For me personally, I would rather drive a new car since it would last longer. Although, I have always loved older cars since there were unique colors, shapes, etc. that aren't used anymore. A "new" old car, having been revamped and such would be a great collectors item though.
Some new cars are a hella lot better than old ones, and vice versa. For example, the Honda del sol is an amazing new car. Just like some old Mustang's or Cadillac's might be better than old Volvo's or Ford Taurus'. personally, the newer car's are way cooler simply because they are shiny. I do like 1990 Mazda's but still. xD Also be aware that newer car's are pretty much better functionally and from a technical standpoint, are far more advanced. lol Plus they're shiny. . . o-o
I love both but newer cars are better, there has been some good classic cars (like hotrods) and crappy ones (like the skyline) but there has been lots of cool cars recently also (like the ferrari, Lamberguni, Diablo, Camaro and so on) and some bad ones (like the Toyota iQ Mini Car)
Like the Dodge Challenger. 8D That car's badass. I like both. New cars are all slim and...well...they can go faster. >8D Old cars can take a beating and just look nicer...sometimes.