I found 3 shiny pokemon in one night. I love my game. 1- Shiny Gloom 2- Shiny Articuno OMG FFFFF- 3- Shiny hoppip
[highlight]I have never encountered a shiny, in all my years of playing. Were you chaining?[/highlight]
Actually, I just went to catch the Articuno because I wanted it. It's my favorite bird pokemon c: Then I went to train my charmander, and I was training for about an hour and found a shiny hoppip. Then I went to train my charmander on a different route, and I was training for much longer this time and found a shiny gloom c: There's like a 1/8000 somethin' chance of finding one. Except red gyrados. That's a freebie c:
I haven't bothered with the Red Gyarados yet, haven't had to fight him. I'm still trying to beat Red. I really want a Squirtle.
My average pokemon level is a lot lower than Red's, I need to train. I beat Pikachu in one hit, then his Blastoise murdered me.