One Last Hope for the Organization

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    This thread is for dedicated RPers please.
    Ok.. This came to my head a couple minutes ago. I'm hoping that there aren't any threads like this. I'm fairly certain there aren't.
    This kind of pairs with a theory i have that most likely isn't true.


    As long as Organization XIII members were active, there was one specific mission each had to complete. They had to find someone. Someone to carry on essence.
    Before the Organization members faded, they each sent their essence to another being. Along with sending essence, they sent their powers, memories, the power to use the voids, and a knowledge of knowing of a spell that will bring back the original Organization. This all remains dormant until the Organization feels certain that they will be able to return. Many years later, that time has come.

    Each Organization member spirit is in a soul of another being. This being is not a nobody. It is a somebody. The spirit can only act as a mentor in the mind of it's possessor. (example below in my Example post.)

    It is a goal of this "new organization" to revive the old one and then become part of the new Organization.

    On the opposite side of good vs. evil, Sora, Riku, Mickey, and Kairi are long deceased, and Roxas had attempted to revive the Organization, but ended up faded as well. Sora and the others sent their powers to protect the worlds. Now that this new power for the Organization exists, the power of all four keyblade wielders selects new keyblade weilders to carry out the mission to stop the newer members before the old organization comes back. If they come back, then there is no way certain that the worlds will stay in harmony as they have for years.


    0. All preset KH Roleplaying rules are also in play
    1. Only four characters max. 2 organization, 2 keyblade weilder.
    2. No Super-Love
    3. No Excessive Cussing

    4. Original Organization members don't specifically matter You won't play as the Oganization Member. The only thing from them that matters is that you can post what they are saying to your character, and it will be in a thought. And your character will have that power

    5. The Keyblade weilders can choose whoever they want to guide them. Note that Riku could guide all of them if you chose for him to guide you. Depends.

    5.5 - if more than one person picks Riku, You can only control Riku to speak within your mind, and your mind ONLY.

    6. I have the ability to kick someone out if need by these reasons would include
    -Disregard to my rules
    -Disregard to suggestions to improve overall Roleplay (such as content)
    -Being rude to other players
    -Inactivity for more than 7 pages(unless there are special circumstances)
    6.5 - I will give you three warnings, then you're out

    7. No Godmodding.
    8. If you don't read the rules, your fault.
    9. I may add new rules.

    10. If you get kicked out for being inactive, I will take care of your character, depending on who you are.

    10.1- If you are an inactive Organization character, then I will make your character a Nobody, in which a new Kh-vid player can recreate everything about the character except the name.
    10.2 - If you are an inactive Organization character and you are a nobody, then there is no hope for that character and that Organization member cannot be revived.

    11. I will announce when a character becomes inactive. If you are at your character limit, you may take that character if you wish. I jsut don't want to be play 60 different characters.

    12. This will not turn into a roleplay that says:

    Character 1:
    Hey! tell the guy with Roxas that Axel says "hi" ok. "Hey, Axel says hi to Roxas."

    Character 2:
    Tell him that Roxas says hi back.
    "Roxas says' hi back"

    13. Differentiate between you character's thoughts, actions, and speaking, with the person mentoring in though. (see below)
    14. If you didn't read the rules, it's REALLY your fault. :)
    15. Rule 9 should be here :P

    Characters are all OC

    New Organization Members Essence | Character's Name | User
    Xigbar: Artemus, OneSky_OneDestiny

    Lexaeus: Dustin, Rexyggor_theNewMember
    Zexion: Venzo, Haiena.Koinu
    Saix: Shawn, keybladewarrioroflegend
    Axel: Bubi Tsumimaro, Haiena.Koinu
    Demyx: Scott, Rexyggor_theNewMember
    Luxord: Rulod, Dexnail
    Marluxia: Kixa, Hillan
    Larxene: Kymari, cstar777

    New Keyblade Weilders
    Nick (Sleeping Lion)
    Luke Resse (Eon Light)
    Nina-Mi (Blackout Prizm)
    OC Form for Organization
    Organization Member's Essence:
    Secondary Power: (optional)

    OC Form for Keyblade Wielder
    Character's Essence:
    Primary Magic: Can use customized, or magic from the game. I'll consult.

