one crazy *** savior of the world.†Kensei shook her head as she lifted the boulder off of Huang. “I know.†Akira smiled broadly. “Amazing, someone passed the test.†Akira stood up and frantically searched for the speaker. “Where are you?†“Right here, I have to say your methods were unorthodox. However the point is to think of something new. If you had the presence of mind to notice that the stones only fell on the path you could have gotten away much easier.†The man was a monk in saffron robes sitting atop a pile of rubble smiling brightly in the moonlight. “Great.†Jin muttered to himself. “Great! We passed the test! So, what do we do now?†Huang shouted jubilantly. “Now, you may enter the temple. I hope you find the answers you seek.†The monk stood up and walked away. As if by some miracle, where the wall of stone once stood there was a huge grandiose gold encrusted temple. “Where’d that come from?†Akira asked lamely. “It’s never been there, everything is an illusion.†“Okay, Where’d that ILLUSION come from?†Jin asked, putting such sarcastic emphasis on the word illusion that even the monk winced. “Like you heard all life is an illusion. Nothing has true value. Thee are only images, destroy the image and the object never existed.†The monk said as if it explained anything. “Whatever.†Akira mumbled. “Just let us in. We heard that this lace had some good fighters.†“You heard right. Monks need to protect themselves out here.†The doors opened at a wave of his hand. “You may enter and prove yourselves if you feel up to it.†“Alright let’s get this over with.†Jin sighed as he followed the others in. the inside was almost as impressive as the outside. There seemed to be only one enormous room divided into floors and rooms with strange wooden structures. “That’s weird.†Huang commented as he passed a room with monks bowing to a flag in it. “Here’s the combat room. Only a very select few monks may enter and outsiders like yourselves usually would be turned away. However, I feel a presence in you that the master may find intriguing. This is where I leave you, good day.†He walked off and began some weird chant with his prayer beads shaking about his clasped hands. “I knew this was a bad idea.†Jin thought to himself. “Let’s go.†Akira walked into the large room. Of all the places they’d seen this was by far the strangest. Monks ran around the large area jumping and leaping in the air. It was like watching a surreal wushu performance. However, the leader (the one in the huge golden dragon throne) turned his gaze on the new arrivals with great interest. Everything stopped with a wave of his hand. “And you newcomers?†The monks great white beard nearly reached the floor when he stood and began to- for lack of a better word- wafted cross the room gracefully barely touching the ground. “You are here to prove yourselves, or here to prove us?†“No riddles necessary.†Akira said shortly. “I just want to have some training here, if that isn’t too much to ask.†“You have a strange aura… Kam!†A young monk, maybe Jin’s age ran up and bowed low. As with all monks his head was entirely shaved and he wore some more secure combat oriented saffron robes. “You will instruct our visitors.†“Yes, master.†He raised his head and looked over the motley group. “Alright, your only teacher is the enemy. Only that image can show you yourself. Can you see yourself?†As soon as he’d finished he led them into an adjoining arena. Akira volunteered to fight first and entered the round sandy arena. Kam took his place opposite him an oddly shaped monks spade in hand. “Let the battle begin.†A drumbeat announced the beginning of the first match. “You think you can win?†Akira taunted as he began hopping back and forth like a boxer. “Victory is a state of mind.†The monk answered coolly. “State this.†Akira leapt forwards with a back round kick, followed closely by several leg sweeps. Kam easily blocked all of them with the shaft and began a counterstrike. However his wide sweeps had no effect on his agile opponent. “Come on, that all?†“Far from it.†Kam smiled and began a second assault. This time however he was like a different person entirely. His movements were quick and precise, it was all Akira could do to evade and block. He was surely different from Kensei even though they both used pole arms. Kensei used the pole arm as a range extension, by holding the base farthest from the point using half of it to strike for the most part.. Kam used it as an extension of his body by holding it in a more intermediate fashion. In other words, although it wasn’t significantly increasing his reach it was increasing the efficiency of movement noticeably. He could block a kick or punch with the shaft with certainty because it was a part of him not apart from him. This is also his weakness, Akira shifted his footing and stepped on the blade of the monks spade. Kam stopped dead, his head was close to the ground since his body followed through every motion of the monks spade like it was a part of his body, that made him open to locks that would otherwise be used on his arms or legs. It wasn’t too much but Akira made just enough time in to get in a stiff kick to the head. Kam fell backwards dropping his weapon. Akira stepped on it making sure it was securely. “That wasn’t too hard.†Akira gloated. “Not over yet.