I recently started listening to bands I haven't heard in a while and some bands that are no longer around or together and it made me think why did I decide to start listening again. Well to be honest I think its because I was running out of decent songs to find seeing how almost everything these days if it isn't in rock, pop or that faker stuff then its an Drum and Base remix. Have you recently started re-listening to any old bands or musicians and do you have a reason why that you can think of?
Ironically I have lately been listening to bands such as Roxette a lot again, as well as Fleetwood Mac and Meatloaf to name a few. I don't really know why, except that they take me back to being a kid and they always seem to cheer me up or get me motivated. xD plus I always find that I scream at the top of my voice along with the older songs more than newer ones coming out in the music industry today.
That's usually why I'd listen to older music (or that I enjoy it, but that's rare <_>). Just for the nostalgia of it. I like to remember thinking that those songs are the coolest thing in the world and that I was so awesome for liking them.
I've recently been listening to some Hoobastank. I know they aren't THAT old, but yeah. I stopped listening to them while ago, and then one of their songs came on shuffle. System of a Down is another one I can name.
I started listening to Greenday again, actually. Those guys were awesome back in the day. Oh, and Nickelback, too. I used to be total NB freak back in elementary school, but I stopped listening to them for a while.
Nirvana, Metallica, Chicago(f*ck yes), ehh...and 3 Door Down(not old but it's been awhile). I'm kinda addicted to Smells Like Teen Spirit and 25 or 6 to 4 right now. :3 Some older bands are just "better" because most didn't completely abuse distortion. *Hugs my Metallica songs* 8D Acoustic-ness!
I enjoy listening to Metallica and some others. I like the way Metallica says their stuff and the melody of their music. Whenever I hear one of their songs I usually always enjoy it.
Recently? Man, I hardly listen to anything other than old music! Like Catch the Rain said, Roxette is an example, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath(my personal fav), Metallica, Blondie, Pink Floyd, etc, etc.