    User: Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Name: Dustin
    Approximate Age: 26
    Appearance: Short Brown hair, Green eyes. Super Athletic build. Wears baggy black jeans, Brown boots, navy colored t-shirt, which is a little small so that it shows his muscles. About 6 ' 5". He also wears gloves that turn into his weapon, Gauntlets.
    Weapon: Gauntlets
    Organization Member's Essence: Lexaeus (power of Earth)
    Secondary Power (not as strong use. that's why it's secondary): Gravity
    Bio: Living a good life, Dustin was always more interested in his studies. He became known as a good researcher. When his world became attacked by heartless and was destrooyed, but he was able to travel to Traverse Town where he currently runs the hotel.

    User: Rexyggor_theNewMember
    Name: Scott
    Approximate Age: 19
    Appearance: Short dirty blond hair. Usually spiked up. Hazel Eyes. Where's a black and white plaid baseball cap. He wears a green t-shirt with a blue vest. He wears a blue and green plaid shorts, and white and black shoes.
    Weapon: Scythe
    Organization Member's Essence: Demyx (power of Water)
    Secondary Power: Temperature
    Bio: Living with his best friend Nick, on a world far away, the two continuously competed with each other. The simple life became complex when a rush of heartless attacked their world. Knowing that their world will eventually perish, the two fight Heartless side by side until the day that Demyx became present. He decided to part his seperate way.

    Name: Nick
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Medium-length Brown hair. Green eyes. Wears a mixture between maroon and navy. T-shirt. Maroon on top, changed to navy on the bottom. Black coat. Navy-colored jeans. Maroon shoes. A wrist brace which is white.
    Keyblade: Sleeping Lion
    Character's Essence: Kairi
    Primary Magic: A Valor-like form. where he can summon a Lionheart keyblade temproarily and use it to fight.
    Bio: Living with his best friend Scott, on a world far away, the two continuously competed with each other. The simple life became complex when a rush of heartless attacked their world. Knowing that their world will eventually perish, the two fight Heartless side by side. Nick received a keyblade, but did not know why. He thought that keyblades were just a myth. He continues to fight heartless alone, ever since that day that Scott disappeared.

    That's about it. If you are confused, PM me so I can fix soemthing as soon as possible

    Example Post:

    Dustin was sitting in the hotel lobby. He was reading a new book he just bought from the local book store. It seemed to prove very interesting for him, for he sometimes didn't notice there were customers wanting rooms. It was about old myths of the keyblade. He was alone in this long hallway. He just closed the book to rub his eyes. He'd been working all day. As he brought his hands up to his eyes he heard a voice It's time. Dustin looked around. Again, no one was there. Did I just imagine that? No. My name is Lexaeus. I am not a side-effect of Schizophrenia. I am a spirit, and I need your help. With that, Dustin listened intently to who this new visitor in his mind was...
  2. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Accepted! As long as the transformation is temproray when fighting and all.
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    User: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Shawn
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Saix's claymore
    Organization Member's Essence: Saix
    Secondary Power: can fly for short periods of time
    Bio: he first heard Saix's voice at age 10. Saix told him to construct a replica claymore. Shawn's mother heard him talking to Saix and thought he had an imaginary friend. Shawn told his mother about the adventures Saix told him about. his mother took him to a doctor. the doctor said he was perfectly sane. Shawn and Saix bonded and eventually became friends.

    is this good?
  4. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Yes, I really like that, good bio.
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: thank you. ^_^
  6. OneSky_OneDestiny Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 15, 2008
    Up ur butt! XD
    OC Form for Organization

    User: OneSky_OneDestiny

    Name: Artemus

    Age: 17

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: Xigbar's Rifles

    Organization Member's Essence: Xigbar

    Secondary Power: ???

