Or rather, last night after all the savory drama that we experienced and What?'s wonderful compliments I decided I wanted to be a better person and help to make the forum a better place. Okay I'm lying but while I was in the shower I did have an idea for something fun and not mean in any way. Which is odd because I usually have the most fun when it's at the expense of others. I'm a sadist, I know. BUT ANYWAY I decided I was going to look into doing something enjoyable for you guys with my talents. Once upon I time I tried to stream myself recording music for you guys, and it didn't go so well but still I had a nice group of members in the room and we had some fun. My new idea is to again stream music related things for you guys, but instead of me recording I would directly stream from my computer a selection of music (Some picked by me, some picked by you guys) that I would play live from my turn table. I can slow it down, speed it up, chop it up and do a bit of EQ. I can't say how often this would happen but I'd try to do around ten songs each time. Also, not all music will sound great on such a contraption, but as I said I am willing to take some recommendations. Tell me KHV, if I could make this work properly would you be interested?
What? never complimented me. Except when he didn't want us complimenting him on msn and as a quick getaway he started complimenting us. Other than that though no compliments.
I would be down for this. And after seeing speak of alcohol, I will be drinking during these sessions for everybody.
When Mike's not being Roxas or praying to Brittany Spears he bar-tends. Codeine, Sprite and a Jolly Rancher will make it the most enjoyable experience ever.