†Kam grabbed his weapon and pulled it out from under Akira’s foot. Another opening was made, Akira kicked him in the head again. Only this time Kam stood his ground and in spite of his bleeding head smiled again. “If I have to use everything I have to destroy this image then that shall be so.†He slammed the blunt end into the sand. His fighting aura had changed. The air around him seemed to be moving away in a light breeze. “Ha, this can be fun after all.†Akira readied himself again. Km began chanting to himself and closed his eyes. Akira cocked his head to the side and looked confused. Kam’s eyes suddenly snapped open. Fire began to envelope his pole arm. Akira stood in amazement. “He can use elements.†He thought silently. “Ready for round two?†Kam grinned. He swung his spade about leaving trails of fire in it’s wake. Akira dodged them as before, suddenly the fire still hanging in the air launched itself at him. He managed to evade but it was only just by a hair. Kam swept his blade towards his opponent wildly letting the fire do it’s work. Eventually, Akira collapsed from the exhaustion and wounds he received over the long battle. Kam walked over to him and looked down, he was breathing softly as if asleep. “It’s over.†“Yeah, it is over.†Akira shot up and wrenched the monks spade from Kam’s hands and tossed it across the room. “Won’t be letting you have that back.†Kam clenched his fists and attempted to throw a punch at Akira. He was too slow. Akira leapt in the air and kicked Kam in the head once more. This time when he fell he didn’t get up. His breathing slow and regular, Kam stayed there laid out in front of his fellows in defeat. Akira sighed heavily and dropped to his knees, the fight had taken just about as much out of him as he’d initially let on. Then the head monk began to clap for him “Excellent, I wasn’t sure anyone out here could beat Kam. I am sure now he needs more training to reach his place of enlightenment.†Akira got up with help from Huang. “Sorry, I can’t stand by myself. I was really surprised he could use the fire element. It threw me until I realized where I was.†“Where are you?†“The Temple of Fire as it’s called where I’m from. You supposedly use holy mediums that contain totemic souls. They allow you to draw power from the souls of gods or demons instead of the earth itself. Am I right so far?†Akira said contented with his fight. “That is correct. We here draw our power from the god of the sun. Kam is a prodigy, he was training to defeat a traitor that left our temple after learning all our secrets.†The monk said disdainfully. “I see. Would he happen to be named Genzuo?†Akira asked curiously. “Yes, that was his name.†the monk answered, a quizzical look plastered over his face. “So, would it bother any of you that I know exactly where he is and I’m going to kill him?†Akira asked. “Hm. I don’t mean to pry but this is a very interesting turn of events. How do you know and why are you after him?†The lead monk asked in return. “I am from Wei. He is among the five who took over less than a week ago.†Akira answered. “I saw of it in my visions. I wasn’t sure what to make of the messages, however now it makes sense.†The monk sighed. “You may stay the night if you wish. I hope you succeed in your quest.†“Thanks, I’m not one to turn down hospitality.†Akira grinned and nearly fell over. “I think I’ll need some time to get my strength back up. Kam slowly got to his feet and bowed as he left. “We didn’t even get to fight.†Huang complained as he helped Akira walk to his room. “Well, you still have time. We’ll leave tomorrow in the morning. So, I’ll have a whole day to heal.†Akira said softly. “Oh well, I think I’ll do that.†“Tell the others, I can’t in my condition.†Akira smiled and fell down on his sleeping mat. “Remember don’t do anything terribly stupid while I‘m out.†“Sure man.†Huang yawned. “Won’t do anything.†Over the next two days Akira stayed in his room. “What’re you doing?†Huang asked. “Agh!†Akira yelped as he fell over. “ Was meditating. Helps to concentrate on healing myself.†“You can’t heal faster just ‘cause you want to.†Huang said as if hee year old. “What’re you talking about?†Akira asked in confusion. “Of course I can, I do it all the time.†“Whatever.†Huang sighed. “I came to wake you up. We’re leaving.†“Thanks.†Akira said shortly. “Now, get out.†“The open road!†Kensei skipped along cheerily. “Great.†Jin coughed. “Don’t be so down on everything, it could be worse.†Kensei stopped and waited for the others to catch up. “Alright then. Where to next?†Akira asked. “And Huang is not leading.†“Okay, I think that there’s an old master living in that mountain range to the west of here.†Kensei said pointing to snowy peaks in the distance. “Sounds fine.†They all agreed. “Wait!†“Huh.†Akira turned to see Kam running after them. “My Master told me to follow you guys. I can help navigate, I know the patterns in the stars.†Kam huffed. “That’s great. We could always use help.†Huang clapped him on the back. “Thanks.†He slowly removed his hand and brushed off his shoulder. “Well, time doesn’t waste itself. I know for a fact it can’t drink. So let’s go.†Huang shouted. “That makes no sense whatsoever.†Kam replied confusedly. “Don’t mind him he’s really stupid.†Kensei whispered. “I heard that!†That's all for now I've been dividing my writing time three ways recently so don't expect any quick chapters. Hope you liked it.