    Bio: As pretty as she is, her parents never really cared about her. When she was 13, they had lost her in an amusement park and never went looking for her. That's the main reason why Xigbar chose her, she was a nobody at heart. And also because she thought like him, too. She was working and living at a kareoke bar when Xigbar found her, but Xigbar doesn't bother her.
  7. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    did you use the correct form?

    you're accepted
    secondary powers are optional. You can think of something if you want. Of course you automatically will obtain the power of Space.
  8. OneSky_OneDestiny Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 15, 2008
    Up ur butt! XD
    ok, thx for telling me that. I didn't know Xigbar's power was Space... THX!!!
  9. Hillan Moogle Assistant

    Jan 18, 2008
    Apperance:Like marluxia
    Weapon: Marluxias Scythe
    Essence: Marluxia
    secondray element: Can make clones of himself.
    Bio:Marluxias somebodys littlebrother, he didn't know he was Marluxias brother untill he was 12 years old, and marluxia did die in castle oblivion. He did got Marluxias powers and lives now in castle oblivion.
  10. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Good. Accepted
  11. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((Thank you for pointing out the link to the RP, I can be rather naive I guess you can say =< lol))

    User: Haiena.Koinu
    Name: Venzo
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Rapier
    Organization Member's Essence: Zexion, Member VI
    Bio: Truly both upon the world of Traverse Town. He was a beggar off the streets as long as he could remember. Due to his parents went missing and no one wanted him. Due to all the chaos from Heartless and other things. Venzo soon found himself losing himself to going mad in a sense. But not the sort that made him wish to kill everyone. But, the mad of fearing and dreading life and dealing with people. That was till, someone came and made him see in another way. Because of Bubi Tsumimaro, he learned to deal with people and to know to endure dealing with life...


    User: Haiena.Koinu
    Name: Bubi Tsumimaro
    Age: 23
    Above = Normal Form, Below = Demon Form
    Weapon: Two Sickles = images/LeinhartweaponsSkyth.jpg
    Organization Member's Essence: Axel, member VIII
    2nd Power: Bubi has a gift with being able to turn into a 6-tailed fox made from hot manga. (or lava seen it would not be under the earth now would it?)
    Bio: Truly born upon the world of Wonder Land. Though he never dare speaks about that fact, due to that he hates the world so much. When he lived upon the world, he was a knight who had to listen to the Queen of Hearts. Normally when not having to kill people or doing anything. Bubi would watch over the rose gardens, due to the fact he loved flowers... When Heartless started appears was when he finally found away to get away from the world to live up to a life he wanted... When he found himself in Traverse Town, he soon meet Venzo. Which their bonding turned to he agreed to look upon the boy as his own child.
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I can accept the first one, but leaxaeus is already taken.
  13. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((I see, sorry my eyes suck when it comes to reading type =< I will edit it so hang on...))


    ((I hope Axel is fine then ^^; ))
  14. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Yeah AXel is good. Sorry about that. Anyone wanna play on the keyblade side?

    If anyone feels the real need to start, then they can..
  15. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((There is no need to be sorry, I should have read everything 2 times like I normally do... When will the RP be ready to begin?))
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    User: Cstar7777
    Name: Kymari
    Age: 17
    Weapon: Duel Katana blades
    Organization Member's Essence: Larxene(Power of Electricity)
    Secondary Power: Alchemy
    Bio: Kymari never exactly had the brightest of friends. In fact, she only had 2 friends who both stole from stores to eat. After a while they got arrested and she was left alone by herself. She currently lives in Radiant Garden in an abandoned house.

    User: Cstar7777
    Name: Nina-mi(or just nina for short)
    Age: 15
    Keyblade: Blackout Prizm(left)
    Character's Essence: Riku
    Primary Magic: Firawindiga(fire and wind mixed together)
    Bio: Nina-mi is a quiet girl who lives on the Destiny Islands. She would always sit on the shore and watch the waves almost all the time. Very few of her friends actually sat with her but the rest of the time they were off exploring or catching up with school. She has a habit of collecting different sea shells.
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Yay! More Keyblades!

    We can start now if you wish! Since we have the majority of the organization
  18. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    User: Dexnail
    Name: Rulod Casio
    Age: 18
    Appearance: the one on the left :)
    Weapon: cards
    Organization Member's Essence: Luxord
    Secondary Power: (optional) able to make others slower
    Bio: Rulod life was always taking chances and play cards. When his father oppend up an Casino he got an job there as an card dealer.Eventually down the road he became an gambler making bets and winning money it was an great life for him. One day his mother died and his father got mugged and thrown into an river cause Rulods father owed an organization money. Through the will of his dead father he gained ownership of the casino and that made him become cold and only gave love to the games he played. With the darkness in his heart and the surroundings he grew up in he started to hear an voice.
  19. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I almost thought it was actually him.. accepted
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alrighty thank you i wanted somebody that would attract Luxord's essence :)
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