Ok, some of you know that I am training and studying to be an archaeologist, for those of you who don't know, well now you do =P Anyways, I was just doing some work, and I found a worked piece of flint D: its a real beauty D: I completely spazzed and pretty much screamed because it is a huge ****ing deal for the site it has come from omg Ok I have to go home now, but I'll take photos later to show anyone who is interested. omg D:
training to be an archaeologist, thats cool! Flint, I have heard that before somewhere.... I cant remember where, could you take a pic of it and show me?
I was aware of that. I'm somewhat an archaeologist. I collect trilobites for fun. have 26 different species so far.
Post pictures, kay? Also, what kind of site makes it so deprived that a piece of flint is the most spectacular thing ever?
Good job finding a big hunk of worthless rock. ... Just kidding. Good for you. I'd like to see pictures anyway.