I'm getting my PSP fixed soon, and I need a new game to get. Now, there are two that I want more than the others, but I can't really decide. The choices are Dissidia 02 [duodecim] Final Fantasy or Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai. And don't tell me to get Custom Firmware. I tried and that's why it broke >.>
it broke because you hacked it? well then you did something wrong but I'd say Dissidia. Shin Budokai was all right.
only DBZ games worth your time: B3, BT2/3, IW any others (haven't played any on ps3 or 360 yet) aren't worth your time and money. how do you break a PSP while hacking it? It's like just copy/pasting some files.
Even I don't know. i did that, then I plugged it into my PC, and the screen turned off, then the PSP wouldn't turn on again. It can still charge though, so meh.
Well, unless you hate fun and don't like playing good games, I recommend Dissidia 012 over Shin Budokai. I got about 170 hours in on Dissidia before I got bored to the point where I rarely play it anymore. I had the sequel to Shin Budokai, whatever it was called I don't remember, and kept it for about a month before getting rid of it.
I'd go with Dissidia 012 (if you have the original Dissidia and wanna get Dissidia 012, just sell the original, unless you still want to keep the original one)
Go with Dissidia012, at least with that you can play with final fantasy characters and have fun fights against Sephiroth XD
Now this I agree with. Man BT3 is badass just because it has almost all the characters in it, yet BT2 have a better soundtrack and a better story mode than BT3. Basically both of those games are plain and simple badass. Too bad they won't get a HD collection douncha agree?
On the whole I'm against anything getting a HD remake, though there are some exceptions. We really don't need remakes of them anyway, because from what I have heard, Raging Blast (I think that's what it's called) is more or less a remake of the BT series anyway, and that did quite well on its own from what Ive herd. I heard the first game sucked but that the 2nd one was fantastic. I haven't played either though.
If that's what happened, it had absolutely nothing to do with you trying to hack it. It was probably just a weird coincidence.