This is my last summer free, and I'm spending the first part of it working (hopefully oh my god) or being glued to my PS3. BUT In August Fayt will be coming here and we're going to Florida for Star Wars Celebration VI and then after that spend a few days at Disney. Except I have no idea what Disney is like anymore because I haven't been there in over ten years? So yeah have any of you been there recently/fairly recently, what are the best places to go, etc. help please
STAR TOURS and the mexican boat ride /the only things I remember from Disney I last went uhhh... seven years ago?
I've never been there personally, but I have family who live in Florida and they are always telling me that Universal Studios is a great park. Lots to do and lots to see.
go to epcot. it's this huge city it's like amazing. here's a picture: It stands for Experiment Prototype Community of Tomorrow. it's whack.
Oh god, I just went to Disney this past August. Definitely go to Hollywood (formerly MGM) Studios, if only for Star Tours, The Twilight Zone and The Rock'n Roller Coaster. I also recommend Space Mountain. My friend and I wasted three sets of Fast Passes on it for our one and only day in Magic Kingdom. It was totally worth every second~
We'll have so much Star Wars in the span of a week it's going to be fantastic omfg But oh yeah, didn't they just revamp Star Tours? Or was that only the one in California? mexican boat ride sounds vague enough for me to find thank you Ah yeah I love Universal, I've been there more recently and I think we're going to try to go there too if time/money permits. i'll go atlantis right after this it'll be great .....How many parks are in Disney now oh my lord
not counting the water parks, there's: Epcot Magic Kingdom Hollywood Studios Animal Kingdom And then there're places like the piers outside the Dolphin and the Swan hotels (I've stayed there before, and it is fancy), little clubs that you can get to on buses and all this other stuff. Still, you two should plan out everything that you want to do beforehand~
I heard something to that effect but I dunno which it was or what came of it. AS FOR THE MEXICAN BOAT RIDE, it is in Epcot in the Mexico area. It's hilarious and horrifying and just... ahhhh. The Mexico area isn't very large so it should be pretty simple to find. (This is assuming that Mexico has not changed in 7 years) (not the real Mexico)
yup they revamped star tours in both cali and florida! i'm going to disney for the 6th time in july yeeeeeee ^ 0 ^
hm okay but I feel like after C6 everything will not be as cool as it (would you like me to take pictures for you btw) HILARIOUS AND HORRIFYING sounds like something I would enjoy. From what I remember it was fun you should go one day Oh man okay, definitely gonna check it out then. nothing quite like going to Florida in the dead of summer will google that in a minute HOLY **** YEAH OKAY GOING TO THAT FOR SURE >terror >high drops nope.avi
Fayt said he went to that one I think, apparently it's not...too bad? I hope you get to go one day soon though ;~;
I haven't been there since I was 10 wow But if you do end up going to Magic Kingdom you should totally go on the Toy Story ride its like this 3-D shooter thing and I heard its fun. Of course go on Space/Splash/Thunder Mountains. OH! Yeah, I believe my brief stint living in Florida they have a 3 ticket thing for Universal/Sea World/ and Wet and Wild, it might of changed but yeah there's that. If you do go to Universal Studios you have to go to the side where they have the Harry Potter park I mean it's Harry Potter.
Everything I read something along the lines of "I haven't been to Disney World in # years," I can't help but think, "you poor thing. We should start a charity for you." Then I realize how sarcastic I'm being and I realize my roommate is right. I am a bad person.