How long does it usually take for you to do something, make a new page, and find out that things are being stupid and you just want to tear it apart? Because that's been the last 2 hours for me today just trying to do my "About Me" page for Wednesday. Hell, I still have to somehow put in a paragraph about myself, which I gave up on doing third-person for even it seemed like the best idea. Now I still need to figure out how to put my picture and contact info, and if I'm going to put in a contact form where to put that. You know the best part? I decided to do this in Dreamweaver because I thought it'd be fun, but apparently one of the department heads for the Digital Media course I'm taking teaches a class later on and he makes it a necessity to use Muse for the's not fair, I like working with code, even if it's a giant pain at times