I'm actually going to change it this week because I have never actually played a Metroid game. And yes, I know I should at some point and probably will. But that's for another thread at some other point: So what do you prefer, the old games of exploration but still side-scrolling? Or do you prefer the new FPS view and more exploration? Do you like the silent or new very talkative Samus? Why?
I don't have a preference. I jumped into Metroid late, but it's still one of my favorite series. The 2D Games have amazing replay value and exploration, while the 3D Games have good difficulty and fun mechanics.
In my opinion, I prefer the old Metroid games. The ones now are alright, but I prefer the 2d side scrolling Metroid over the new FPS Metroid games.
The old ones. The Primes are good, but I like the side-scrollers more. As for Samus I' d rather keep her mute and alone. It' s just like Zelda, the more pretense of a story they try to cram the more linear the game has to be. Fusion was just ridiculous in that regard, most of its map was event-locked. That one secret message aside, the game kept preventing us to stray in any way from the path Nintendo had in mind. Zero Mission and Other M didn' t push control that far, but they were still very rigid. Look, the exploration is the story, just crash her ship somewhere for a reason I couldn' t care less about and let the backgrounds and the action do the talking. Story emerging from world rather than world emerging from story.
I freaking love Prime, and the only side-scrollers I played were Fusion and (for a little bit) Super Metroid. I love both just about equally. They offer differing excellent experiences. I just didn't care for when Samus got a voice and convoluted story in Other M. Haven't played it, but I don't have much desire to from what I've seen/heard.
i like both quite a lot. i loved Super Metroid so much, the exploration and ending were really awesome. i really didn't like the Metroid Prime games, i couldn't really get into them. but Other M, i LOVED that game as well. i like what they did with Samus and the gameplay was true to the 2d while evolving it in a way that felt right. there were a few nitpicks with that game such as limited exploration and stupidest reason for Samus to lose her powers. but overall, i really liked Other M.
Look, all I care about are Metroidvanias. If one of the constituent parts of that very term produces a game that isn't a Metroidvania, I'm probably not gonna play it. Somehow, they made a 3D Metroidvania work - from a first-person perspective. That is amazing, whether you personally care for it or not. But it's definitely not a departure from the standard formula, just the standard delivery. Far as I'm concerned there's no division; they're all Metroid, they're all great, and I need to play more of them because I have only played Fusion and like half of Prime and that's a tragedy.
I have played every single Metroid game excluding Prime Hunters for the DS. Both have goods and bads. The 2-D was decent being that it was simply and the boss battles were well done for a 2D environment. But the games were short and the stories I did not find all that great. For the 3D games otherwise known as the Prime series and Other M, they were challenging and the story was rather good. The ideas were able to explode with the 3D environments and such. The only thing I found unappealing were some of the bosses. They just weren't worth while. Other M however I found that they were, personally Other M is my favorite Metroid, yes you can hate me for it. But all in I prefer the new Metroid.