8:30 PM and it's not completely dark yet, it's almost summer holy crap <33. ...yes I am completely sick and tired of school.
I just want to find a job and dwindle my summer away making cash and fighting Nobodiesled by a guy who looks like a ginger Sonic the Hedgehog to pay for a trip to the beach that I'll never get to.
I know what you mean! I was just thinking that myself. It's 7:25 for me and it's still light out. ~ Happinessss.
I miss the snow. Thankfully it gets really rainy down here during the summer. Lolz. Sun shine state my butt.
I'm glad I'm out of school, school was such a ***** for me, my teachers weren't very nice to me or my older bro so I'm glad I'm out of that hell hole.^ ^