For this week, we're going to a really interesting game that defines nuclear wasteland: Fallout. So, what do you enjoy? The old games that were more of a point and click, relying more on your stats that leaned way more heavily on a rpg aspect than your skills with aiming, with off the wall humor, and the ability to make the smartest person on the planet or the dumbest depending on how you want to play, with a boss who at the end either was brutally hard or a piece of cake depending on how you used your stats? Or the new ones, where it is a First-Person shooter, less of the off the wall humor, much more expanded storyline, easier shooting stats, but has less of an rpg element, less effect with your stats where you are still the same with most stats, easier final bosses no matter which route, and a less personal stake without hundreds of people depending on you that you know? I actually enjoyed Fallout 3, but there's something about Fallout the original that calls me back constantly. It's one of the most frustrating games I ever played, but the most addicting. I love the challenge and different ways of playing the game even without the stats being different. The decision making is much deeper in my opinion than the other games, and it affects a lot more people. I love Fallout 3, but the original ones win this round.
Fallout modern. Both Fallout 3 opened me to an FPS that involved a lot more of gameplay than just running and gunning. It combined stealth, puzzle, adventure, RPG, open world and so on. It offered a new way to savour gunplay, since you didn't actually have to shoot every target in the world. I really love the series, so I thought i'd play the original game, bought them both and loaded it up. I was left feeling like I was in a very.... slow time warp. I can say clearly, I hate RPG games where you are required to play a certain style, increase certain stats and so on to make the game winnable. If I can't choose how I want to play an RPG game where I want to play a specific role, charming hostage takers to give up and turn themselves in, run into the room with a giant hammer bashing skulls in, or sneak your way into the back to untie the hostages, or hack turrets used by the hostage takers to turn them against their masters. That's a really good open world RPG in my mind, and the first Fallout felt less like a choice to what you want to do and more of a way to push you towards following the path to success whilst any other path leads to failure.
Actually, Fallout original you can do that. Hell, the final boss, you can choose between nukes, convincing him to kill himself, or kicking the door down and killing everyone on sight. This is given as an option through the whole game depending on your stats, and you can even raise the stats as time goes on even though the main traits: Intelligence, strength, charisma, etc... Doesn't change. I always wanted to do one where I had a 1 Intelligence and a 10 Charisma and very high speech to see what would happen. Fallout has consequences for being "evil". but doesn't outright punish you except refuse access to certain areas for your actions. The endings change depending on your decisions made in the game. But I digress, we have different opinions on old and new games. =3 The original Fallout will always be a classic for me, especially the ending.