Square-Enix Old vs. New: Final Fantasy

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sara, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Since the last one seemed popular, which do you guys prefer, the old Final Fantasy games or the new ones? And when would you say you stopped losing interest if old. Or is it both?

    I would have to say old, the storylines seemed spectacular and grand. World exploration was an adventure just waiting for you and the leveling system was extremely simple. I would say I officially lost interest in XII, but now I can't play through after VII, so it's a toss up.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    It is hard yo say for me. I love both VII and XIII, which are on different ends of the scale for old vs new. I love the story of.xiii but the older games have better game play. Story has always been pretty good. But I would say older games have better reply value. So I would have to go with older
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That's a pretty hard choice. I haven't played X(and, by extension, X-2) but I've played XII, XIII, XIII-2, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Duodecim, and Type-0(the demo only but I know everything about the full game). Those would be the only new Final Fantasy games I've played. The only old one I've played is FFI's remake on the PSP and FFVII.

    Recently with XIII, the game was way too linear. It didn't feel like you were exploring the world. You were just teleporting to set locations and working your way through. XIII-2 was better about this and was overall a good Final Fantasy game. It wasn't perfect or even great, but it was good. Type-0 on the other hand felt like a modern take on an old school Final Fantasy and it was amazing because of this.

    It's funny that a lot of people complain about XIII's combat system and say that the game "plays itself" and all you need to do is mash X when you don't even have to play the game like that. You could get through most Final Fantasy games by mashing one button. It just took longer.

    People whine about action RPGs and how they shouldn't be in a main-numbered Final Fantasy game. Those people need to be smacked. It's not a bad thing to be immersed in the game's combat. I don't like stats deciding whether or not my character will dodge, especially if it's a partially turn-based game(*cough*XII*cough*). Type-0's combat was very well done and even with 14 characters they all played very differently with the main character, Machina, acting like your "good at everything" solution to every scenario the game could throw at you...excluding many story missions because he liked vanishing a lot.

    Anyways. I like turn-based combat but I don't find it nearly as fun as action RPGs. Final Fantasy is getting closer and closer to having a main-numbered title being one and I really hope we do see an action RPG. Perhaps that'll be FFXV. Unless Versus is retitled to that in which case I'll be happy.

    tl;dr: I prefer the newer games.
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I played FF I, II and III just once, out of curiosity, they' re too basic for me to really enjoy them.

    I' m not a big fan of the straight line fiesta the series delivered lately either (X/XIII), even less of the Paradigm **** (XIII), but I have no problem with FF XII. Its airship are really teleport devices and we can see the monsters on the map, but the game is pretty much a ginormous world map. Want to go there or fight X, even though the game makes it really obvious you' re not remotely supposed to do that now ? By all means knock yourself out. I spent dozens of hours at the begining of the game fighting dinosaurs, morbols and elementals with Vaan alone, ignoring what I was supposed to do and instead going everywhere else, farming rare items along the way. Because why not ? None of the old school FF gave us that much freedom from starters, or at all really.

    I haven' t played XI or XIV, but they' re clearly branded as MMOs so ... do they really count ?

    FF XII aside, it seems to me SE doesn' t know what to do with the main series anymore, However Four Warriors of Light and Bravely Default are proof that old school turn-based games reusing previous FF tropes (jobs, chocobos etc ...) are still very much alive, SE just stopped labeling those as numbered Final Fantasy. Lost Odyssey also looks awfully like an unofficial FF to me, too bad it probably won' t ever have a sequel.

    As for the levelling system, the more complex it is and the more freedom to customize it gives the happier I am.

    Those people (I' m one of them) aren' t saying A-RPGs are bad, I like both action and turn-based RPGs, they' re saying two things :

    - One genre doesn' t have to shun the other out. A-RPGs are just as old as turn-based RPGs (*cough*Secret Of Mana*cough*), both have co-existed for years and I like it that way, I don' t expect to grow tired of either of them anytime soon.

    - Call me crazy, but when I order a croissant I don' t expect my baker to sell me a baguette and pretend nothing' s wrong. Yes, I like baguettes, but that' s beside the point. I like KH, but asking the series to become turn-based wouldn' t cross my mind in a million years.

    I don' t mind SE making action FF spin-offs (CC, Type 0), hell, I want them to, but I still don' t want the main numbered series to stop being turn-based.
  5. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    and everything after FFX wasn't enjoyable to me, like at all. I played 40 hours of FFXIII and just gave up after being stuck on a boss fight. When the combat isn't fun, nothing really feels right. And the story didn't drive the game for me. I don't know, I hope they improve in the next few years. ALSO Why the hell do you make FFXI and FFXIV a numbered entry in the series. I don't think any of the core Final Fantasy gamers ever wanted that. Also what's with all the sequels. I always liked Final Fantasy for being their own games with minor similarities. I don't know the old games always fealt more polished to me and I was able to connect more to their characters. So yeah, old games, by far and not because of Nostalgia, I played most of the older games after playing those 40 hours on FFXIII
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Btw... if you want this to continue, I need ideas for old games that continue until today. It can be major changes to the games, or small, but they have to be old games from the 1980's to the 1990's that continue on today. Thanks, send me a PM and I'll credit you. I already have a few, so if you send one I already was planning, I'll let you know.
  7. Cloud4012 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 19, 2011
    I've played all of them and I personally like the old ones more than the new ones
  8. Vagineer Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2013
    Yongen-Jaya, Japan
    The old ones are better than the new ones in my opinion. The stories are fantastic, the gameplay was brilliant and the characters are lovable...
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Numbered Final Fantasy games I've played: IV, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2
    Spin-Off Final Fantasy games I've played: Dissida 012[Duodecim], Dirge of Cerberus

    I definitely prefer the older games (which I consider to be ones made by Squaresoft, not Square-Enix) They had so much personality to them, with vivid worlds to explore (X not quite as much), epic battles against optional bosses, and just the right mix of serious situations with humorous ones, to name a few things they did right. XIII and its sequel both seem far more interested in looking cool than actually being substantial games to me.
  10. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I don't have a preference other than disliking X and XII. Besides those two, I don't have favorites.
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    I honestly like X's story more than any other Final Fantasy I've played (so far,) which is why I forgive it being pretty linear.
  12. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    I must agree, X had the best story out of the ones I played, they omitted the world map and that obviously makes the game a bit more linear, but I feel it didn't take away anything from the experience, being able to change out characters while in battle is a HUGE plus, I have no clue why they didn't do that earlier and the Sphere Grid is probably the best leveling system out there.
  13. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Aw jeez don't make me do the whole spiel again I went crazy in the one thread

    I always used to identify the "old vs. new" argument as "pre-Sony vs. post-Sony," where VI and VII were the last of the former and the first of the latter, respectively. And in that argument I'd always unflinchingly say, both. I love nearly every game I've played in the series up to X, and I even regard some of the more universally disliked spinoffs fondly. But now I feel like XII and beyond, when Squaresoft became Square Enix, represent a distinct third era - one which, as I've detailed at length before, doesn't hold up subjectively or even objectively from my point of view. XII itself was a great idea marred only slightly by executive meddling... That and I personally didn't get into it due to certain mechanics, but I don't exactly hold that against it. And XIII... Well, I've said enough about that game to last a lifetime. I have started to miss the old days - even the ones I didn't experience until much later.